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Written by Jdebro

Paratek Exoarmor are suits of armor that are worn by paramilitary forces, law enforcement, military forces, and non-military groups throughout the realms of Aretz. They are armor technology powered by paranormal phenomena, allowing it to have functions that would be outside of conventional exosuits. Developed by highly talented inventors within certain nations of Aretz, paratek exoarmor has become standard-issue usage for various tasks involving preternatural phenomena.
Paratek exoarmor uses a triple canopy layering system of protection: exoarmor shielding, exoarmor plating with fortification, and a self-repair function. This triple layer system is powered by the paranormal energies that are present within the armor itself.
  Exoarmor Shielding
The first layer is the paratek shielding that provides protection against paratek weaponry, hazardous environments, and resistance against hostile paranatural phenomena in varying degrees. Paratek shielding, also called Paratek barriers, are projected from the armor directly through emitters placed within several layers of the armor, and activate by covering the user during dangerous situations. This also allows users to wear the armor without fear of knocking away objects while not in combat, such as simply sitting in a chair.
    Exarmor plating and fortification 
The second layer is the composite plating exoarmor itself that providing protection for areas such as the chest and head, accompanied by lightweight yet highly durable non-porous composite cloth that gives flexibility for regular movement. The exoarmor ablate to any incoming damage to the wearer should the source be from either directed paratek weaponry or certain paranormal attacks. One function within the exoarmor is called fortification, which utilizes the paranormal energies of the armor combined with the paramatrix nature of the exosuit to create a “forcault-current”, or a paranormal field that can immobilize paratek fire. This field enforces the exosuit to provide greater resistance than hostile impacts that would the armor may not withstand, although it does not render the user immune. This field last as only as there is energy within the armor, and drains faster if hit with greater impacts.
The last protective layer is the built-in self-repair function that activates upon the armor and barrier failing. The self-repair works to repair any damage given to the armor, restoring any damage done while allowing sealing up any physical wounds that the user receives. This self-repair is paranormal in design that staunches minor wounds and plug holes in the exoarmor. Wearers are not always fond of the slight nauseous feeling they get with the self-repair system, but many consider it a major tradeoff for the decrease in possible fatalities. The self-repair system is not foolproof as forces or impact that are greater than what the exoarmor can withstand will exhaust the self-repair, leaving the wearer in danger if they do not retreat. If exhausted, the armor must either be jumpstarted to begain repairs quickly or users must wait for a set time before the exoarmor is functional again (unless it is ruined beyond repair or restoration).


Exoarmor is primarily used against paranormal phenomena that are more dangerous such as vicious monsters and hostile empowered forces. It is not uncommon for exoarmored units to be called in whenever empowered individuals are involved, such as Maelstrom rogues and hostile mages.
Access & Availability
Exoarmor is very much available across most of the powerful nations of Aretz, with access ranging from non-combat purposes to combat purposes. It is standard issue for military forces to have exoarmor, with stronger variants being given to special forces. Various mercenary bands and private forces also make extensive use of exoarmor as apart of their equipment. Exoarmor is also used for civilian uses to allow researchers to access more hazardous environments, deep-water expeditions, etc. These civilian variants are not used for combat purposes. Law enforcement groups make use of exoarmor to face more dangerous cases such as hunting criminal groups with access to high-yield firepower.


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