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Written by Jdebro


The Warrior Vocations are focused professions that warriors can learn to increase the depths of their skills and powers beyond those of normal warriors. These vocations grants warriors expanded capabilities enabling them to do feats that are not readily available for normal warriors. They receive greater training in various martial arts, and supernatural warfare accordingly.
  • Holy Knight: Holy Knights are empowered knights who have been blessed with supernatural powers in the same way that empowered sages and rangers are. They combine their powers with their training as knights, making them powerful far beyond even the finest knights of any realm. Holy Knights can take oaths anytime they choose, but the foremost oath they take is the one pertaining to their calling and their Adonailym faith. Holy Knights learn what it means to lead on the battlefield, and how to maintain honor off the battlefield.
  • Spirit Warrior: Spirit Warriors are empowered warriors who use their supernatural powers in conjunction with their extensive martial arts training, becoming formidable combatants on the battlefield. Unlike Holy Knights, they do not take any oaths of featly as apart of their calling. However, they do honor their faith in Adonailym.
  • Swashbuckler: Swashbucklers are warriors who are highly skilled in martial combat, acrobatics, and using guile. They are quite chivalrous in their behavior, and their cutting remarks can rattle the nerves of their opponents. Swashbucklers tend to be heroic, aiding the downtrodden, defending the honor of friends (or a lady), and respecting the faith of Adonailym.



Qualifications for learning the advanced warrior vocations require that a candidate must demonstrate advanced skill as a warrior for a while, and show that they have mastered the basics of their journey as a warrior. They must also show the needed characteristics that each vocation has, including having supernatural powers for the vocations that demand it. The candidate must also show a clear respect for the faith of Adonailym, and a disregard for the ways of magic. Once these qualifications are met (according to the path the warrior wishes to partake), the candidate(s) will receive the training necessary to learn their desired vocation(s).
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