Celestial Objects

What lies in the void above Aroka's surface has preoccupied the minds of its inhabitants for as long as they have gazed up into its blue haze during the day and inescapable blackness at night. The Three Suns, Valkena, Syrga, and Xaraka that elaborately and intricately dance around each other are obvious as they are the only universally visible objects in the sky, but diligent astronomers and even perceptive observes realize that there is more going on beyond the limits of their world.   Though not always visible, a thin ring of debris circles the equator Aroka, occasionally reflecting enough light at night to soften the suffocating darkness. Those in the habit of observing the dawns and dusks will also notice that additional fields of debris stretch both north and south of this ring, allowing reflected sunlight to brighten the sky just a bit more so at the start and end of each day. Where this debris came from and how it may impact the future of the world is heavily debated among academics, scholars, and theologians, though the coconscious usual trends to it being the remnants of another celestial object destroyed in the distant past.    Those with the fortune to live beyond a few decades and the patience to meticulously study the sky will also identify a fourth star, Mera, which makes an appearance in ten year cycles. When it is at its closest to Aroka, it will induce a faint, reddish hue on the night side of the planet. These Red Nights are usually accompanied by abnormal occurrences ranging from the appearance of unusual creatures rarely encountered outside of a Red Night or a noticeable shift in the typically behaviors of most creatures, including sapient species. The infrequent occurrence of these nights makes it difficult to study thoroughly, but long-lived scholars or academics with access to the collective body of knowledge on its nature have theories ranging from the extraterrestrial to the supernatural in nature.   Regardless of how aware a creature or species is of the objects beyond Aroka's atmosphere, every living thing knows about the Dark Days, the ten days the end of year where no sunlight touches Aroka's surface. Throughout the one-thousand day year, Valkena disappears for between seven and nine days four times and Syrga disappears for three days twice, as if they go behind another large and dark celestial object. This results in some light and temperature changes on the planet's surface, but this is nothing compared to when all three suns disappear for ten days, plunging the world into a state of complete darkness and rapid cooling. Creatures that usually remain underground will venture forth during these days, preying upon those not adept at life in total darkness. Most creatures find some place to shelter for the duration, relying on stored supplies rations and supplies to survive the event. The first ray of light to strike the planet's surface after the tenth day is cause for immense celebration and is considered to be the beginning of the new year by most calendars.   Occasionally, if Mera is close enough to Aroka during the Dark Days, the planet is bathed in a faint and earie red glow. These are called the Red Days, and result in the combined effects of Dark Days and Red Nights.


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