Tcha Fren

When you sprinkle spent tcha leaves, Spicenut, Winterspice and Cinnamon bark and Clove.   One of the oldest known recipes, attested as far back as 145BK in Kagomei, and 185BK in Lai Dang, its simplicity is well known, what's less well known is that originally the beef was prepared with tcha petals, and that the colour of the petals was thought to give a particular medicinal effect: light blue gave energy, blue-green gave endurance, indigo gave emotional stability and purple gave gravitas. After the The Great Blight-Rot of EY 654, someone tried the leaves, after using them in tea, and found the taste even better, and since the rot only affected the petals, it was much safer(although boiling would have made it safe as well, it wasn't as well known then).   Tcha Fren is often served between two slices of bread, with any combination of holed cheese, lettuce and sliced tomatoes, raw or fried onions as options.


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