BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Jdebro


Ranger Vocations are specializations that Rangers can choose to learn according to their skills and capabilities that he or she possesses. These disciplines take the training Rangers have to greater levels, equipping them with knowledge and techniques to make them the elite among Rangers. Some disciplines are restricted to Rangers with supernatural abilities, as those specializations are tailored for their usage.
    Ranger Vocations
  • Tempest Rangers: Tempest Rangers specializes in harness their powers to generate primal/elemental powers in combat and in non-combat situations. Tempest Rangers, or simply Tempests, can perform a vast number of effects using their powers to do so. Much like Sages, Tempest Rangers can make fearsome scorching weaponry, become a living whirlwind, etc.
  • Essence Rangers: Essence Rangers are rangers who possess the powers related to the Spirit and Soul much like an Essence Sage, but are tailored for the ranger. Essence rangers can use their powers to heal allies, use anti-magic effects, etc. Essence rangers tend to be straight-laced than other rangers, although that doesn’t mean they won’t fight like an ranger when needed.
  • Ghost Rangers: Ghosts Rangers, or simply Ghosts, are rangers who are top masters of stealth, concealment, ambush, misdirection, and advanced unconventional warfare. While any ranger can conduct stealth, Ghosts advance stealth techniques to whole new levels. Ghosts can strike from the shadows seamlessly, create very convincing decoys, inspire terror into their targets, and turn their environment into a weapon. Ghost rangers imbued with powers take these abilities to even greater heights.
  • Pathfinder: Pathfinders are rangers who are master trackers and explorers who are capable of finding paths that even elite rangers may not locate. Pathfinders are also able to make paths that allow those with them to move forwards beyond what seems impossible.



In order for a Ranger to qualify for one of the advanced vocation, the candidate must first show a willingness to train to achieve advanced training. They also must show potential for any of the ranger vocations, especially for the empowered vocations that require supernatural power. The candidate show also show respect for the faith of Adonailym, and not practice any form of magic in any way. Once the candidate has met the requirements, the candidate will receive access to training for any of the vocations they desire to learn.


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