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Princess of Arokath (a.k.a. The Golden Daughter)

You asked me once why I pray over the orcs we kill while out on patrol. You asked me once why I prayed over the man that was executed by the crown for selling Arokath artifacts to the other nations. Some of you even asked me why I pray over the soldiers that come from the Calderian Empire, with blood on their hands, dying in our hospitals. Let me ask you, should I pray for you?

Should I pray for you when an orc spear pierces your heart? Should I pray for you when you lie in your bed after a long and dutiful life? I can tell you that I will. I do not pray for the wicked to be unpunished or for those different than me to be in chains. I pray for the safe guarding of their souls and memories. So that their life may not be forgotten by those they touched.

Whether good or evil, all life and death serves as a lesson to those still living. I ask her to guide them on their journey and to remember the lessons that they have taught so that one day we may learn from them as well.

AND more than half of you can't say anything to me anyway! I have more kills than you on this patrol. It's time to get moving. I fear something is on the horizon. For us and Aroa.

Elanz speaking to her soldiers on a patrol

A fierce warrior might not be the first thought one might have hearing of Elanz. Listening to her speak one can her a calm cadence to her voice. Smooth and comforting. Caring and understanding. She loves her people and treats every commoner and noble alike. A devote follower of the Raven Queen - Greater Deity of Death one might think her a passive diminutive creature. See her one could agree.  That is if you weren't intimidated by her nearly seven foot muscular frame, her monstrous great sword of shining steel, or the fey-like hound always at her side. She is the visual image of a badass warrior maiden. Shining golden scales brilliantly reflect the light around her. Giving an image of statuesque likeness.

Favored daughter of the King she sits on the royal council actively trying to better society for all citizens. That is when she's not leading a group of scouts killing monsters in The Barrier Mountains.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lithe yet strong armed. She bests many of her foes though a combination of strength, speed, and pivot points. With a long enough lever and a fulcrum one can move the world.

Identifying Characteristics

A scar that runs from her neck down the front of her right arm. A wound she received fighting a manticore in the mountains.

Apparel & Accessories

She carries with her at nearly all times her greatsword named Raven's Call.

Mental characteristics


She heads the Traditionalist Movement in Arokath politics as well as being a lieutenant in the Dragon Scouts

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has lead many successful forays into the The Barrier Mountains leading groups of Dragon Scouts. She is well known as a competent warrior and caring leader.

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to a couple risky maneuvers tracking an orc party in the mountains she once lead an entire patrol into an ambush. After three days of fighting they escaped having lost 90% of their group.

Mental Trauma

Her mother, Rhojalan, died during her birth and is blamed for the act by her brother.

Intellectual Characteristics

Has studied under royal tutors, priests of the Raven Queen - Greater Deity of Death in The Spire, and at the The Athenaeum with high marks but a well demonstrated wisdom. She never forgets a face.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Values the sanctity of all live but understands that it also must be defended.
  • Thinks first. Acts second. Not afraid to get her hands dirty.
  • She cautions fortification of Arokath and building up strength and defenses.


Religious Views

She venerates the Raven Queen - Greater Deity of Death and dutifully caries out rites if she ever has to slay someone. Be it man, orc, or beast.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Oz - blink dog found in the Ebonwood while exploring with a research team. See Princess Elanz Finding Oz 
  • Personally trains with her soldiers.
  • Taking random citizens on walks around the city, to taverns, or the palace gardens talking and getting to know them.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Heir Apparent to the Thone of Arokath
Golden with a hint of green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden scales with a green hue
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Sylvan (basic)


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