Feral Tribes Ethnicity in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil

Feral Tribes

Anyone living outside civilization, both physically and ideologically, are considered Feral. Though anatomically no different from Anthropes, they are more animalistic and savage, often roaming the wilderness on all fours, making them indistinguishable from animals at first glance. They often live among, or at least nearby, populations of the animals they are anthropic to. This also results in many tribes consisting of mostly, if not entirely, the same species.    In most cases, the Feral tribes surrounding the nations of the known world match if not outnumber the population of those nations. However, the inter-tribe conflicts keeps then continually at odds with each other, never banding together in great enough numbers to threaten the nations. Even on Okanu, where the civilized nations have by far the smallest presence, the Feral tribes only pose a threat to those traveling by land outside of the cities.   Though Scourge are often viewed quite similarly to Feral, they are not grouped together as Scourge are not anthropic of any creatures, though they do capture and tame some to aid in their war efforts against Ohedyn or with each other.


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