Terran Realm
The Terran Realm, also known as Terra or Earth, has a special and unique relationship with the Nothingness and is known as a multiversal anomaly by other Armonían residents. Through extensive and complicated research, Dykumic scholars have concluded that Earth exists, in one form or another, in all multiverses. This gives the realm a uniqueness that is different from other realms. Earth has an entire universe of planets and stars, Realmaic Barriers, and contains ancient and arcane secrets.
Anomaly Effect
Terran people are highly susceptible to multiversal anomalies, meaning people from the same Earth can be affected by different multiverses. The Terran realm has fragile multiversal barriers, meaning natural phenomena occur more frequently than anywhere else. Even though natural phenomena are common, the number of phenomena people are exposed to makes specific types rarer. Five Terrans' are affected by a natural phenomenon, but one in a million has the same phenomenon on average. Some phenomena are more common than others, but most are rare. One every thousand years or so is affected by Realm Weaving on Terra. In most universes, the Terran population of a specific phenomenon is tiny and rare. Yet, in the multiverse, the Terran population has the most significant number of phenomena that affect persons.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital