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Siriat (Sear-Ree-At)

Ah, the Siriat. They are truly a wonder to behold, towering over the landscape like living mountains. These majestic creatures are known as the Striders, and they wander the world of Arora with a calm and steady gait that seems almost otherworldly. They are a sight to behold, with fur as black as the night sky and eyes that seem to hold the secrets of the universe. The Siriat are not simply creatures of flesh and bone, but rather they are seen by many as spirits of the earth, protectors of nature itself. They are worshipped by the followers of the Arorism religion, who see them as divine beings. Some even believe that the Siriat have the power to heal the sick and injured, and many ailing individuals have made pilgrimages to their presence in the hopes of finding a cure.

Despite their reputation as gentle giants, the Siriat are not to be trifled with. Once in a generation, they may attack a city for no known reason and destroy everything in their path. The reasons behind these attacks are shrouded in mystery, with some speculating that they are related to the balance of the universe or the need for renewal. Many have attempted to study the Siriat, but their biology and behaviour remain largely enigmatic. They are thought to have a lifespan of several centuries, and their origins and purpose are still the subject of much debate among scholars and theologians alike. Some believe that the Siriat are ancient beings from another realm, while others speculate that they are the embodiment of the elemental forces of the universe. What is known for sure is that the Siriat are a force to be reckoned with, and their presence in the world of Arora adds an element of mystery and wonder to Arora.


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