The new aircar

"Where's our car?"   "In the garage, I'm selling it..."   "Oh? Why? You got a new one from the manufacturer again?"   "As a matter of fact, I did."   "Something black and purple, I imagine? Glaring and obvious?" They passed the black and emerald greased lightning as she said that.   "No, I went for more understated, this time..."   "What, understated? A car in the imperial crown colours?"   "Ok, maybe not that understated, but I figured, now that we both got a merit, why not flaunt it?"   "Won't that create a problem with your lifeguard? Are they all dispensed to wear this? You got four decoy air cars now, right?"   "Since we're allowed, and they're pretending to be us for lawful purposes, they're allowed. The manufacturor wasn't thrilled when I told them I wasn't accepting their gift if I wasn't allowed to buy four more... They only made a hundred or so this year..."   "So this is five per cent of all of this year's vintage?"   "Give or take, yeah."   "Shouldn't they be happy to make such a sale?"   "They prefer individual sales to private investors... A volume purchase can ask for a discount... Also, we tend to do our own maintenance..."   "Are we certified for these vehicles?"   "Not yet, but our techs are flying over for the refresher for this model, they are certified for the last one, after all..."   "Did that make them happy?"   "That certainly helped, we have the most certifications out of the producing country, at present..."
— Amarat Kagomei's memoirs, Veneer Press, Veneer City, 768.

That event would certainly lead to problems later, I'd find.

Kagomei Two
KGM-2AC (License Plate Number)
We go vroom!
around 100 a year produced, in a single facility
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