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The Tea Shop Owner

(a.k.a. Tim)

A humble proprietor of a simple yet delicious tea shop. While never giving his name he refers to himself as a simple "Tea Man" leading others to begin calling him Teaman.   He offers a place to rest for weary travelers, a hot cup of tea to south the soul, and a comforting ear to listen to worries. While never charging for his tea some patrons have started a donation box. Tim just takes it to a local orphanage, charity, temple, or even struggling business.   He is old. Guests are greeted by a weathered wrinkled but smiling face. Some guess that he has more than a bit of elven blood in him as they recall stories from their parents and grandparents about his famous tea shop.   All who enter his shop leave feeling just a little bit better. Even those who come in looking for trouble. They end up having a conversation and staying awhile talking about what brought them to this spot.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Old and seemingly frail but moves with a pep in his step and with an almost undeniable purpose.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: tea
I been coming here ta this tea shop all me life and ya can see the gray on me head. Me grand da used to tell me stories about him and his father coming down to this shop. Always been here. Teaman. Or the Tea Man as he'll tell ya. Bet he's got more than a little bit of elf blood in him if he's lived so long. Funny thing is, me grand da described him the exact same way as you're seeing him now. Ain't got no pointy ears or nothing. Maybe it's just a family thing. Anyways. It's a good place to just stop and rest for a moment. Always good to have a chat with Teaman.
Local patron
Muted green, squinty
balding gray hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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