Craigden in Armeylose | World Anvil
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The capital city of the Kingdom of Craigden is the the name sake of the of the Kingdom, the city Craigden itself has become more of a city state that is rivalling the size of a Ironcrane in population although it covers much more ground. Instead of being built out of the face of the mountain as Ironcrane is, Craigden is built right into and out of the rock of the mountains. The city is a maze of tunnels and great halls, the tunnels leading to and from great halls along with the smaller halls that are attached to the great halls. In total there is twenty seven great halls each ruled by a Royal or noble, these great halls can have two or more smaller halls attached to them. In these smaller halls servants, warriors, priests, and many others work and live. While the great hall is always separated into seven parts, the bedroom of the great hall owners, the dinning hall, the armoury, the guards room, the museum, and the two bath rooms one for men and one for women. In lavish great halls of royals and the richest nobles there is a eight room with a third bath that only a few are allowed such as the Kings private bath. There is hundreds of halls in Craigden.


Craigden has been built and maintained to the ancient standards of dwarves and giants, unlike Ironcrane every building and room is built to allow for a Giant and a Dwarf to sit comfortable or to their tasks. This is to allow for when the giants awake from their eternal slumber they can resume their work as if nothing has happened. Some dwarves such as the Royals of Ironcrane feel this is unnessacry and the Giants will carve new Kingdoms and halls for themselves when they awake. While others such as the Royals of Frayn and Mytails revere the work of the dwarves of Craigden and their honouring of the Giants as they are unable to do the same. The ancient standards means that the halls are all sixty tall at least while some are over eighty, and the tunnels are all fifty feet tall.

The Royals of Craigden is the Dwarven family Mooreblue, Gluntag Mooreblue the Third is the current King of Craigden and he has been for six hundred years. His father Gluntag Mooreblue the Second was the King before him, and Gluntag Mooreblue the first was King before him. Gluntag Mooreblue the first became the King of Craigden after he was chosen during the council of craigden in the early second age. This council was formed after the first dwarf king of Craigden died along with all his family when the dragon Burranex sent a raid of Moph snakefolk into the Kingdom. This raid had over fifty thousand snakefolk warriors enter the city and they killed over seventy thousand people, this raid is known as the "The Nights of Fangs and Axes" and it lasted three days and two nights. After the raid many noble families were dead and the Royal family was left in ruin, only Gluntag Mooreblue the first and his two cousins survived. In the end Hurgog Moorblue and Karveldin Moorblue lost the vote to Gluntag Mooreblue who was the best warrior of the the three. Now at the end of the third age Gluntags grandson Gluntag Mooreblue the Third is the King of Craigden and his son Gluntag Mooreblue the Forth is set to inherit the throne.

King Gluntag Mooreblue the Third has taken a third of the warriors of the Craigden Kingdom into the Silvas Range along with one half of The Raduam Kingdoms Standing Army. They are marching to Zelcors Tower after the dwarven ranger Sarsom Nyeblue found the long lost tower, he now leads the expedition the have been four thousand three thousand soldiers have been sent by King Murlyn Urgelle of Raduam. Along with the ten thousand soldiers King Gluntag Mooreblue the Third has brought with him from his Kingdom, this is the largest army to march from Craigden since the Elf and Dwarf wars of the late second age. His son Gluntag Mooreblue the Forth is ruling in his stay.

The Old King Yorefien was the Giant King of Craigden before the named the Mooreblue family the dwarf kings of Craigden, they did so as the giant feel into their eternal slumber.

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