People of the islandsCelestial:
Under the guardianship of Water, ShuiRuling:
Under almost balanced ruling between Sun and Moon, with Moon having slightly more power than Sun.Exclusivity:
Morrissen people have the ability to use Hydrokinesis naturallyGeography
Morrissey is primarily made of water, over 50% of Morrissey is ocean. The land is a collection of islands spread out oraound the realm.
Morrissey is a very tropical climate with a high of 87 and a low of 78 in the summer and a high of 83 and a low of 72 in the winter. On average 54% precipitation in spring, 78% in summer with an average of 3.4in, in summer, 62% in autumn, and 50% in winter with a 2.2in average.
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