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The Starcore is a energy-generating technology that was created to harness & generate energy using the properties of a unique stone called the Starstone, which has the innate trait of generating energy that can last for centuries. Invented by famed engineers Aquilla & Pricallia Rama, the Starcore brought a revolution in technology that changed life in all societies in Spera. Due to the long-lasting nature of the Starcore, it quickly became the most commonly used technology everywhere within a year.
The invention of the Starcore began when two human engineers, Aquilla & Pricallia Rama, were working on making improvements to energy technology that would make free energy for all. The married duo worked tirelessly on their project, while fulfilling the obligations as members of the Diligent Labour Guild.
Although they achieve some success, they still could fix the problem they kept getting: making the core stable enough to handle the constant flow of energy for long periods of time. Each attempt result in the core become inert due to been burnout by the energy, or exploding suddenly that would destroy a large area.
Aquilla grew frustrated by the lack of progress in creating the ideal energy core, and considered dropping the project entirely. Pricallia encouraged her husband to continue on the project, stating that their goal is a noble one that would change society for the better. Heeding his wife’s counsel, Aquilla continue working on the design of the core. Deciding that something more potent was needed, he sought out knowledge on exotic minerals that could fulfill this goal.
Aquilla would soon learn of a very rare exotic stone from a legend he researched in his search. This stone was called within the legends the Starstone, which was named for “a stone that came from the heavens from the beginning.”
According to the Legend of the Bextois Mountain, the Starstone is the remains of the heavenly substance used by the High King when He fashioned the cosmic boundary. Aquilla was at first doubtful of any truth to the legend, plus the Bextois Mountains is not inhabited due to high dangers of constant storms & Storm Wyverns reported to be living there. Aquilla decided to contact a merchant he knew to see if any of the information in the legend was true. In the meeting, the retired merchant surprised Aquilla by handing him a strange blueish stone that radiated with energy.
Aquilla was stunned to see that the stone not only contained the energy within with no issue, but that it was actually safe to the touch. When he inquired further about it, the old merchant simply suggested that he keep the Starstone fragment in his hand. Aquilla, still perplexed by this turn of events, offered to pay the merchant for this. The old merchant refused as he stated that he was led to give this to him. Aquilla was a little uneasy about taking the stone without giving some kind of payment, but heeded the merchant’s words and left to conduct tests.
After telling Pricallia of the events of the meeting, both of them ran experiments on the Starstone fragment to see how viable it is. To their utter amazement, the starstone fragment not only easily handled the energy they gave it but it was generating its own energy supply as well. Rendered speechless by this discovery, Aquilla decided to take the risk of venturing to the Bextois Mountains to stake his claim to the Starstones there.
Before gathering an expedition party, Aquilla went to the old merchant’s room at the local inn to thank him. When he inquired about the old merchant’s residence, the innkeeper surprised Aquilla by stating that the old merchant was not there. Nor could he or anyone recall any old merchant living there. The only thing the innkeeper could recall was receiving instructions from someone wealthy to give a scroll to Aquilla when he arrived.
Driven to complete wonder about what he was told, Aquilla nevertheless took the scroll from the innkeeper & read it on his way out. To his shock, the scroll was addressed to me with instructions to head to Bextois Mountains alone. He was to take no one else, and have provisions meant only for him. At first, he was incredulous over the idea due to the dangers present. But on being reminded of how he found the starstone fragment, he decided to follow the instructions on the scroll despite his instincts telling him otherwise.
When he told Pricallia about the scroll, she was also stunned by the instructions within. But she would tell her husband to go on with the journey, having a sense that he would return home well. The next day saw Aquilla venture forth on his personal skyship to the Bextois Mountains. Carrying enough provisions for himself, Aquilla arrived at the Bextois Mountains and ventured forth after landing.
He was fearful of the fearsome lightning storms that thundered over the area, praying that he would not be stuck while walking up the mountain. The fear within him turned to dread when he saw the sight of Storm Wyverns flying in the stormy skies, their thunderous roars echoing seemingly for miles. He saw one of the Storm Wyverns swoop down directly at him, making him realize that it had seen him. Running for his life, Aquilla tried to lost the creature by taking routes to throw the wyvern off his trail. The Wyvern was not hindered by this, and fire lightning bolts from its mouth to force Aquilla to the ground. Soon, Aquilla found himself caught in a corner with no exit except in the direction of the Storm Wyvern chasing him.
Fearing his demise was about to occur, Aquilla was stunned to see the old merchant appear in front of him seemingly from nowhere. The old man raised his hand toward the approaching Storm Wyvern, & in a flash of energy the Wyvern was reduced to ashes within moments. The other Storm Wyverns flew away after seeing this, out of apparent fear of the old man. The old merchant would address Aquilla after the danger had passed, smiling as he teasing comforted him. Aquilla easily recognized him but was puzzled by the seemingly youth-like appearance the old man had, plus the gleaming white garment he wore. When Aquila asked him who he really was, the old man simply stated that he may called him Tobias for the time being.
Tobias would tell Aquilla to follow him to a cave that was nearby, which Aquilla promptly heeded out of both gratitude and fear of the Storm Wyverns returning. While Aquilla had plenty of questions for Tobias, he decided not to bring them up until they were in a more safe location. After a time, they went into a cave that was gleaming with Starstones everywhere. Aquilla was filled with amazement & joy as he now found a great supply of Starstones.
Tobias addressed him with instructions about the Starstones, that he was to collect the first batch to create the first generation of Starcores to sell. He was to also stake his claim here first, as this would be his source of wealth for he & his family. He also mentioned that while the Starcore designs would be widespread after a time, the Starstones would be stewarded by Aquilla’s house alone.
As he was collecting the first batch of Startones, Aquilla thanked him for showing him such a valuable resource & asked how can he repay for this life-changing boon. Tobias simply told Aquilla to thank Yavah as his prayers were heard, and that he was to always honor Yavah forever.
After collecting as much Starstones as he could packed, Tobias guided him through a hidden path that was very safe path to use in the future. This path led back to his skyship, to the delight of a very grateful Aquilla. After packing everything in this ship, Aquilla went to thank Tobias & offer him a ride home. He was amazed to find that Tobias was gone, and a sweet smelling aroma hovering in the area he was standing on.
Marveling over the events, Aquilla flew back home with a joy that everything he wanted to achieve was now within reach. He began thanking Yavah for this massive blessing, praising Him on the way home. Returning with exciting news, Aquilla & Pricallia thanked Yavah for everything. Aquila staked his exclusive claim the next day, ignoring the comments made by those who became envious of him. He & wife worked on the Starcore project for a few days, which they quickly achieved complete success with a fully functional Starcore.
Aquilla would begin the fruits of his project to the guild, who were more than happy to aid in selling the Starcores all over the world. The first Starcores sold out quickly when word of a energy core that was both very affordable, yet could last for centuries. Soon, a very wealthy Aquilla & Pricalla moved to selling Starstones directly to anyone who were interested in building a Starcore. The house of Aquilla & Pricallia soon became known as the StarStone House.

Social Impact

The Starcore is the most commonly used sources for energy throughout Spera, being used by everyone from the common people for their household to the armies of different nations to fuel their needs. The common households uses a variant of Starcores to fuel power to their homes for everyday living and natural crisis that would otherwise leave them without power.
Various types of transportation uses Starcores for their engines, ensuring that vehicles ranging from speedcycles to skyships are well-fueled constantly. Other applications of Starcore include military use, personal defense weaponry, and fleets of ships. Organizations such as the Gebbor, Kessia Kingdom, and others also employ extensive use of Starcores for their needs. These needs include powering their transports, defensive measures for their holdings, and even weaponry. Magical organizations also employ Starcores for their mystical use, although most prefer not to admit to such openly.
The Starcores function as a long-lasting power source that generates its own energy supply, which can last as centuries depending on usage. Its designs is that of a sphere that is shimmering blue in color, with carvings on the surface that are meant to show whatever color the core is display. These changes in the color of the energy are meant to tell the user of the state of the Starcore, ranging from bright meant to show excellent health to very dim to denote possible replacement.
Its functions are three-fold, with three layers that work together to create a ecosystem that ensures continual energy flow with no issues.
The first part is the core with the Starcore itself, which is made completely from Starstone. The Starstone core is fashioned into a sphere to match the design of the overall core, with the molding process made for ensuring that no energy is lost. All the energy within the Starcore is generated by the Starstone completely.
The second layer is the conductive layer of the core, which functions to harness the starstone’s energy through the core in a constant flow. It is made from a metallic substance that is molded by a molding cast, which covers the hovers slightly above the Starstone within. The process takes several moments to complete.
The third & final layer is the protective shell of the Starcore itself, which acts are the covering allowing for any user to safely hold the Starcore in their hands. The protective layer is made from a metallic stone that was stone for its vast durability, making it extremely difficult to break under great stress. This layer contains various carvings that are meant to allow the energy to be delivered to whatever device is be powered.


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