WELLSPRING TEMPLE Building / Landmark in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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The Wellspring Temple is the circular sacred temple within the Wellspring City, serving as the capital of the Kahothite clan cities within Gurgon. The Wellspring Temple is a massive dome structure built by Gurgon craftsman, created from Diastone among other durable building materials. The Wellspring within made the Temple apart of the vibrant pocket dimension at the time that it was formed by the Hand of Yavah. Due to this, people who enter into the Wellspring Temple are actually entering into an separate dimension formed to allow them to commune with the Presence of Yavah.


The architecture of the Wellspring Temple is molded after the Jorai style of architecture found within Jorai, involving the use of a combination of bright & dark colors. The primary construction material used for the crafting of the Wellspring Temple is Diastone, a translucent stone that is only found in Diastone Mounts or Diastone Caves. This gives the Wellspring Temple a translucent sheen allowing people to get a glimpse of the interior, while also allowing the light from the Wellspring to shine with intense illumination. Other building materials used for the building of the Wellspring Temple was Starstone (a material fabled for its heavenly origin), various cloths of different bright colors for the interior, and coatings of bright colors to cover the lowers walls of the temple. The floor of the Wellspring Temple is arranged in a circular pattern, with sections cut out for water from the pocket dimension to flow, which surround the different courts with the Temple.


The Wellspring Temple is heavily defended by Kahothie Sage-Warriors who surround the complex, and occupy the walls that surround the Temple as well. There are no other defenses in place, due to the Wellspring Temple being a holy site & not a military fort. However, the Kahothite Sage-Warriors are gifted with special powers from the Wellspring to defense the Temple against all forms of malcontent, including incursions from hostile groups such as dark mages. They also have been trained in many forms of unarmed & armed combat, in addition to their duties as members of the Zetham Tribe. The Jorai Priesthood also act in defense of the Wellspring Temple whenever necessary, having immense powers courtesy of the Wellspring of Yavah. They receive further training to handle threats of both natural & paranatural threats.


Many people from all over Aden travel to the Wellspring City in order to visit the Temple three times a year, in order to bring their most requested prayers to the Archpriest & simply to bask in the Wellspring directly. People from all walks of life ranging from kings, governors, merchants, warriors, craftsmen, and many others who are believers in the Way Of Yavah make the journey. Visitors from the Neutral Nations make the visit to the Wellspring Temple, desiring to bear witness to the reputation of such as place for themselves. They allowed access by the Priesthood to glimpse the Wellspring, but they are restricted to the Outer courts.
Temple / Religious complex


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