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Sarinn Argenthrixus

Commander of the West Hold (a.k.a. Old Heavy Hand)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing in perfect upright posture. Sarinn carries himself as a wise and respected general, mostly because he is.

Apparel & Accessories

Always in his commander's uniform. A military waistcoat decorated with various chromatic and metallic colors.

Mental characteristics


Studied at The Athenaeum in military strategy and tactics.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has successful defended the Western Hold for the last three decades; repelling three invasions. Has personally lead over two dozen rescue missions into the mountains and has been into the Wastes on scouting missions four times.

Morality & Philosophy

His duty to the Arokath kingdom comes first. His duty to his troops comes second. Third is his duty to Aroa. Every situation he encounters runs through the same three questions.
Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale copper with a hint of green
Quotes & Catchphrases
"They're dug in? Bring down the mountain then."
"Hmm. Do it anyway."
"For King and country!"


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