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SILDROS (Sil-d-ros)


Sildro (meaning “glowing filers”) are a kind of flying saura that live in the lands bordering the Sarton Kingdom, who are well known by all peoples for their ability to glide in the air using special “wings” attached to their mid-sections. They received their name due to the fact that their wings contain the unusual ability to emit light, causing Sildros to glow whenever they please.

Basic Information


Sildros are well-known for their ability to glide long distances using their wing-like membranes that are attached to the sides of their bodies, given further support by thoraic ribs that help generate lift. Gliding is used for traveling long distances throughout their habitant, and to escape dangers posed by predators and barbarians. Sildros arch their backs while in flight, using their limbs to control the trajectory.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sildros have the unusual ability to communicate with each other by generating strobe lights using their wings, flapping in different patterns that make different light colors. This is is used to communicate to each other for mating, warning of dangers, traveling, etc. It is not fully known how Sildros are able to do this, but explorers & scholars have theorized that Sildros have been affected by events connected to the Veil somehow.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sildros have no fear of anyone from Pharas, Sarton, or even Zarcas as they know that none of these who ever do unnecessary harm to them. Sildros freely make their presence known to them, and often are quite helpful to groups. Sildros are notorious for antics targeted at bandits, pirates, raiders, and barbarians. These antics include setting stockpiles on fire with their lights, disorienting them with blinding lights, tricking them into falling in mud pits, dropping rocks upon them while gliding in the air, and other acts of mischief. These antics by Sildros drive these infamous groups crazy, either forcing them to relocate or make failing attempts to harm them. Barbarians hunting parties are the main victims of Sildro antics.
Conservation Status
Sildros are not hunted at all by hunting parties due to how hard it is to catch one, and how harmless they are. Plus, they can be very elusive whenever they wish to be, making difficult for predators to catch them to where they just give up. Plus, their strobe lights can be used to disorient even the most skilled hunters. Because of this, huntes often do not bother hunting Sildros at all. Barbarian hunters are the only exception, as they attempt to hunt Sildros for their rituals. They have not been successful in any way, however.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 2, 2023 05:43 by Brian

I really enjoyed reading about the Sildros. Very creative little creature. I especially liked how you used the prompt. I can imagine a couple of them flapping their wings and certain colors strobing to show different communiques. A very creative concept and one that reminds me of like fireflies but much cooler. Also like the fact that they are tricksters like faeries in that regard. No need to protect the species because they are so hard to catch. Like a really cool thing and can only imagine the frustration someone would have when trying to get one and just keep getting water poured on them or something. Ha ha very nice job!

Amateur Writer Professional (Lifelong) DM Your Averge Guy "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." Stephen King
Aug 3, 2023 13:00 by James Debro

Glad you enjoyed the article. Honestly, this one was something I took a bit more time on initially as I wanted to take something from the natural world & give an unique spin on.

Aug 7, 2023 23:49 by Marjorie Ariel

I really like that the sildros use their powers to stop bandits and pirates. It seems to me, then, that they have developed good relationships with the people whomever they are protecting from the bandits, as the article implies that they don't play tricks on all humans this way. I'd like to know more about this symbiotic relationship developed. I'd also love to see if, a few generations from now, they were domesticated, similar to how the irl domestication of cats started with a symbiotic relationship with wild cats catching mice and rats.