BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Discipline of Synvesi is a specialized branch of Ferrology, focusing on the intricate manipulation of energy and matter through the creation of synvetic links between objects. Practitioners of Synvesi, known as Synvesists, possess the unique ability to form these connections in their minds, channelling their Affinity using a Ferrousto. This powerful connection enables the Synvesist to control the linked objects in such a way that any action performed on one will have a corresponding effect on the other.

Synvesi is an advanced discipline that demands an exceptional level of skill, concentration, and understanding of the Ferrological fields. The synvetic link is established through the sheer force of the Synvesist's will, using their Aura Affinity to forge an unbreakable bond between the two chosen objects. This process necessitates the use of a Ferrousto as a conduit for the Synvesist's Affinity, enabling them to maintain control over the link and ensure its stability. To create a synvetic link, each object must be connected to a separate Ferrousto shard. The strength of the link, as well as its resistance to Leakage and Drain, can be further enhanced by using multiple Ferrousto shards for a single connection. This allows the Synvesist to fine-tune their control and minimize the potential risks associated with energy manipulation.

Understanding and mastering the Discipline of Synvesi can be a game-changer for Ferrologists, as it grants them unparalleled control over the world around them. By forging synvetic links, Synvesists can manipulate objects at a distance, influence the behaviour of their surroundings, and even tap into the deepest secrets of the Ferrological fields. As such, the potential applications of Synvesi are vast and varied, limited only by the Synvesist's imagination and mastery of the discipline. In the following sections, we will delve into the mechanics of Synvesi in greater detail, exploring the intricacies of synvetic link creation, management, and the nuances of energy manipulation. By understanding these mechanics, you will be better equipped to harness the power of Synvesi and unlock the full potential of this extraordinary discipline within the world of Ferrology.

Prowess in the Aura Arcane Skill

In the arcane world of Arora, the study and practice of Synvesi is a highly respected and sought-after pursuit. Those who choose to embark on this path must first gain Prowess in the Aura arcane skill, a measure of their understanding, skill, and sensitivity to the mystical energies that permeate the world.

The road to mastery is long and arduous, with numerous milestones and achievements to be reached along the way. From the humble beginnings of a novice student to the legendary status of a grandmaster, each rank represents a greater degree of control, expertise, and power in the use of Synvesi.

Higher Prowess ranks not only grant an increased ability to manipulate the energies of the world but also come with certain risks. As a practitioner's skill grows, so does their resonance with the Ferrousto and their visibility to other Ferrologists, Daerhys (demons), and other unsavoury beings that may be drawn to their power. The following table details the ten Prowess ranks, their skill check bonuses, maximum Affinity, and detectable distance by other beings sensitive to Synvesi. Each rank provides a +2 bonus to skill checks, up to a maximum of +20 for the highest rank. The Affinity pool increases by one with each rank, and each point can be used for a binding, which also requires its own Ferrousto. Bindings can be made without an Affinity point, but this increases the practitioner's insanity. Multiple Affinity points can be focused through a single Ferrousto, but this can overcharge the Ferrousto, causing it to explode violently.

Table 1: Arcanist Prowess

Prowess Prowess Rank Aura Check Bonus Affinity Pool Detectable Distance (ft.) Detectable Distance (mi.)
Apprentice 1 +2 1 300 0.1
Adept 2 +4 2 900 0.2
Scholar 3 +6 3 3,000 1
Instructor 4 +8 4 8,000 2
Victus 5 +10 5 20,000 5
Savant 6 +12 7 70,000 10
Master 7 +14 10 200,000 40
Magistar 8 +16 14 700,000 100
Magnus 9 +18 20 2,000,000 400
Imperator 10 +20 28 6,000,000 1,000

The relevant formulas are:

Aura Check Bonus = 2 * Prowess Rank

Aura Check Bonus = ROUND( EXP( Prowess Rank / 3 ) , 0 )

Detectable Distance (ft.) = 100 * ( 3 ^ Prowess Rank )

Detectable Distance (mi.) = Detectable Distance (ft.) / 5280 ≈ ( 3 ^ Prowess Rank ) / 53

With great power comes great responsibility, and as your Prowess in the Aura arcane skill increases, you must balance the benefits of your newfound abilities with the potential dangers that accompany them. The pursuit of Synvesi is an exhilarating and rewarding journey, but it is not without its perils. As you advance through the ranks and delve deeper into the mysteries of Synvesi, you must remain vigilant and cautious, lest you attract the attention of malevolent forces or succumb to the insanity that can result from pushing beyond your limits. Yet, for those who persevere and navigate the treacherous path of Synvesi mastery, the rewards are immense. Unimaginable power, knowledge of the inner workings of the universe, and the ability to shape the very fabric of reality itself await those who dedicate themselves to this ancient and arcane art.

As you progress on your journey to become a master of Synvesi, always remember the lessons of your mentors, the wisdom of those who have come before you, and the consequences of unchecked power. With great Prowess in the Aura arcane skill, you have the potential to change the world – for better or for worse.

Affinity and Ferrousto

As you embark on your journey into the world of Synvesi, you must familiarize yourself with two essential concepts: Affinity Points and Ferrousto.

Affinity Points represent your ability to manipulate and channel energy through the practice of Synvesi. As your prowess in the Aura arcane skill grows, so does your Affinity pool. Each rank of proficiency grants you additional Affinity Points, starting with 1 at the Apprentice rank and reaching 30 at the rank of Imperator (See Table 1: Prowess Ranks). Your Affinity act as a resource that you can use to establish and maintain bindings, the fundamental building blocks of Synvesi.

However, Affinity Points are not the only factor determining your ability to wield Synvesi. The number of Ferrousto you carry plays a crucial role as well. Ferrousto, also known as Ferro Shards, are rare, mysterious stones that serve as conduits for the energy manipulation in Synvesi. Without Ferrousto, you would be unable to establish bindings and harness the power of Synvesi.

The maximum number of Affinity Points you can use without penalty is limited by the number of ‘charged’ Ferrousto you carry. Each Ferrousto can naturally channel one Affinity, allowing you to create and maintain more bindings as you acquire additional Ferrousto. The charge of the Ferrousto is spent when channelling Affinity through one to result in an effect. Ferrousto recharge chaotically, taking approximately one day, after which time the Ferrousto recovers its ability to channel energy. It is possible to channel multiple Affinity Points through a single Ferrousto. However, it is essential to exercise caution when doing so as this can overcharge the shard and result in a violent explosion.

Your Affinity is not inexhaustible and managing them is a vital aspect of mastering Synvesi. Affinity can be restored point by point through an hour’s rest per affinity. Be mindful of your Affinity Point usage. One can choose to perform a synvetic feat without any Affinity. This represents trying to tap into the chaos of the arcane without sufficient mental preparation or fortitude, however, risking the perils of insanity.

As you delve deeper into the mysteries of Synvesi, remember that your Affinity Points and Ferrousto are the cornerstones of your power. Cultivate your understanding of these concepts, and you will unlock untold potential within yourself and the world around you.

Energy Forms

In the realm of Synvesi, understanding energy forms is essential to harnessing the power of your Affinity Points and Ferrousto. To comprehend these mysterious forces, scholars have classified energy into three types: Kinetic, Galvanic, and Intrinsic. Each energy type has three distinct manifestations: Linear, Orbital, and Resonant. The resulting classification scheme yields a fascinating array of energy forms, as illustrated in the table below:

Table 2: Energy Types, Manifestations and Forms

Manifestation (Down) / Type (Right):Kinetic (Base DC: 5)Galvanic (Base DC: 15)Intrinsic (Base DC: 30)
Linear (Base DC)MotiveStaticElemental
Orbital (Base DC: +5)SonicRadiativeFerrical
Resonant (Base DC: +10)ThermalChemicalFabrical

The Energy forms are interconnected, and understanding their relationships can provide valuable insights into the workings of arcane magic. The forms share certain characteristics, which can be classified based on their motion and the nature of the energy being manipulated. Here is a brief description of each energy form and their connections with one another:

Motive Energy is the energy associated with the movement of objects with mass. It represents the linear motion of objects, driven by their inherent motive force. Motive energy is the foundation upon which other forms of energy are built.

Sonic Energy is derived from the collective and oscillatory movement of smaller objects with mass, creating pressure waves within a medium. As an extension of Motive energy, it represents the transformation of linear motion into harmonic, orbital motion.

Thermal Energy arises from the microscopic movement of essences within an object, manifesting as a build-up of resonant motive force. This form of energy can be thought of as the chaotic, disordered counterpart to the structured motion of Motive and sonic energies.

Static Energy pertains to the movement of charged essences, such as vitreous and resinous charges. It is analogous to Motive energy but deals with the linear motion of charges rather than masses.

Radiative Energy involves the transmission of luminiferous waves through a medium, resulting from the collective and oscillatory movement of charges. This form of energy is akin to sonic energy, but it deals with the orbital motion of charges instead of masses.

Chemical Energy is stored in alchemical bonds within substances, representing a build-up of resonant galvanic force. This energy form is the charged counterpart to thermal energy, as it seems to involve the chaotic motion of charges within an object.

Elemental Energy concerns the movement of the fundamental Aetheric structures that all substances are believed to be comprised of.. This form of energy is related to Motive and static energies, but it operates at a much, much smaller scale. Scholars believe that this linear, intrinsic force has the power to transform one substance into another, and to manipulate the essence of materials.

Ferrical Energy deals with the interactions and currents within the mysterious Aether, involving the orbital intrinsic force. This energy form is the Aetheric equivalent of sonic and radiative energies, representing the collective and oscillatory motion of Aetheric structures. Ferrical energy is closely tied to the enigmatic power of the Ferrousto. It is thought to tap into the hidden essence of reality and the elusive energies that permeate the cosmos. This energy form is immensely challenging to master and carries significant risk.

Fabrical Energy cannot be easily understood. Its existence if known from the completion of the set of energy forms, and the occasional disaster associated with its use by Ferrologists who delved too deeper and ambitiously into their arts. It is the Aetheric counterpart to thermal and chemical energies, involving the chaotic motion of Aetheric currents that may influence the very fabric of reality itself.

Table 3: Energy Forms and related Mechanics

Energy ClassificationCommon NameDCChaos FactorBase Damage Die
Linear Kinetic Motive 5 4 1d4
Orbital Kinetic Sonic 10 3 1d3
Resonant Kinetic Thermal 15 6 1d6
Linear Galvanic Static 15 8 1d8
Orbital Galvanic Radiative 20 2 1d2
Resonant Galvanic Chemical 25 10 1d10
Linear Intrinsic Elemental 30 20 1d20
Orbital Intrinsic Ferrical 35 50 1d50
Resonant Intrinsic Fabrical 40 90 --

Where the DC is calculated by summing up the DC for the Energy Type and Manifestation (see Table 2). The Chaos Factor (CF) and Die Type are calculated from:

[CF] = EXP( DC / 8 ) / 2

Die Type = “1d” & [CF]

  EASY: SIZE is Limited by Flood (How many times it can be depleted), Potential is Number of Die (Rate of Damage) – only potential matters for damage.

Energy Ranks

In the fascinating realm of Synvesi, a deep understanding of the mechanics governing energy ranks is essential for players to immerse themselves fully in the game and unlock their true potential. By thoroughly examining and mastering the concepts of Energy Capacity and Energy Intensity, players will be able to devise creative strategies and make the most of the diverse energy sources they encounter throughout their adventures.

Energy Capacity, as previously discussed, represents the total reservoir of energy contained within a source. When players bind to an energy source, they should consider its capacity to ensure they are tapping into a resource that will last for the desired duration of their engagement. A high Energy Capacity indicates a large pool of energy that can be drawn upon multiple times, making it ideal for sustained actions or longer engagements. On the other hand, a low Energy Capacity may be suitable for quick bursts of energy or actions that only require a brief surge of power.

When determining the Energy Capacity of a source, players should consult Table 4: Energy Capacities and assess the source's rank based on the examples provided. This will enable them to quickly gauge the capacity of their chosen energy source and adapt their tactics accordingly.

Energy Intensity, on the other hand, focuses on the flow of energy through the "energy tunnel" during a binding. This crucial aspect determines the number of damage dice drawn from the source each turn, effectively dictating the rate at which the energy source is consumed. A high Energy Intensity allows for powerful and rapid utilization of energy, potentially delivering devastating effects in a short period. Conversely, a low Energy Intensity may be more suitable for subtle, gradual actions or when a more measured approach is necessary. To ascertain the Energy Intensity of a source, players should refer to Table 5: Energy Intensities and evaluate the source's rank based on the examples and associated units provided. This will empower them to make informed decisions about the energy flow they wish to harness and achieve the desired outcome in any given situation.

Let's explore a more intricate example to better understand the interplay between Energy Capacity and Energy Intensity:

Suppose a player is faced with a formidable foe and must decide on the most effective energy source to bind to in order to gain the upper hand. They could opt for a source with a high Energy Capacity but low Energy Intensity, allowing them to maintain a steady output of damage over a prolonged period. Alternatively, they might choose a source with a low Energy Capacity but high Energy Intensity, delivering a powerful, albeit short-lived, burst of energy to potentially overwhelm their opponent. In either case, the player must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of their chosen energy source, taking into account the Energy Capacity and Energy Intensity, as well as the specific circumstances of the encounter. By carefully considering these factors, players can develop a deep appreciation for the underlying mechanics of Synvesi, leading to more engaging and dynamic gameplay experiences. Encouraging players to think critically about the energy sources they encounter and how best to harness their potential will undoubtedly lead to a richer and more rewarding journey through the world of Synvesi.

To better illustrate these mechanics, let's consider a few examples:

  1. A player decides to bind to a campfire, which has an Energy Capacity of Rank 2 (according to Table 2) and an Energy Intensity of Rank 1 (from Table 3). The campfire has a total of 2 damage dice that can be drawn before depletion, and 1 damage die is drawn each turn.
  2. Another player binds to a lightning bolt, which has an Energy Capacity of Rank 4 and an Energy Intensity of Rank 3. This potent source offers 4 damage dice in total, with 3 dice drawn each turn.
  3. Finally, a player binds to a massive boulder, utilizing its Motive energy. With an Energy Capacity of Rank 3 and an Energy Intensity of Rank 2, the boulder provides 3 damage dice overall, with 2 dice drawn each turn.

Table 4: Energy Capacities

Energy Form Rank 1 (1 round) Rank 2 (3 rounds) Rank 3 (10 rounds) Rank 4 (30 rounds) Rank 5 (1 hour)
Motive Pebble rolling downhill Small ball rolling Wagon rolling downhill Horse galloping Watermill wheel turning
Sonic Single finger snap Handclap Drum beat Gong strike Church bell ringing
Thermal Matchstick burning Small candle burning Torch burning Bonfire Forge fire
Static Small static shock Faint electric discharge Moderate electric discharge Strong electric discharge Powerful electric discharge
Radiative Dim candlelight Torchlight Bright lantern light Sunlight Focused sunlight (lens)
Chemical Small acid droplet Vial of weak acid Flask of moderate acid Strong acid container Barrel of potent acid
Elemental Weak radioactive pebble Small radioactive stone Moderate radioactive crystal Large radioactive rock Highly radioactive ore
Ferrological Simple toy mechanism Basic clockwork device Complex clockwork device Highly intricate machine Advanced automaton
Fabrical Small floating rock Floating boulder Levitating small hill Suspended large landmass Floating island

Table 4: Energy Intensities

Energy Form Rank 1 (1 die) Rank 2 (2 dice) Rank 3 (3 dice) Rank 4 (4 dice) Rank 5 (5 dice)
Motive 1 kg at 1 m/s 2 kg at 2 m/s 3 kg at 3 m/s 4 kg at 4 m/s 5 kg at 5 m/s
Sonic 80 dB (shouting) 100 dB (chainsaw) 110 dB (rock concert) 120 dB (thunderclap) 130 dB (jet engine)
Thermal 40°C (warm) 100°C (boiling water) 200°C (oven) 800°C (forge) 1500°C (lava)
Static 1 mA (tingling sensation) 10 mA (painful shock) 50 mA (serious shock) 100 mA (severe shock) 500 mA (lethal shock)
Radiative 1 lm (candle) 10 lm (lantern) 100 lm (torch) 1,000 lm (floodlight) 10,000 lm (intense spotlight)
Chemical pH 6 (mildly acidic) pH 4 (orange juice) pH 2 (lemon juice) pH 1 (battery acid) pH 0 (concentrated acid)
Elemental 0.1 μSv/h (background) 1 μSv/h (low-level) 10 μSv/h (moderate) 100 μSv/h (high) 1 mSv/h (extreme)
Ferrical Simple mechanism (10 connections) Insect brain (1,000 connections) Bird brain (100,000 connections) Mammal brain (10 million connections) Sentient mind (trillions of connections)
Fabrical Small asteroid (massive object) Large asteroid (more massive object) Moon (massive celestial body) Planet (gigantic celestial body) Black hole (ultimate mass energy)

The Ongoing Quest for Knowledge

The intricate rules of Synvesi have been gradually unveiled over centuries of study by dedicated scholars and the practitioners of the arcane arts, the Ferrologists. Early Ferrologists were astounded by the discovery of binding words, which allowed them to tap into the realm of energy manipulation. Through countless trials and errors, they began to uncover the secrets of energy conversion, a revelation that marked a turning point in the understanding of Synvesi. The study of Synvesi has never ceased, with each generation of Ferrologists building upon the discoveries of their predecessors. The energy forms and binding words we know today are the result of innumerable experiments, arduous research, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Despite the tremendous progress made thus far, Synvesi remains an enigmatic field, its full potential, and the true nature of its underlying principles yet to be fully understood.

In recent times, some Ferrologists have even turned their attention to the exploration of alternative energy forms and their potential interactions with the known energy types and manifestations. Although these investigations are still in their infancy, to some they hold the promise of unveiling new aspects of Synvesi and unlocking powers hitherto unimaginable.

The Cautionary Tale of Intrinsic Resonant Energy

While the pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavour, the pursuit of Intrinsic Resonant energy serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers inherent in the study of Synvesi. Many Ferrologists have succumbed to the lure of this illusive energy form, their curiosity and ambition driving them to seek mastery over its power. Time and again, history has shown that such pursuits often end in insanity, at best, or imaginable catastrophe, at worst. To protect the world from the devastating consequences of Intrinsic Resonant energy misuse, the Ferrologist community has imposed strict regulations on the dissemination of information relating to this energy form. The binding words for Intrinsic energy, as well as the process of converting energy forms into Intrinsic, are entrusted only to a select few – individuals who have demonstrated exceptional wisdom, mastery, and responsibility in their practice of Synvesi.

Over time, the dire consequences associated with Intrinsic Resonant, or Fabrical, energy became more and more apparent. Historical records recount instances of insanity, at best, and terrible disasters capable of destroying entire communities, at worst, resulting from such attempts. Consequently, the binding words for Intrinsic energy for conversion of the Galvanic into the Intrinsic form remain closely guarded secrets, shared only with those deemed responsible and capable of wielding their immense power.

A Legacy of Mystery and Wonder

As students of the arcane, we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us, inheriting the wisdom and insights gained through centuries of dedicated study. It is our duty to continue the exploration of Synvesi, to push the boundaries of our understanding, and to wield the powers of energy forms responsibly. In doing so, we honour the legacy of our predecessors, contribute to the safeguarding of our world, and maintain the air of mystery and wonder that has captivated Ferrologists since the dawn of Synvesi study.

Synvetic Bindings

In addition to the bindings associated with energy forms, a wide array of "Augmentation" bindings exists to manipulate Synvetic links and achieve specific outcomes. These augmentations do not require additional Ferrousto or leakage, but they do demand an extra point of Affinity and increase the DC of the binding. Augmentation bindings come in various levels: Minor, Major, and Greater, each having its unique binding word.

The table below presents a selection of example Augmentation bindings, their brief descriptions, and their respective binding words for each level of strength. The table also includes the DC scaling for each level.

Table 4: Augmentation Bindings

FloodModifies energy flow Yurinthor5Morinthar10Galnithar15
RushFocuses energy Thuralis5Astalorn10Xantherak15
ConvergeTargets specific area Jalathir10Dornathar15Bravilor20
ReachExtends link rangeGandrel5Yandrel10Xandrel15
LingerIncreases link persistence Tivrial15Olvrial20Cavrial25
BranchDivides/Combines energy to multiple targets/sources Fendrak15Yulthar25Nelgari35
Trigger Sets trigger for effect Initium20Sensililum30Prasecisio40
StabiliseEnhances link stability Quendros10Gavriel20Ithrendor30
ObfuscateHides link presence Tarnalith15Vorastrex25Xelgarn35

By combining the base energy form bindings with the appropriate Augmentation bindings, Synvetists can create powerful and versatile effects. As the practitioner's Affinity and Prowess increase, so does their ability to harness and manipulate these energies, allowing for even more intricate and advanced applications of Synvesi.

Detailed Description of Augmentation Bindings

In this section, we will provide a comprehensive description of each Augmentation binding, detailing the rules, Mechanics, and effects associated with different strengths (Minor, Major, and Greater). Understanding these Augmentations and their intricacies will greatly enhance your mastery of Synvesi and your ability to manipulate energy within the game world.


Flood is an Augmentation binding that allows a Synvetist to increase the flow of energy through a sympathetic link. This is particularly useful when the goal is to rapidly transfer a large amount of energy to a target or area, such as when dealing damage or overloading a system. When a Flood Augmentation is applied to a link, the amount of damage dice (or another relevant measure of energy) is increased based on the strength of the binding. This represents the increased energy absorption by the target in a single round.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Flood (Yurinthor; DC 5): Increases the number of damage dice by one.
  • Major Flood (Morinthar; DC 10): Increases the number of damage dice by two.
  • Greater Flood (Galnithar; DC 15): Increases the number of damage dice by three.

Keep in mind that increasing the energy flow with Flood may have additional consequences depending on the energy type and the target's capacity to handle such energy. Use caution and strategy when employing this powerful Augmentation. Flood can also be utilized to reduce the damage die, allowing a Synvetist to minimize potential harm to a subject when only a small amount of energy is required at the target. In this case, the binding would decrease the damage dice by one, two, or three die types, depending on the strength of the binding used. However, the base DC remains the same, as controlling the energy flow still demands precision and focus.

To better visualize the concept of Flood, imagine the sympathetic link as a tunnel or pipe through which energy flows like water. By using the Flood Augmentation, a Synvetist can manipulate the width of this tunnel, increasing or decreasing the flow of energy. A wider tunnel allows for a more significant transfer of energy, while a narrower tunnel restricts the energy flow and minimizes potential damage to the target and/or subject. Understanding the Flood Augmentation and its versatile applications will enable you to effectively control the amount of energy transferred through your sympathetic links, ensuring the desired outcome in a variety of situations.


Rush is an Augmentation binding that allows a Synvetist to manipulate the concentration of energy within a sympathetic link, focusing widespread energy into a specific point. This unique ability enables Synvetists to achieve feats that would otherwise be impossible, such as using their body heat, at 39°C, to light a candle, which requires a temperature in the hundreds of degrees.

When a Rush Augmentation is applied to a link, the severity of damage dice (or another relevant measure of energy) is increased based on the strength of the binding. This represents the heightened concentration of energy at the target point.

Rules and Effects:

The following table shows the damage modifiers for the Rush Augmentation depending on the energy form and the strength of the Augmentation. The first column lists the energy forms, while the second column shows the associated die type for each energy form. The remaining columns display the damage modifiers for each strength of the Rush Augmentation, with Minor Rush having a x1 multiplier, Major Rush with a x2 multiplier, and Greater Rush with a x3 multiplier. The damage modifiers are based on the average die roll for the associated energy form.

Table 5 Rush Augmentation Die type vs DC modifier

Energy FormDie TypeMinor RushMajor RushGreater Rush

It is crucial to consider that converging energy may have additional consequences depending on the energy type and the target's capacity to handle such concentrated energy. Employing this powerful Augmentation requires caution and strategic planning.

To better understand the concept of Rush, envision the sympathetic link as a nozzle that controls the speed or force of water flow. By using the Rush Augmentation, a Synvetist can adjust the nozzle to increase or decrease the force of energy concentrated at the target location, much like controlling the pressure of water through a hose.

Mastering the Rush Augmentation enables you to effectively manipulate energy concentrations through your sympathetic links, opening up a wide array of possibilities and strategies in various situations.


The Converge Augmentation is a precise and versatile tool that enables a Synvetist to control the flow of energy within a binding with pinpoint accuracy. By mastering this technique, practitioners can selectively target specific areas, either to focus energy or to mitigate unwanted effects, such as Chill Drain.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Converge (Jalathir; DC 10): Allows a Synvetist to focus energy within a small area, such as a single limb or a small object, with simple energy patterns. The smallest possible area of convergence is approximately the size of a fist.
  • Major Converge (Dornathar; DC 15): Enables a Synvetist to control energy flow with moderate complexity, such as creating multiple points of convergence or divergence within the target area. The smallest possible area of convergence is approximately the size of a coin.
  • Greater Converge (Bravilor; DC 20): Grants a Synvetist the ability to manipulate energy flow with advanced precision, allowing for intricate energy patterns and the creation of numerous points of convergence or divergence. The smallest possible area of convergence is as fine as the tip of a needle.

For combat purposes, converge is reflected in the change in the damage die type as according to the following table:

Table ##: Converge Augmentation DCs and damage die types

StrengthChange in Damage Die
Minor Converge (Jalathir; DC 10)Increases the damage die by one step (e.g., d4 to d6).
Major Converge (Dornathar; DC 15)Increases the damage die by two steps (e.g., d4 to d8).
Greater Converge (Bravilor; DC 20)Increases the damage die by three steps (e.g., d4 to d10).

To apply the Converge Augmentation, a Synvetist must meet the Base DC and have a clear understanding of the target area and the energy type being directed. With practice and skill, a Synvetist can use the Converge Augmentation to achieve a wide range of effects, from inflicting localized damage to protecting vulnerable points from harm. However, the level of precision required for this augmentation also demands great focus and control, and any lapse in concentration could lead to unintended consequences.

To better understand the concept of Converge, imagine the sympathetic link as a network of interconnected channels through which water flows. A skilled Synvetist can direct the flow of this "water" (energy) with precision, guiding it to specific areas or even branching it into several smaller streams, much like a watermill operator opening or closing gates to control the flow of water. With the Converge Augmentation, the Synvetist can expertly manipulate these channels, allowing energy to flow with precision and intricacy. The stronger the Converge Augmentation used, the more complex and precise the energy patterns can be, just as a master watermill operator can control the flow of water with expert skill and finesse.

The Converge Augmentation is known to be a powerful and versatile technique in the hands of experienced Synvetists. There are countless ways in which this ability has been employed, limited only by the creativity and skill of the practitioner. Some notable examples include:

  • Directing Light: Synvetists have used Converge to precisely control the flow of radiative energy, allowing them to direct beams of light toward specific locations or objects. This technique has been employed to illuminate hidden areas or to focus light onto a small, precise target, such as creating a beam of sunlight to burn through an obstacle or reveal an invisible creature.
  • Localized Heating: By converging thermal energy, Synvetists can heat a specific area or object without affecting the surroundings. This ability has been used to melt ice or snow in a localized region, or to divert chill drain to a specific appendage and avoids ‘the chills’.
  • Focused Sound Waves: Converge can also be applied to the manipulation of sound energy, allowing Synvetists to create directed sound waves or vibrations. This ability has been employed to communicate over long distances, shatter fragile objects, or even disorient opponents during combat by creating a disorienting cacophony.


The Reach augmentation is a powerful tool that enables a Synvetist to extend the range of their sympathetic link, allowing them to penetrate deeper into an object or maintain the binding's effect over greater distances. Mastering Reach can be invaluable for overcoming physical barriers or connecting with remote targets, but it also requires a higher degree of control and focus. To apply the Reach augmentation, a Synvetist must have a clear understanding of the target area and the energy type being directed.

Rules and Effects:

Each strength of the Reach augmentation has different capabilities for penetrating various materials:

  • Minor Reach: Can only extend through open air, with a clear line of sight maintained between the object and subject.
  • Major Reach: Can penetrate air, water, or other semi-transparent materials, as long as a clear line of sight is maintained between the object and subject.
  • Greater Reach: Can penetrate walls or solid obstacles, provided the position of the object and subject are well known by the character.

The extended range affects the DC, as outline in the following table:

Table 5 Reach Augmentation Distances vs DC modifier

DistanceDC Modifier
100 ft.+2
200 ft.+4
300 ft.+9
400 ft.+16
500 ft.+25
600 ft.+36
700 ft.+49
800 ft.+64
900 ft.+81
1000 ft.+100

The formula for the DC modifiers based on the distance and binding strength is as follows:

DC Modifier = ROUNDUP( ( Distance / 100 ) ^ 2 ) / Strength Multiplier

Where the Strength Multiplier is:

  • 1 for Minor Reach
  • 2 for Major Reach
  • 3 for Greater Reach

By honing their skill with the Reach augmentation, Synvetists can greatly expand their range of influence, opening up new strategic possibilities and enhancing their ability to shape the world around them.


Linger is a unique Augmentation binding that allows a Synvetist to extend the duration of their bindings for extended periods, even indefinitely for highly skilled practitioners. Unlike other Augmentation bindings, linger must be inscribed into Ferrousto instead of being spoken aloud. This process uses up the Ferrousto, which "remembers" the binding placed into it by the Synvetist. Learning the inscriptions and mastering the Discipline of Sygaldry is separate from learning the spoken bindings, requiring dedicated study and practice.

The spoken Linger binding can still be of great value to a Synvetist. By using the Linger binding, a single affinity can be spent to maintain a binding for multiple rounds, without needing to spend additional affinity each round. Concentration must be maintained for the entire duration of the lingering effect.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Linger (Tivrial ; DC Modifier +10): Allows a binding to be maintained for 2 rounds with a single affinity spent.
  • Major Linger (Olvrial ; DC Modifier +15): Allows a binding to be maintained for 3 rounds with a single affinity spent.
  • Greater Linger (Cavrial; DC Modifier +20): Allows a binding to be maintained for 5 rounds with a single affinity spent.

Mastering the Linger Augmentation and the Discipline of Sygaldry can provide Synvetists with a powerful arsenal of lasting effects and versatile strategies. It enables the creation of intricate devices, imbued with long-lasting or even permanent bindings, opening a world of possibilities for those who dedicate themselves to this unique path.


The Branch Augmentation is an advanced binding technique that enables a Synvestist to either divide the energy within a sympathetic link, distributing it among multiple near-identical targets or areas (Split), or to combine energies from multiple sources, amplifying their effects through a delicate process of energy fusion (Merge). This can be particularly useful for spreading effects over a wider area, affecting multiple targets simultaneously, or amplifying the power of a binding by combining energies from similar sources. However, energy conservation dictates that the energy is divided evenly among the targets in Split, resulting in a weaker effect on each individual target compared to focusing the energy on a single point. In Merge, the process of merging energies is not always perfectly efficient, and some energy loss may occur during the process.

To apply the Branch Augmentation, a Synvestist must meet the Base DC increase for the desired level of mastery, as well as have a clear understanding of the target areas and the energy type being split or merged. When using Branch, the Synvestist must also maintain concentration on all affected targets or energy sources.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Branch (DC +10): Allows a Synvestist to either split or merge the energy among 2 near-identical targets or sources with a 75% efficiency.
  • Major Branch (DC +15): Allows a Synvestist to split/merge the energy among up to 4 near-identical targets/sources with 85% efficiency, or similar types with 50% efficiency.
  • Greater Branch (DC +20): Allows a Synvestist to split/merge the energy among up to 8 near-identical targets/sources with 95% efficiency, similar types with 75% efficiency, or moderately different types with 25% efficiency.

It is important to note that due to the sharing of energy among multiple targets or energy sources, the Branch Augmentation is often more useful when not solely focused on dealing damage. This versatile technique can be employed in a variety of creative ways both in and out of combat situations. Some examples of clever uses of the Branch Augmentation include:

  • Simultaneously lighting multiple torches or lamps using a single source of heat (Split).
  • Splitting a source of cold to simultaneously chill drinks for a large gathering (Split).
  • In combat, using the Branch Augmentation to create a series of distractions by directing sound energy to multiple locations, confusing enemies and allowing for strategic manoeuvring (Split).
  • Combining the heat energy from multiple small fires to create a larger, more intense fire (Merge).
  • Merging the energies of multiple light sources to create a single, brighter light source (Merge).
  • Combining Branch with other Augmentations like Flow and Rush to create a synchronized, multi-target energy manipulation that can be used for intricate tasks or coordinated assaults (Split or Merge).

These are just a few examples of the potential applications of the Branch Augmentation. A skilled Synvestist is only limited by their creativity and understanding of the principles of sympathy, opening up a vast array of possibilities for the manipulation of energy across multiple targets or energy sources. One advantage of the Branch Augmentation, as opposed to simply having multiple separate bindings, is that it does not require additional Ferrousto to be used; instead, it only requires extra affinity. This makes the Branch Augmentation a more resource-efficient approach to affecting multiple targets or combining energy sources, while still retaining the versatility and power that comes with mastering the art of Synvesi.

These are just a few examples of the potential applications of the Split Augmentation. A skilled Synvetist is only limited by their creativity and understanding of the principles of sympathy, opening a vast array of possibilities for the manipulation of energy across multiple targets. One advantage of the Split Augmentation, as opposed to simply having multiple separate bindings, is that it does not require additional Ferrousto to be used; instead, it only requires extra affinity. This makes the Split Augmentation a more resource-efficient approach to affecting multiple targets, while still retaining the versatility and power that comes with mastering the art of Synvesi.


The Trigger augmentation is a sophisticated technique that enables a Synvetist to create a binding that reacts to specific conditions or stimuli. By carefully crafting the sympathetic link and imbuing it with the Trigger augmentation, the Synvetist can establish a conditional response, activating the binding only when the specified event occurs.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Trigger (DC +10): The Synvetist can create simple triggers that react to basic stimuli, such as changes in temperature, pressure, or vibrations.
  • Major Trigger (DC +15): The Synvetist can create more complex triggers that can discern more specific conditions, such as the approach of a certain type of object or creature.
  • Greater Trigger (DC +20): The Synvetist can create highly intricate triggers capable of detecting and responding to very particular circumstances or a combination of conditions.

To apply the Trigger augmentation, a Synvetist must have a clear understanding of the conditions they wish to detect. Mastering the Trigger augmentation demands exceptional control and knowledge of the underlying principles of sympathy, as the practitioner must weave a delicate balance of energy into their bindings to create the desired conditional response.

The Trigger augmentation can be used in various ways, from setting up defensive measures to creating complex and interactive magical devices. However, the effectiveness of a Trigger binding depends on the Synvetists skill in applying the augmentation and their ability to accurately predict and define the conditions they wish to detect. With practice, a skilled Synvetist can create a versatile range of responsive bindings, adapting their creations to a myriad of situations.


Stabilise allows a Synvetist to increase the reliability and control of a binding by reducing the chance of unwanted side effects by reducing the 'Chaos Factor' related to the binding. This augmentation is particularly useful when working with volatile energy types or in situations where precision and safety are critical. By enhancing the stability of a binding, a Synvetist can ensure that their manipulations are more predictable and manageable.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Stabilise (Aetharis; DC 20): Reduces the Chaos Factor by 25%.
  • Major Stabilise (Balathor; DC 30): Reduces the Chaos Factor by 50%.
  • Greater Stabilise (Corinthar; DC 40): Reduces Chaos Factor by 75%.

Due to the high DC required for Stabilise, it is most useful when you have plenty of time to prepare the binding to overcome very high DCs. It is worth noting that Stabilise is not just useful for managing damage but also for ensuring precise control over the energy manipulation, which can be crucial in non-combat situations.

Some potential uses for the Stabilise augmentation could include:

  • Working with energy forms that are inherently volatile, such as galvanic, chemical or elemental energies, where a loss of control could lead to harmful consequences.
  • Performing delicate tasks that require precise energy manipulation, such as healing or repairing delicate objects.
  • Protecting allies or bystanders from potential harm caused by energy fluctuations or unwanted side effects.
  • Enhancing the reliability of bindings when used in conjunction with other augmentations, allowing for more complex and controlled energy manipulations.

Stabilise offers players an additional layer of strategy when using bindings, enabling them to weigh the risks and benefits of their actions while reinforcing the importance of skill and control in their Synvetist character's abilities.


Obfuscate is an Augmentation binding that allows a Synvetist to cloak or conceal the true nature of their bindings, making it difficult for other Synvetists to identify and counteract the effect. This augmentation is particularly useful during a 'duel' where it helps prevent an opponent from accurately defending against the binding or in espionage situations, where secrecy is essential. When inscribed, Obfuscate can make arcane Sygaldric works harder to detect and identify the exact bindings.

Rules and Effects:

  • Minor Obfuscate (Sultharis; DC 5): Makes bindings moderately more difficult to identify. Increases the opposing Synvetist's DC to recognize the binding by 5.
  • Major Obfuscate (Terinthar; DC 10): Makes bindings significantly harder to identify. Increases the opposing Synvetist's DC to recognize the binding by 10 and adds a layer of misdirection, presenting a false binding to the observer.
  • Greater Obfuscate (Valnithar; DC 15): Makes bindings exceptionally difficult to identify. Increases the opposing Synvetist's DC to recognize the binding by 15, presents a false binding, and conceals any visual or auditory cues associated with the binding.

The Obfuscate augmentation can be invaluable in situations where secrecy and deception are vital. It adds an additional layer of strategy and complexity to Synvetist encounters, as players must not only consider the effects of their bindings but also how to best conceal them from their adversaries.

Some potential uses for the Obfuscate augmentation could include:

  • Hiding the true intent of a binding during a Synvetist duel, making it harder for the opponent to prepare an effective defense.
  • Concealing the presence of a trap or ward, allowing it to catch intruders or enemies off-guard.
  • Protecting sensitive information or objects by masking the true nature of the Sygaldric inscriptions that protect them.
  • Misdirecting adversaries by presenting false bindings or effects, leading them to waste resources countering the wrong threat.

Mastering the Obfuscate augmentation will enable a Synvetist to keep their intentions hidden and their bindings enigmatic, adding an extra layer of deception and strategy to their repertoire.

Learning New Bindings

The study and practice of Ferrology involve mastering a diverse array of bindings to manipulate energy and establish sympathetic links. Learning new bindings is an essential part of the journey for any aspiring Synvetist. While there are several ways to acquire this knowledge, the most common method is through instruction from an expert Ferrologist. Experienced practitioners often impart their wisdom and understanding of specific bindings to their apprentices, passing down their expertise from one generation to the next.

However, not all bindings are readily accessible through traditional means. Some can be discovered in ancient texts or hidden within the depths of underground systems. These rare and potentially powerful bindings often require extensive research and experimentation to decipher and master. Unearthing such hidden knowledge can be a dangerous and exciting undertaking, as the Synvetist delves into the forgotten corners of history and explores the limits of their abilities.

Rumours also circulate of an underground network of master criminals who have delved deep into the mysteries of Ferrology. These nefarious individuals are said to have amassed a vast collection of powerful bindings, some of which are unknown to the general population of Synvetists. They are whispered to sell these rare and potentially dangerous bindings on the black market, providing an alternative, albeit risky, means of acquiring new knowledge for those willing to venture into the shadows. The existence of this underground network highlights the darker side of Ferrology, where the manipulation of energy can be used for more sinister purposes and fall into the wrong hands.

Synvetic Links

As you embark on your journey through the world of Ferrology, it is crucial to grasp the concept of Synvetic links, the very essence that binds the energies of our reality. As a Synvetist, you shall learn to weave intricate sentences of binding words, combining them to form powerful Synvetic links that connect subjects and objects, allowing the flow of energy between them. The foundation of a Synvetic link is the energy type that forms a metaphorical tunnel, bridging the gap between the subject and object. Through this tunnel, energy transfers as if the two entities were in direct contact.

Creating a Synvetic link between two objects establishes a unified energy continuum, connecting them in such a way that their energy states and properties become intertwined. As a result, the objects behave as if they were one, sharing energy and its characteristics seamlessly. This enables Synvetists to manipulate energy flow and properties, such as galvanic charge, between the linked objects to achieve various effects. However, the universe demands balance – the law of conservation of energy must always be respected. The energy that traverses a Synvetic link must have a source, and it is through the delicate manipulation of these energies that you will wield your power.

When a Synvetic link establishes a shared energy state between two objects, various arcane properties may be shared and influenced. Some examples of energy properties that could become intertwined between the linked objects include:

  1. Motive Force (Motive): The motion and momentum of the objects could become interconnected, influencing each other's movement and swiftness.
  2. Elastic Force (Motive): The energy preserved in the deformation of the objects, such as when they are stretched or compressed, can be shared, or transferred.
  3. Aural Resonance (Sonic): The vibrational energy within the objects, such as the sound waves, they emit or absorb, can be shared, or transferred, causing the objects to resonate in harmony or produce unique sonic effects.
  4. Caloric Flux (Thermal): The warmth and coldness between the objects balance, allowing for the transfer of caloric essence between them.
  5. Galvanic Synchronization (Static): The galvanic charge and conductive properties of the objects are unified, allowing for the equal distribution of charged particles and the harmonious flow of electrical energy between them.
  6. Magnetism (Radiative): The magnetic auras and forces between the objects become connected, influencing each other's magnetic behaviour.
  7. Luminous Essence (Radiative): The radiant energies emitted or absorbed by the objects, such as light or warmth, can be shared or manipulated.
  8. Alchemical Potency (Chemical): The energy bound in the very essence of the objects can be transferred or shared, potentially leading to transformative reactions or changes in the objects.
  9. Core Energy (Elemental): The energy contained within the heart of the objects' building blocks can be influenced, potentially leading to fundamental reactions or changes in the objects.
  10. Latent Power: The stored energy within the objects, such as the energy from an object's position in the embrace of gravity or the energy held in a coiled spring, can be shared, or transferred.
  11. Ferrological Interlacement (Ferrical): The most fundamental aspects of the objects become enmeshed, allowing for a shared response to the subtlest fluctuations in their ethereal essences, as if bound by invisible threads of force that permeate their very being.
  12. Cosmological Confluence (Fabrical): The objects become entwined at the level of the mysterious fabric that holds the cosmos together, manifesting a shared affinity to the unseen forces that govern the movements of celestial bodies and shape the contours of reality itself.

Table 6 Energy Forms, Energy Carriers and Associated Potentials

Energy FormFull Energy NameCarrierPotential
MotiveLinear Motive ForceMassive objectsInertia, Aethereal Attraction
SonicOrbital Motive ForceVibrational waves in a mediumHarmonic energy, Rotational Inertia
ThermalResonant Motive ForceMicroscopic motion of essencesCaloric energy
StaticLinear Galvanic ForceCharged essences (e.g., vitreous, resinous)Electrostatic Influence
RadiativeOrbital Galvanic ForceLuminiferous wavesLuminous influence
ChemicalResonant Galvanic ForceAlchemical bondsAlchemical potential
ElementalLinear Intrinsic ForceSub-elemental particlesElemental cohesion
FerrologicalOrbital Intrinsic ForceAetheric interactions and currentsAetheric potential
FabricalResonant Intrinsic ForceCurvatures of the AetherGravitational influence

As you gain experience, you will learn to employ Augmentation bindings to alter the flow of energy and shape its interactions with the gradient. These augmentations, while granting extraordinary capabilities, come at a cost – both in terms of affinity and complexity. The increased affinity cost represents the concentration of your Aura, channelling it through the Ferrousto to manifest the link. The rising complexity of the Synvetic sentence adds to the difficulty of maintaining focus on the binding, increasing the chance of failure. Be cautious, for failure may bear grave consequences.

There is much to discover about Synvetic links, including the utilization of multiple links for more intricate effects and the ability to spread affinity costs over time, allowing for powerful manifestations in non-threatening situations. These advanced techniques will be explored in greater detail as your knowledge expands. You may also learn to prepare bindings for high-stress situations, reducing the difficulty or enabling swift actions. Engage in duels of the mind against rival Synvetists, where your wit and skill will be put to the test. Unravel the mysteries of casting upon items with arcane properties, and discover the intricacies of energy drain and leakage – along with the risks they pose. Learn to divert drain to a Ferrousto, harnessing its potential, and master the art of overpowering, creating links with insufficient affinity or doubling up affinity in Ferrousto. Finally, delve into the realm of cooperative binding, where multiple Synvetists share the load of a binding, allowing for even greater feats of Ferrology.

Now, as we delve deeper into the art of creating Synvetic links, prepare yourselves for a journey of discovery, wonder, and mastery. The path may be fraught with challenges, but the rewards are boundless for those who dare to unlock the secrets of the universe.

Creating a Synvetic Link

Creating a Synvetic link is a complex process that requires focus, understanding, and skill. The steps outlined below provide a comprehensive guide to the intricacies involved in forming a successful link. As a Synvetist, you must consider various factors such as energy sources, targets, correspondence, and more. Familiarize yourself with these steps to become a master at shaping and controlling energy through Synvetic links.

  1. Select the Object of the Link, which is typically an energy source, and determine its 'Familiarity' to the player.
  2. Identify the Subject of the Link, the target or sink of the energy, and establish its 'Familiarity' to the player.
  3. Calculate the Total Correspondence (similarity) between the Object and Subject by summing up the correspondence modifiers from the Correspondence Modifier Table, or estimate the Total Correspondence using the Correspondence and Leakage Table.
  4. Optionally, improve the correspondence by allocating additional affinity, referencing the Focus Correspondence Table.
  5. Estimate the 'Leakage' resulting from the Total Correspondence by consulting the Correspondence and Leakage Table.
  6. Select the appropriate fundamental binding based on the energy form, referring to the energy forms section above. Take note of the associated DC.
  7. Incorporate any augmentation binding words to form the complete Synvetic Sentence, consulting the Augmentation Bindings section above. Add the DC modifiers for each augmentation to find the total Synvetic Link DC and determine the affinity cost by summing the number of Augmentations.
  8. Optionally, integrate additional Synvetic Links if necessary (additional Ferrousto required). Refer to the 'Combining Links' section, below, for guidance.
  9. Determine the total binding time based on the affinity cost. Decide whether to reduce the time by increasing the DC and chaos factor (CF), consulting the 'Faster Focus vs DC and CF' Table.
  10. Assess the Drain, which comes in three types: Chill Drain (applies when using the player's body as an energy source, determined by the amount of energy transferred), Exertion Drain (applies only if the player fails their Aura check, natural 1d8 nonlethal damage + Total Aura DC/5), and Leakage Drain (calculated from the leakage percentage found in step 4, causing the caster to receive a percentage of the final potential damage as nonlethal damage).
  11. Execute the Synvetic link with an Aura Arcane Skill check, ascertaining its success or failure. Casting can take several actions as determined in step 9. Actions can be distributed across multiple rounds with other actions interspersed, but a concentration check is necessary if not continuously focusing without distractions or attacks.
  12. Finally, enact the effects of the link, whether it succeeds or fails, based on all previous calculations. In the event of a critical failure, the GM decides the disastrous outcome.

As you practice and perfect the art of creating Synvetic links, you will become more adept at navigating the complexities of the process. Remember to always consider the potential consequences and strive for mastery in controlling and shaping energy to achieve your desired outcomes. Once you have successfully formed a Synvetic link, it can be recorded with all the relevant details and used more easily in the future. Keep in mind that the correspondence may change over time, which will primarily affect the Leakage Drain. Mastery of these techniques will prove invaluable when chaining together multiple links for more advanced arcane abilities.

Note: The rules for creating Synvetic links are quite complex and may require balancing and adjustments throughout gameplay. We are continuously working to improve and streamline these rules, with the aim of automating as much of the process as possible for a more seamless experience.

Step 1: Specify Object and Target of the Link

The first step in establishing a Synvetic link involves selecting the Object and Subject of the link. The Object is typically an energy source, while the Subject is the target that receives the energy. It is essential to consider the player's familiarity with the specific Object and Subject in question, as it will influence the Aura skill check DC for the binding.

When determining the familiarity, keep in mind that it refers to the precise Object or Subject in question. For example, if the Subject is a candle, even if the player intimately understands candles, if they had never seen and/or had no knowledge of the specific candle that will be the Subject, then it would still count as utterly unknown. Inspecting the item for a while, touching, and handling it, or owning it for an extended period will increase the player's familiarity. If the player has proficiency in a broad or narrow lore skill that the GM deems relevant to the object or subject, then the player receives a bonus to their Aura skill check equal to their proficiency bonus (e.g., +2 for trained, +8 for legendary). Note that the Binding DC will need to add the DC modifier for both the Object and the Subject.

To establish the DC modifier for the binding, consider the player's familiarity with the specific Object and Subject on a scale, with 0 representing the player themselves, and the DC modifier increasing as the Object or Subject becomes more unknown or complex. For an utterly unfamiliar Object or Subject, the DC modifier should be high enough to make the Aura skill check nearly impossible, even for someone with a skill bonus of 30. The following table presents various levels of familiarity and their corresponding DC modifiers:

Familiarity LevelDescriptionDC Modifier
IntimateThe player has owned or interacted with the specific Object or Subject extensively+2
CloseThe player has touched and handled the specific Object or Subject for some time+5
ConsiderableThe player has inspected the specific Object or Subject for a while+10
MinimalThe player has seen the specific Object or Subject briefly+15
VagueThe player has only heard or read about the specific Object or Subject+20
UnfamiliarThe player has no knowledge or interaction with the specific Object or Subject, but it is not alien to their experience+25
Utterly UnknownThe specific Object or Subject is completely foreign to the player's experience and understanding+30

Please remember that the Binding DC will need to add the DC modifier for both the Object and the Subject. Additionally, the player's lore skill will grant a bonus to the Aura skill check equal to their proficiency bonus, which can help offset the increased DC for less familiar Objects and Subjects.

Step 2: Determine Correspondence

In the "Calculate the Total Correspondence" step, players determine the similarity between the Object and Subject by summing up the correspondence modifiers from the Correspondence Modifier Table ([TABLE 2]). The Total Correspondence can be thought of as a percentage, with 100% being a perfect match between the Object and Subject. This step is essential for understanding how easily the player can establish a Synvetic Link between the Object and Subject.

AspectExamplesOppositeHighly DissimilarDissimilarSimilarVery SimilarIdentical
Shape/DesignNumber of edges, symmetry, geometric features, etc.-20-10-551020
Chemical PropertiesElemental composition, chemical bonds, reactivity, etc.-20-10-551020
Physical PropertiesHardness, toughness, density, elasticity, etc.-20-10-551020
Optical PropertiesColour, reflectivity, transparency, refractive index, etc.-10-5-22510
Dynamic PropertiesTemperature, wetness, state of matter, electrical conductivity, etc.-10-5-22510
Practical PurposeUsage, function, application, purpose in society, etc.-8-4-2248
HistoryPrevious ownership, origin, significant events, etc.-5-3-1135
Cultural SignificanceSymbolism, religious or social importance, artistic value, etc.-4-2-1124
AgeTime since creation, wear and tear, decomposition, etc.-3-2-1123

The table above presents the correspondence modifiers for different aspects of the Object and Subject involved in a Synvetic Link. If the aspects cannot be easily compared, simply use a value of 0 for the correspondence modifier. To calculate the Total Correspondence between the Object and Subject, reference the table and sum up the correspondence modifiers for each aspect based on their similarity. For example, if the Object and Subject have similar Shape/Design, their correspondence modifier for that aspect would be +5. Total Correspondence works like a percentage, with a value of 100 indicating that the Object and Subject are identical. Sum up the correspondence modifiers for all aspects to determine the Total Correspondence between the Object and Subject. If the Total Correspondence is 100, it means the Object and Subject are identical in all aspects.

If the GM is required to determine the Total Correspondence in a hurry, they can consult TABLE 3: Correspondence Consequences. This table lists the similarity levels alongside their associated correspondence, leakage percentage, and Aura DC modifiers. The leakage represent the energy lost during the binding process and can result in harm to the player if not properly managed. The Aura DC modifiers indicate the difficulty of establishing the Synvetic Link based on the correspondence between the Object and Subject.

TABLE 3: Correspondence Consequences

SimilarityCorrespondenceLeakageAura DC Modifier
Absolutely Opposite010020
Highly Dissimilar106018
Somewhat Dissimilar302014
Somewhat Similar50610
Very Similar7026
Nearly Identical8014

This table displays the levels of similarity between the Object and Subject, with corresponding values for Correspondence, Leakage, and Aura DC Modifier. The GM can choose to assign the Correspondence based on these descriptions if deemed easier or quicker than summing the Correspondence from the aspects in [TABLE 2]. The Leakage column indicates the percentage of potential energy lost during the binding process, while the Aura DC Modifier column determines the additional difficulty posed to the player's Aura skill check.

In addition to using the tables, players should consider the following points when calculating Total Correspondence: 1. Contagion: If an item is taken from or broken off another item, it has contagion, which provides a +50 correspondence modifier. However, this bonus cannot push the Total Correspondence over 100. 2. Ferrousto: Using a Ferrousto as either the Object or Subject adds 30 to the correspondence. Each Ferrousto also adds a chaos factor (CF) of 10 to the total binding CF. Be mindful of the added chaos, as it can make the binding more unpredictable and potentially dangerous. 3. Over-Focus: Players can opt to improve the correspondence by allocating additional affinity (+10 correspondence - 1 correspondence ‘rank’ - per additional affinity). This can help mitigate some of the challenges posed by low correspondence between the Object and Subject. However, as the binding will cost more affinity, it will take longer to cast.

To summarise, calculating the Total Correspondence involves referencing the Correspondence Modifier Table ([TABLE 2]) and the Correspondence Consequences Table ([TABLE 3]) to understand the similarity between the Object and Subject, the Leakage, and the Binding DC modifier. Players must also consider factors such as Contagion, Ferrousto, and Over-Focus when determining the Total Correspondence. Understanding the relationship between the Object and Subject and the associated challenges is crucial for successfully establishing a Synvetic Link and executing the desired binding effect.

Step 3: Choose the Binding

In this step, you will select the appropriate fundamental binding based on the energy form. This is crucial in determining the nature of your Synvetic link and will directly impact its overall difficulty. To complete this step, follow the guidelines below:

  1. Consult the Energy Forms Table: Begin by consulting the table that lists the energy forms and their associated fundamental bindings (refer to Table 4: Energy Forms and related Mechanics). This table includes the energy form classification and common name alongside their associated DC and Chaos Factor (CF).
  2. Identify the Energy Form: Determine the energy form you are working with, likely based on the type of energy source most significant for the Subject you have chosen in previous steps. This energy form will dictate which fundamental binding you should select for your Synvetic link. You must know the binding word.
  3. Select the Fundamental Binding: Once you've identified the energy form, choose the appropriate fundamental binding from the Energy Forms Table. Be sure to note the associated base DC and Chaos Factor for this binding, as it will affect the overall difficulty of your Synvetic link and will be used in all subsequent calculations.
  4. Record the Binding: Finally, record the selected fundamental binding and its associated DC for future reference. You will need this information as you proceed through the remaining steps of creating your Synvetic link.

Table 4: Energy Forms and related Mechanics

Energy ClassificationCommon NameDCChaos FactorBinding Words
Linear KineticMotive00Grenthos Rythiskor
Orbital KineticSonic50Vorikai Rythiskor
Resonant KineticThermal105Kerastun Rythiskor
Linear GalvanicStatic1510 Grenthos Zaltavor
Orbital GalvanicRadiative200Vorikai Zaltavor
Resonant GalvanicChemical2520Kerastun Zaltavor
Linear IntrinsicElemental3040Grenthos Mithrakar
Orbital IntrinsicFerrical5060Vorikai Mithrakar
Resonant IntrinsicFabricalUnknown90Kerastun Mithrakar

Binding Words and Energy Transformation

In the study of Synvesi, the proper combination and conversion of binding words play a critical role in harnessing and manipulating energy forms. The table below presents the binding words for the energy types (Kinetic, Galvanic, Intrinsic) and energy manifestations (Linear, Orbital, Resonant).

To bind an energy form, simply combine the binding words of the corresponding energy type and manifestation, such as "Grenthos Rythiskor" for Linear Kinetic (Motive) energy. To convert an energy manifestation, one can use the associated conversion word following the initial binding phrase. Keep in mind that energy manifestations can only progress sequentially from Linear to Orbital and from Orbital to Resonant, without skipping or reversing steps. Energy types, however, cannot be converted. For example, to convert a Linear Kinetic energy (Motive) into an Orbital Kinetic energy (Sonic), you would first bind the Motive energy using "Grenthos Rythiskor" along with the conversion word "Sylthren" to transform it (i.e., the total binding sentence is “Grenthos Sylthren Rythiskor”, which loosely translates as “Linear to Orbital conversion of Kinetic energy”. Hereby, this binding is commonly called the “spin” binding.

Table 5: Binding Words

Binding TypeBinding Word

By completing this step, you'll have successfully chosen the fundamental binding for your Synvetic link. This binding is the core around which your Synvetic link will be built, so it's essential to choose it carefully. As you progress through the remaining steps, keep the energy form and fundamental binding in mind, as they will play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness and complexity of your Synvetic link. With the fundamental binding selected, you are now ready to move on to the next step, where you will incorporate any augmentation bindings to further refine and enhance your Synvetic link.

Step 4: Augmentation Bindings

At this point in the Synvetic link creation process, you can incorporate augmentation bindings to further customize and enhance your link's effects. These augmentation bindings are added to the fundamental binding, forming a complete Synvetic Sentence. To learn more about each specific augmentation and its Mechanics, consult the Augmentation Bindings section earlier in this article.

Augmentation bindings consist of various ranks for each effect, which must be learned and remembered, sharing the same pool as regular bindings. Unlike combining multiple links, augmentations only require an addition to the affinity cost and Arcana DC, without the need for extra Ferrousto or increased Leakage.

When incorporating augmentation bindings, add the DC modifiers for each chosen augmentation to calculate the total Synvetic Link DC. To determine the affinity cost, simply sum up the number of augmentations used.

As you consider augmenting your binding, think about your goals and how these enhancements might help you achieve them. Whether you're looking to increase the power of your Synvetic link or add unique effects, augmentation bindings provide the flexibility to tailor your link to your specific needs.

Step 5: Combining Links (Optional)

In some cases, you may want to combine multiple Synvetic links for more complex or powerful effects. This process requires additional Ferrousto for each link you add to the combination. Keep in mind that combining links increases the overall complexity of the binding, which can lead to a higher chance of failure or unintended consequences. To combine links, follow the steps outlined earlier in this process for each individual link to build a new sentence and then combine it with the previous.

Many Synvetists have delved into the art of combining multiple sympathetic links to circumvent the constraints of energy conservation. By skilfully connecting various links and manipulating different energy types, these practitioners can create complex systems to achieve their desired outcomes. For example, some Synvetists have been known to use one link to draw heat energy away from a specific area, while another link dissipates that energy into the surrounding environment. This method allows them to cool down the target area without directly reversing the energy flow.

Sygaldrist, who etch Ferrousto with Synvetic links to make their effects last a long time or even indefinitely, are particularly adept at using multiple links in their craft. They employ this technique to create their magical devices, such as the Frostvault, a wondrous container that keeps its contents chilled through the clever manipulation of multiple links and energy flows. Mastering the use of multiple sympathetic links requires a deep understanding of energy types, Synvetic bindings, and the consequences of combining different links. With careful experimentation and practice, Synvetists can unlock the full potential of their abilities and create intricate networks of energy manipulation that lead to impressive and versatile applications.

Step 6: Determine Binding Time and Casting Speed

The total binding time is directly related to the affinity cost, with higher affinity costs requiring more time to execute the Synvetic link. The time needed to complete the binding can have a significant impact on your strategy and tactics, particularly in combat situations or other time-sensitive scenarios. You do, however, always have the option to either reduce or lengthen the binding time by modifying the DC and Chaos Factor (CF). Shortening the binding time will increase the DC and CF, making it more difficult and riskier, while lengthening the binding time will lower both the DC and CF, making it easier and more stable. The choice depends on your situation and priorities. In some cases, speed may be crucial, while in others, ensuring success and minimizing chaos might be more important.

Consult the Focus Time Change vs DC and CF table to determine the trade-offs and decide if adjusting the casting process is worth the added risks or benefits.

Table 6: Slower/Faster Focus vs DC and CF

Focus Time ChangeDC ModifierChaos Factor Modifier
x30 Time-30-60
x25 Time-25-50
x20 Time-20-40
x15 Time-15-30
x10 Time-10-20
x5 Time-5-10
80% Reduction+5+10
60% Reduction+10+20
40% Reduction+15+30
20% Reduction+20+40
10% Reduction+25+50

The above table shows the relationship between increasing and reducing the focus time, increasing the DC (Difficulty Class), and increasing the chaos factor (CF) when executing a Synvetic link. The first column represents the fraction of the original focus time, the second column shows the change in DC, and the third column indicates the change in CF.

Step 7: Assess Drain

As you execute the Synvetic link, be prepared to manage the potential drain on your character. Drain comes in three forms:

  • Chill Drain: Chill Drain applies when the player's body is used as an energy source for the Synvetic link, and the drain is determined by the amount of energy transferred. The more energy channelled through the player's body, the greater the Chill Drain. The GM should determine the severity of the Chill Drain based on the energy form and the total amount of energy used in the binding. For example, a small amount of energy might cause temporary discomfort, while a large amount of energy could lead to lasting fatigue or even exhaustion. To quantify Chill Drain in the absence of a clear damage die, the GM may assign a level of exhaustion to the player, ranging from 1 (weakest) to 5 (strongest), based on the energy channelled.
  • Exertion Drain: Exertion Drain occurs when the player fails their Aura check, causing them to suffer from the strain of attempting the binding. This drain is calculated as 1d8 nonlethal damage + the Total Aura DC/5. The player should roll a d8 and add the result to the calculated value to determine the total Exertion Drain suffered. The nonlethal damage is temporary and recovers over time, but it can hinder the player's ability to perform further actions if it accumulates.
  • Leakage Drain: Leakage Drain is a consequence of the leakage percentage found in Step 2. Leakage occurs when a portion of the energy used in the Synvetic link escapes, affecting the caster. The caster receives a percentage of the final potential damage as lethal damage, based on the Leakage Drain calculation. To determine the total leakage drain, multiply the leakage percentage by the final potential damage of the Synvetic link. The result represents the amount of nonlethal damage the caster suffers as a consequence of the energy leakage. For example, if the leakage percentage is 20% and the final potential damage of the Synvetic link is 50, the Leakage Drain would be 10 damage (20% of 50). This damage represents the caster's inability to fully control the energy used in the binding, causing it to leak and harm them.

Step 8: Execute the Synvetic Link

With all the previous steps completed, you're ready to execute the Synvetic link. Make an Aura Arcane Skill check to determine its success or failure. Casting can take several actions, as determined in step 6. Actions can be distributed across multiple rounds, with other actions interspersed, but a concentration check is necessary if not continuously focusing without distractions or attacks.

Step 9: Enact the Effects

Finally, enact the effects of the link, whether it succeeds or fails, based on all previous calculations. In the event of a critical failure, the GM decides the disastrous outcome. Remember that the effects of the link can be quite varied, depending on the energy form, bindings, augmentations, and correspondence between the Object and Subject. As you become more experienced in using Synvetic links, you'll develop a better understanding of how to combine these elements for optimal results.

With these steps in mind, you're now equipped to create and execute Synvetic links in your campaigns. Practice and experimentation will help you master this unique system, unlocking new possibilities for your characters and the world around them.


With all the steps outlined and detailed, you now have a comprehensive understanding of how to create and execute Synvetic links. By following these steps and considering the various factors and trade-offs involved, players can craft powerful and versatile links to suit their needs and strategies in any situation.

It's essential to remember that Synvetic links are a powerful and potentially dangerous tool, and their use comes with risks such as Chill, Exertion, and Leakage Drains. Balancing power, speed, and risk is key to mastering Synvetic links and using them effectively in your campaigns.

With the foundation laid out, it's time to explore some additional concepts that add even more depth and versatility to the Synvetic link system. In the following sections, we will cover topics such as managing Affinity, coping with Insanity, forming cooperative links, engaging in duels, and utilizing drain divergence. These concepts will help you further customize and enhance your Synvetic link experience, providing new challenges and opportunities for players and GMs alike.

Additional Concepts

Now that you have a solid grasp of the core Mechanics and steps involved in creating Synvetic links, it's time to delve deeper into the world of Synvesi and explore some exciting additional concepts. These advanced topics will enrich your experience, providing new challenges, tactics, and creative opportunities for both players and Game Masters alike.

In this section, we'll discuss eight key concepts that will elevate your understanding and mastery of the Synvetic link system, including Pre-Prepared Bindings, Synvetic Duelling, Binding Arcane Objects, Drain Divergence, Managing Affinity, Managing Ferrousto, Co-operative Synvesi, and Overpowering, Overcharging, and Insanity.

These concepts will open a world of possibilities, enabling you to expand your skillset and adapt your Synvetic links to an even broader range of scenarios and situations. So, buckle up and get ready to venture into the realm of advanced Synvesi techniques!

1. Pre-Prepared Bindings

In the dynamic world of Synvesi, being able to cast your Synvetic links quickly can make all the difference. Pre-prepared bindings offer a solution to this need for speed by allowing you to store partially-cast binding effects for later use. This advanced technique enables you to respond rapidly to changing circumstances or seize opportunities as they arise.

To prepare a binding effect in advance, you must spend the appropriate number of actions to cast the Synvetic link, except for the very last action. Once you have done so, the effect is stored half in your mind and half within the Ferrousto. When the time comes to unleash the stored effect, you can complete the binding by spending just 1 action to finish the casting.

However, storing binding effects comes with certain risks and limitations. You must consciously maintain the stored effect in your mind, and if you lose consciousness, all stored effects are lost. Additionally, you can store a maximum number of effects equal to your Intelligence bonus, and you are also limited by the number of Ferrousto in your possession. If you don't have an Intelligence bonus, you are unable to prepare bindings ahead of time.

By mastering the art of Pre-Prepared Bindings, you can enhance your adaptability and responsiveness, giving you a critical edge in both combat and non-combat situations alike.

2. Synvetic Duelling

In the world of Synvesi, rival synvesists may find themselves at odds, their wills clashing through the power of Ferrousto. Synvetic duelling is a unique form of magical combat that pits the strength of a synvesist's focus and conviction against that of their opponent. It is not only a battle of willpower but also a test of endurance as both combatants wrestles with the potential consequences of drain. During a Synvetic duel, both synvesists focus their affinity through a Ferrousto, each attempting to achieve their desired effect while preventing the other from doing the same. As they engage in this contest, they take turns making opposing Arcana checks as actions. As long as neither synvesist fails their check, note the margin between the roll and the DCs of the attempt (the DC can be different if one is casting a ‘simpler’ binding, giving them a better chance – i.e., it can be better to not be over-ambitious with complex bindings during a duel). Continue until one of the bindings is complete. The higher tally of roll above DC wins the duel.

The consequences of the duel are shared between the two synvesists, with the leakage distributed evenly between them. However, the losing synvesist bears the brunt of the intended damage, suffering the full force of the victorious binding. Throughout the duel, both synvesists are subject to the normal chill drain and exertion drain as they would be in any other Synvetic link attempt. Synvetic duelling is a thrilling and dangerous aspect of Synvesi, demanding both skill and determination from its participants. In the heat of a duel, a synvesist must balance their desire for victory with the potential risks they are willing to endure.

3. Binding Arcane Objects

Binding Arcane objects adds a unique twist to Synvesi, allowing synvesists to harness the power of magical items in their Synvetic links. This process involves forming a connection between the Ferrousto and the magical item, transferring the item's inherent power into the link and modifying the effect accordingly.

To bind an Arcane object, a synvesist must first understand the nature of the item, its properties, and its magical potential. This typically requires an Identify spell or a successful Arcana check, the difficulty of which is determined by the GM based on the complexity and rarity of the item.

Once the synvesist has identified the item, they must integrate the object's magical essence into the Synvetic link. This involves adding the appropriate Augmentation Binding words to the Synvetic Sentence, accounting for the item's properties and adjusting the DC and affinity cost as needed. It is important to note that binding an Arcane object may consume the item, rendering it non-magical or even destroyed, depending on the nature of the Synvetic link.

Binding Arcane objects can lead to powerful and unpredictable effects, adding depth and versatility to a synvesist's repertoire. However, it also comes with increased risk and complexity, as the synvesist must carefully consider the consequences of tapping into the item's power and the potential ramifications of its consumption.

4. Drain Divergence

Drain Divergence is a specialized skill feat that allows an Arcanist to negate a portion of the drain they would otherwise suffer during a Synvetic link. By channeling the drain through their Ferrousto, they can alleviate the stress on their own body and mind, potentially saving themselves from significant harm.

To utilize Drain Divergence, the Arcanist must have the Drain Divergence skill feat. They can then negate an amount of drain equal to 1d12 + their Wisdom Modifier + their Arcana modifier. This process permanently destroys the Ferrousto in a controlled manner, preventing any damage that would normally be caused by its destruction.

Arcanists with the Greater Drain Divergence skill feat can choose to overcharge the divergence, diverting 2d12 + Wisdom Modifier + Arcana modifier of drain. However, this causes the Ferrousto to explode violently, dealing 3d8 damage in a 5-foot radius. This option should be used cautiously, as it can endanger nearby allies and the Arcanist themselves.

For those who possess the Ultimate Drain Divergence skill feat, they gain the ability to divert 3d12 + Wisdom Modifier + Arcanist Level of drain to any object of their choice. This advanced technique allows for even greater control over drain management but must be used wisely to avoid unintended consequences.

Drain Divergence provides Arcanists with additional options for managing the risks associated with Synvesi, helping them push the limits of their power while mitigating some of the dangers involved.

5. Managing Affinity and Insanity

In the practice of Synvesi, an Arcanist's Affinity Points represent their ability to manipulate and channel energy effectively. As they become more proficient in the Aura arcane skill, their Affinity pool grows, allowing them to establish and maintain more complex and powerful bindings. Each rank of proficiency grants additional Affinity Points, starting with 1 at the Apprentice rank and reaching 30 at the rank of Imperator (See Table 1: Prowess Ranks). However, an Arcanist's Affinity is not inexhaustible, and managing this resource is crucial to mastering Synvesi. Carefully planning and executing Synvetic links to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your Affinity Points can be the difference between success and failure in both combat and non-combat situations.

Restoring your Affinity Points requires rest and focused concentration. You can recover one Affinity Point for each hour of rest dedicated to this purpose. During this time, you meditate and re-centre yourself, tapping into the wellspring of arcane energy that fuels your Affinity. It is important to balance the demands of your adventures with the need to maintain your Affinity pool to ensure you are always prepared for any challenges you may face. In dire situations, an Arcanist may choose to perform a Synvetic feat without sufficient Affinity. This represents an attempt to tap into the chaotic nature of arcane energy without the necessary mental preparation or fortitude. While this can potentially grant the Arcanist a much-needed boost of power, it comes at a great risk, as they expose themselves to the dangers of insanity.

Using Affinity while your pool is empty can be dangerous, as it grants negative Affinity Points to your pool. The more negative Affinity Points you accumulate, the higher the risk of gaining an Insanity Rank. Insanity Ranks represent the mental strain and damage caused by overextending your arcane abilities without the necessary resources.

Every hour, there is a percentage chance of gaining an Insanity Rank (or more than one) based on the magnitude of your negative Affinity Points. Consult the Table 4: Insanity Ranks to determine the percentage chance and potential consequences of gaining Insanity Ranks.

Negative Affinity PointsInsanity Rank Gain ChancePotential Consequences
1-510%Gain 1 Insanity Rank
6-1020%Gain 1-2 Insanity Ranks
11-1530%Gain 2-3 Insanity Ranks
16-2040%Gain 3-4 Insanity Ranks
21-2550%Gain 4-5 Insanity Ranks
26-3060%Gain 5-6 Insanity Ranks
31+70%Gain 6+ Insanity Ranks

Gaining Insanity Ranks can have severe consequences on your character's mental stability, potentially leading to permanent debuffs, loss of control, or even character death. Be mindful of the risks associated with using Affinity Points while your pool is empty and take care to manage your arcane resources wisely to avoid the perils of Insanity.

Insanity RankNameEffects
1WhispersDevelop a minor tick or habit, such as twitching or mumbling to oneself.
2EchosExperience mild hallucinations or hear faint voices, occasionally causing distraction.
3FracturesSuffer from short-term memory loss, making it difficult to recall recent events or conversations.
4PhantomsExperience vivid hallucinations or delusions, making it hard to discern reality from imagination.
5ParanoiaBecome increasingly paranoid, distrusting even close friends and allies.
6FugueOccasionally lose control of one's actions, potentially causing harm to oneself or others.
7ObsessionDevelop an unhealthy fixation on a person, object, or idea, often to the detriment of other priorities.
8DisintegrationExperience severe personality changes, making it difficult to maintain relationships and cooperate with others.
9DeliriumLose touch with reality, becoming nearly impossible to reason with or communicate effectively.
10AbyssBecome fully insane and uncontrollable, resulting in the character being unplayable and potentially dangerous to others.

As a player progresses through Insanity Ranks, they will experience increasingly severe effects on their mental stability. Each rank will present unique challenges and potential dangers for the character and their allies. It is important for players and GMs to work together to roleplay the effects of Insanity Ranks and consider the in-game consequences of a character's descent into madness.

By understanding the limits of your Affinity and learning to conserve and restore your Affinity Points, you can ensure that you are always ready to unleash the full potential of your Synvetic abilities when needed. Experienced Arcanists develop strategies and tactics that make the best use of their Affinity Points while minimizing the risks associated with pushing their limits. Knowing when to expend your Affinity Points on powerful bindings, when to hold back, and when to take the risk of drawing on the chaotic energies of the arcane without sufficient Affinity is a mark of a skilled Arcanist. Developing these instincts and honing your Affinity management skills can make all the difference in your success as a practitioner of Synvesi.

Co-operative Synvesi

When several synvesists join forces, they can achieve remarkable results that might be beyond the reach of a single practitioner. Co-operative Synvesi is a powerful technique that allows multiple casters to pool their knowledge and affinity, increasing the likelihood of successfully casting complex or challenging bindings.

To initiate Co-operative Synvesi, choose one synvesist as the leader of the group. This is typically the individual with the highest Arcana skill modifier. Each additional caster must be familiar with the binding being attempted and succeed on an Arcana skill check against half the desired spell effect's DC. Note that supporting synvesists must also focus at least one affinity point through a Ferrousto to aid in their checks.

For every supporting synvesist who succeeds, their magnitude bonus (per affinity point) is added to the primary caster's Arcana check. The more affinity points focused by each supporting synvesist, the greater the bonus conferred. However, teamwork is not without risks. If any participant in the co-operative effort rolls a critical failure, the entire attempt ends in disaster, potentially resulting in unexpected consequences for the group.

Co-operative Synvesi can be a game-changing strategy when employed skilfully. It encourages collaboration, communication, and tactical thinking among players, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared achievement. Mastering this technique can open up new possibilities for your group, enabling you to overcome obstacles and achieve great feats of arcane prowess.

Overcharging and Its Consequences

As a synvesist, you must be mindful of the limitations of your Ferrousto shards. Each charged Ferrousto can naturally channel one Affinity, enabling you to create and maintain more bindings as you acquire additional shards. When channelling Affinity through a Ferrousto to produce an effect, its charge is depleted. Ferrousto recharge chaotically, typically taking about a day to recover their ability to channel energy.

While it may be tempting to push the boundaries, attempting to channel multiple Affinity Points through a single Ferrousto can have dangerous consequences. Overcharging a shard can lead to an explosion, causing harm to both the caster and their surroundings. This risk increases with each additional Affinity Point channelled beyond the shard's natural capacity.

Additional Affinity PointsExplosion DCExplosion DamageBlast Radius
1101d65 ft.
2152d610 ft.
3203d615 ft.
4254d620 ft.
5+30+ (increase by 5 per point)5d6+ (increase by 1d6 per point)25 ft.+ (increase by 5 ft. per point)

To avoid the perils of overcharging, it is vital to manage your resources wisely. Keep track of your charged Ferrousto and the number of Affinity Points you channel through each. When possible, avoid overextending your shards by utilizing multiple Ferrousto for complex or demanding bindings. The key to mastering Synvesi lies in balancing power and control, ensuring that your arcane might does not spiral into chaos and destruction.


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