The Nothingness: Realm Weavers Physical / Metaphysical Law in Armonía | World Anvil
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The Nothingness: Realm Weavers

The entire universe in which Armonía resides is made up of individual strings called "Nothingness."


The strings of Nothingness are woven together to make the barriers of Armonía. Barriers that separate the different Realms are called Realmaic or Realm Barriers. Barriers that separate locations or distances within a Realm are called Locational Barriers. The Nothingness strings used in barriers are called Threads. Realmaic Barriers are made up of stronger, thicker, and denser threads than locational barriers. Many, especially the Realm Weavers, have nicknamed the barriers tapestries because of their woven pattern.  

Realm Weavers

Realm Weavers are innately gifted with Syxx. Due to this Suxx, realm weavers are explicitly and intuitively connected to the Nothingness. By being so connected, Realm Weavers are able to utilize the threads of the Barriers to create rifts or tears in the barriers. After creation, a rift or tear has to be stabilized and anchored in order for it to be turned into a Rift Gate. Rift Gate enables Realm Weavers to rifur to other locations within the realm or outside.


Barriers are formed by individual threads woven together in a complicated pattern similar to a tapestry. These barriers exist as a separation between realms. The barriers also exist between every square nanometer in every realm. The barriers can be used to travel distance within rooms or buildings, but can also be used to travel across landscapes and oceans.   When a Realm Weaver focuses on their Syxx, however that may feel, they can visualize the barriers. The barriers to them look like someone turned every grayscale, everything appearing in shades of white and gray. The barriers themselves look like a tightly woven grid of criss-crossing black lines. To travel to a specific location, the Realm Weaver has to visualize where they want to go; once they do, a semi-translucent monocolored tapestry will appear in front of them. From there, the Realm Weaver can manipulate the threads to form a hole or tear in the tapestry. Once a hole is made, the Realm Weaver will have to use the black lines to sew the hole open, called anchoring. After the hole is anchored, a successful Rift Gate has been created, and the Realm Weaver can safely walk through to the other side, where they will find their destination.


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