Megamisama Drydock Complex Plaza, Number 3


Purpose / Function

The headquarters of the Kagomine Department of State, this building, a mix of Ozmian Shell and Lolland Canal Garden architecture, is meant to impress and host events.  Thew few that visit are privileged friends of Kagomei, and they know it.  The building is grandiose and impressive from every angle, but especially from an acoustics standpoint, the building having been designed around an orchestral soundstage.  Theatre is also in favour, and the large stage, one of the largest in Megamisama, honours troupe after troupe, as was the habit of its founders and early supporters.  It's not cheap, however, and paying guests can expect a ticket to cost enough for a medium-sized jade bank for a popular event.  It's enjoying considerable success as a marquee of Kagomine Arts and Culture, as well as fashion, trends and prestigious urban living.


Built as a Noble's Mansion and Casino in 791, in 814 it shows little of its age, and much of its architecture is a vibrant tribute to the 790s two most influential styles, the Lolland's Canal Garden, and the Ozmian Shell-Backed Arches. Unlike the latter, Number Three has its arches to the outer corners of the building, lessening the effect on the outside, but making it breathtaking, from the inside. A reception at 'number three' is usually followed by a gala whose acoustics make the guests swoon. The canal gardens are designed to help with this, but that's a fairly well-guarded secret.


Built by Steevjobs Venatori in 791, then seized in 801 for non-payment, Meihomei Meltran seized upon the purchase, and dedicated much effort to improving and revitalizing it, then handing it to his wife, who had recovered from her wounds from her kidnapping, and was eager to return to work as an Ambassador. Soon after, the building was dedicated as the Department of State's headquarters.


Tourists with very deep pockets or diplomatic credentials enjoy a visit here, enjoying the finest life in Megamisama has to offer, whether in food, drink or entertainment, and some enterprising criminals even try to ply the crowds with Blue Tcha, so far, it remains only interesting to locals, and they are often crowded out of the venue.  At the same time, the Lifeguards and Border Guards keep a keen eye on the posh visitors, and suffer no harm to come to them.
Founding Date
Government complex
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)

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