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Written by Jdebro


Sage vocations are the more focused professions that sages can undertake, containing greater depths of power and knowledge. These vocations allows sages to expand their capabilities much farther, enabling them to perform different techniques and feats related to that vocation. They also receive more advanced combat training in various martial arts and supernatural warfare. Sages can also learn multiple vocations or take different techniques from one vocation to further increase their own capabilities.

  • Knightsage: Knightsages are sages who have the same combat training that knights receive, used in conjunction with the powers that they wield. Unlike regular knights, Knightsages do not have to undertake the same oaths that the knight orders swear to. Unless that individual wishes to do so. Knightsages are trained to learn how to take command of an entire battlefield and different situations if warranted.
  • Krav Sage: Krav Sages are sages who are extensively trained in different forms of martial arts, including the native martial arts of the nation of Gershon. Also called Battlesages and Combat sages, they are considered masters of combat among sages as they combine their wisdom with their proficiently in combat. They also merge their martial training with advanced knowledge of supernatural warfare, giving them an alarming edge in those fields.
  • SageCloak: SageCloaks are sages who have been trained to use their powers for invisibility, misdirection, and infiltration. They use their powers in conjunction with training in unconventional warfare/combat to follow targets, gather information, enter hidden establishments, sabotage, etc.
  • Kineticist: Kineticists are sages who are adept in energy and force projection for a wide array of purposes. While any other vocation can manipulate energy, Kineticists have a more deeper understanding of such phenomena that allows them to performs feats of power that other do not.
  • Visioneer: Visioneers are sages who are capable of seeing into the divine realms on levels that most sages do not, enabling them to have a deeper perception on various subjects. They often have deep insights on events, locations, person(s), and objects that enables them to understand times and seasons.
  • Sacred Keeper: Sacred Keepers are sages who are dedicated to guarding over sacred relics and locations to ensure that they are not misused. They use their powers to ensure that anything scared to the faith of Adonailym is secured from unjust intentions.
  • Elemental Minister: Elemental Ministers are sages who adhere to the faith of Adonailym, and have the calling of ministering to the elemental realms. They work to implore the denizens of the elemental realms to remember who their Creator is. Unlike mages, elemental ministers do not use magics nor spellcraft for their powers. Instead, they are imbued with powers in the same manner as other sages.
  • Essence Sage: Essence Sages are imbued with the powers related to the realms of spirit, soul, mind, and body. They use their powers to often heal various issues that affect the entire essence of a being, undo the effects of magics related to essence, etc.



The qualifications for learning the advanced sage vocations are that the candidate must have been a sage for at least 6 months, and proven to not have practiced magic at any time. Their faith in Adonailym must also be verified through their actions. The candidate must also show a willingness to learn the desired vocation(s), and show an aptitude for that vocation in some way. Once these qualifications are met, the candidate can receive the training necessary to learn their desired vocation(s).
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Sep 6, 2024 21:15 by TJ Trewin

This is a really comprehensive profession article and I love how you've described the different vocations!

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