Skirmish Tradition / Ritual in Aroka: Fallen World | World Anvil


The vast academia of Cogys has created a culture when knowledge and wisdom are constantly tested, honed, and employed. This is the same for the small but advanced military branch of the nation. As often as they conduct exercises and drills, it is difficult to provide their strategists and tacticians with enough variety of scenarios to expand the militaristic creativity. This led to the creation of a formalized and constantly evolving tactical game called Skirmish. A comprehensive and detailed rulebook outlining nearly every detail from the effects of rain of effectiveness with ranged weapons to the weight of individual items carried into combat is maintained by the Eternal Library to ensure military officers can conduct ultra-realistic training exercises without having to set foot outside. Simple scenarios can be run without the use of a battlefield or miniatures, but many training centers, especially ones sponsored by the Eternal Library, having miniature replicas of vast regions of the known world, including Cogys, Morydal, Ohedyn, and Okanu. These settings blur the line between strategic training and invasion prep, which would make the other nations somewhat nervous about their relationship with Cogys if it weren't for the fact they each assume Cogys already has a plan to invade each of them.    Skirmish is rarely played outside of Cogys, though the Consort and Coalition have created their own versions of it despite not having access to the official rules maintained by the Eternal Library.


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