Banner Clash Tradition / Ritual in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Banner Clash

As the number of tribes in the deserts of Morydal began to dwindle and the size of the remaining ones grew, there arose a need to train tribal leaders on survival strategies. With limited resources that prevented them from conducting large-scale exercises or even simulated battles between tribes, the game Banner Clash was created. Primarily a theater-of-the-mind game, it featured two players that represented the leaders of opposing tribes and a moderator that would dictate the outcome of the players' actions and control the various hazards of the desert. There were many variations and styles that eventually merged into a unified ruleset when the Braided Tribes was formed. There are very few written copies of these rules due to the rarity of writing materials on Duva, but they are becoming more common due to the growth of trade throughout the Consortium.   Early version of Banner Clash focused on controlling key resources and outlasting your opponents. This sometimes resulted in the players actually working together in order to survive, understanding that they would turn on each other as soon as they no longer benefited from each other. After the formation of the Braided Tribes, this style of play continued, though cooperation was encouraged and, when used for training instead of entertainment, was mandated as the tribes were not longer competing with each other, but the desert. After Cogys discovered Morydal and began trade, recent version of the game have shifted towards outlasting a foreign invader. This has required the rules to evolve in order to account for the capabilities of foreign nations, such as the technology of Cogys and the natural magics of Ohedyn, some of which or more fantastic and imaginative than is realistic. It has also given birth to strategies that leverage hazards of the desert to the players' advantage.


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