Blastbow Item in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


Though Cogys wasn't the first to create ranged weapons based on propulsions from chemical reactions, they were the first to reliably harness it. The Blastbow is similar to a crossbow except that it's construction is much more robust and consists of a trough down its length, a single sparker attached to its trigger, and a shield to protect its wielder. A proprietary Blast Cartridge is loaded into the trough and fired by igniting the sparker. Depending on the chemistry of the Blast Cartridge, a projectile is hurled towards its target. The accuracy, damage, and effect depend on the type of Blastbow and type of Blast Cartridge utilized, but the end result is typically very loud and moderately destructive.
  Variants ranging from a small one-handed Blastbow to one designed to be mounted to a cart or Seafarer banister and fire multiple Blast Cartridges at one have been developed, but their use is rather limited as their ammunition is difficult to come by unless supplied by the Cogys military. A few skilled tinkerers have tried their hand a crafting their own Blast Cartridges, but their are typically less reliable and sometimes pose a greater risk to those attempting to fire them than their targets.


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