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Varlimni | Humanoid
As we embark on our journey into the diverse cultures of Arora, we must turn our attention to the enigmatic Varlimni, also known as the Wood Elves to outsiders. The Varlimni hail from the dense forests of eastern Erothi, where they have mastered the art of woodcraft, creating intricate homes and cities around the towering trees that dominate their homeland. Their striking appearance is a testament to their unique blend of physical characteristics. They stand taller than the average human but shorter than the average Elf, with subtle, pointed ears that set them apart. Their eyes are captivating, boasting hues ranging from amber and violet to emerald green and deep blue. The Varlimni defy easy categorization, with skin tones ranging from olive to pale white, reflecting the climates of the regions in which they reside. As outsiders attempt to classify the Varlimni, a dispute arises. Some humans argue that they are near-identical in appearance to the Alemni, merely more world-worn and less pampered. The Alemni, however, reject this notion, referring to the Varlimni as Hurelmya, which translates to Fair but Manlike in their ancient tongue. The origins of the Varlimni are a topic of debate, with some suggesting they are the result of inbreeding between the Alemni and other races, while others dispute this claim, citing evidence that inter-species breeding is impossible. Regardless of their origins, one thing is certain: the Varlimni are a proud and resilient people with a unique cultural heritage.

Tribal in nature, the Varlimni have a strong respect for those who prove their worth in combat, a trait shared with the fierce Urmans. Yet, they possess wit and cunning that belies their delicate beauty, far from the savage barbarians that some may mistake them for. As Varlimni age, they become world-worn and wise, possessing a deep understanding of the balance between nature and civilization. The females of the Varlimni are particularly impressive, with their enhanced agility and unique fighting style, which grants them a more dominant position in Varlimni society than their male counterparts. What really sets the Varlimni apart from the Alemni is their hyper-individualistic nature. They value personal freedom and expression above all else, prioritizing their own desires over societal expectations. In fact, their hyper-individualistic nature hinders their ability to transcend their tribal roots and form wider states, kingdoms, or empires, as they struggle to maintain a sense of cohesion and community beyond their closest kin and neighbours. Their elaborate cities are often the result of friendly competition and a desire to show off their craftsmanship rather than a drive to build a civilization. Finally, it is important to note that while they respect nature, they do not revere it. Instead, they view it as a tool to be maintained and utilized for their own benefit.

Our journey into the world of the Varlimni promises to be a captivating and enlightening one. We shall explore their customs, traditions, and way of life, seeking to unravel the secrets of their unique culture. Through this journey, we shall gain a newfound appreciation for the complexity and diversity of the world in which we live.


Varlimni use the Elf ancestry mechanics from the Pathfinder 2e SRD, except they remove the trade of an Intelligence bonus with the Constitution flaw, and recieve two additional hit points but do not possess low-light vision.
A quick summary of there key stats is:
  • Hit Points: 8
  • Size: Medium
  • Speed: 30 feet
  • Ability Boosts: Dexterity, Free

Basic Information


The Varlimni have a unique blend of physical characteristics. They stand taller than the average human but shorter than the average Elf, with subtle, pointed ears that set them apart. They have striking eyes, boasting hues ranging from amber and violet to emerald green and deep blue. Their skin tones vary from olive to pale white, reflecting the climates of the regions in which they reside. The Varlimni possess a wiry, muscular build, which makes them swift and agile in movement. They have the standard humanoid anatomy, with two arms and two legs, and are bipedal. Their skeletal structure is similar to that of humans, but with subtle differences in bone density and joint flexibility, making them adept at climbing trees and navigating through dense forests.

Biological Traits

The Varlimni exhibit several biological traits that differentiate them from other races. They have a longer lifespan than humans, generally around 150-200 years, with females often living slightly longer than males. They reach physical maturity around the age of 20, with full maturity and cognitive development occurring around the age of 50. Their average height ranges from 5'6" to 6'6", with males being slightly taller than females on average. Their weight varies depending on their level of physical activity and diet, but they are generally lean and muscular, with males being slightly more muscular than females. The Varlimni have a unique gender dynamic, with females generally being dominant in their society. They are also divided into various roles based on their skills and abilities, such as hunters, craftsmen, or warriors. Additionally, they have a strong sense of individualism, which can make it challenging for them to form cohesive societies beyond small tribes or communities.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Varlimni reproduce sexually, with males and females coming together to mate. The females have a menstrual cycle and are fertile for a few days each month. During this time, they release pheromones that attract males. Once a male and female mate, the female becomes pregnant. The gestation period for Varlimni is relatively short, lasting only about six months. After the gestation period is over, the female gives birth to a single offspring, called a fawn. The fawn is born with a full head of hair and its eyes open, allowing it to quickly adapt to its surroundings. The mother nurses the fawn for several months, during which time it grows and develops.   Varlimni offspring are born with a strong connection to nature and possess a natural affinity for woodcraft and the art of the hunt. As they grow, they are taught these skills by their parents and elders, ensuring that they are fully prepared to survive in the dense forests of their homeland.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and stages of the Varlimni are relatively similar to those of humans. They reach physical maturity around the age of 20, with their bodies fully developed and capable of reproduction. However, unlike humans, the Varlimni have a lifespan that extends well beyond the century mark, with some individuals reaching ages of 150 or more. During their childhood and adolescent years, Varlimni undergo various stages of physical and mental development. They begin life as helpless infants, completely dependent on their parents for survival. As they age, they develop the ability to move around and explore their surroundings, gradually learning the skills needed to survive in their forest environment.   As they approach adolescence, Varlimni begin to develop a more sophisticated understanding of their surroundings, becoming increasingly aware of the complex interplay between nature and civilization. They also begin to hone their skills as hunters and gatherers, learning how to forage for food and track prey through the forest.   Once they reach physical maturity, Varlimni become fully integrated into their society, taking on various roles based on their skills and abilities. Some become hunters or warriors, while others become craftsmen or artisans, contributing to the overall well-being of their community.   Overall, the growth rate and stages of the Varlimni are characterized by a gradual progression from helplessness to independence, with each stage building upon the previous one to create a well-rounded and capable individual.

Ecology and Habitats

The Varlimni are a species that is heavily dependent on their forest habitat. They are most commonly found in the dense forests of eastern Erothi, with Chiapex being their primary homeland. They have a deep respect for nature and view it as a tool to be utilized and maintained for their own benefit, rather than something to be worshipped or preserved for its own sake. The Varlimni have a unique relationship with the towering trees that dominate their habitat. They have mastered the art of woodcraft, creating intricate homes and cities around the trees. This symbiotic relationship allows them to live in harmony with their environment, with the trees providing shelter and the Varlimni utilizing the resources of the forest to sustain themselves.   As a result of their dependence on the forest habitat, the Varlimni are highly attuned to the rhythms of nature. They possess a deep understanding of the balance between nature and civilization, which is reflected in their culture and way of life. The Varlimni take care to avoid overexploiting their resources, preferring to maintain a sustainable balance between their needs and the needs of the forest.   Overall, the Varlimni are a species that is deeply connected to their habitat, viewing it as an essential part of their identity and way of life. Their culture and way of life are shaped by their relationship with the forest, which serves as a source of inspiration and sustenance for this unique and enigmatic species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Varlimni are omnivorous, consuming both plant and animal matter in their diet. Their diet primarily consists of fruits, nuts, seeds, and insects, supplemented by small game and fish. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, using their knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants to gather a variety of foods. In times of scarcity, they have been known to turn to cannibalism, but this is considered taboo in their culture. The Varlimni have a deep respect for nature and the balance of the ecosystem, so they practice sustainable hunting and gathering techniques to ensure the continued abundance of their food sources. They also have a unique method of preparing their food, using herbs and spices found only in their forests to create dishes with distinctive flavors.

Biological Cycle

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. As a civilized race, the Varlimni do not hibernate. However, they do undergo some physiological changes in response to seasonal changes. During the colder months, their metabolism slows down, and they require less food and water. This allows them to conserve energy and survive the harsh winter conditions. The Varlimni do not have fur, but their skin does become thicker and tougher to protect them from the elements. They also tend to wear more layers of clothing during the colder months to provide further protection. In the warmer months, their metabolism speeds up, and they become more active. The Varlimni are well-adapted to their forest habitat and have developed a keen understanding of the cycles of nature. They have learned to work with the natural rhythms of their environment, using the changing seasons to their advantage.


The Varlimni are known for their hyper-individualistic nature, valuing personal freedom and expression above all else. They prioritize their own desires over societal expectations, which can sometimes hinder their ability to form wider states, kingdoms, or empires beyond their closest kin and neighbours. The Varlimni have a strong respect for those who prove their worth in combat, and they possess wit and cunning that belies their delicate beauty. As Varlimni age, they become world-worn and wise, possessing a deep understanding of the balance between nature and civilization. They have a close relationship with nature and respect it, but they do not revere it. Instead, they view it as a tool to be maintained and utilized for their own benefit. The females of the Varlimni are particularly impressive, with their enhanced agility and unique fighting style, which grants them a more dominant position in Varlimni society than their male counterparts.   The Varlimni are tribal in nature, and they maintain a sense of community and cohesion within their closest kin and neighbours. They are not interested in dominating or controlling others, instead preferring to live peacefully and autonomously. They are known for their craftsmanship and artistry, creating intricate homes and cities around the towering trees that dominate their homeland. The Varlimni have a deep respect for tradition and history, which they incorporate into their daily lives and customs. Overall, the Varlimni are a proud and resilient people with a unique cultural heritage, possessing a complex blend of physical and psychological characteristics that set them apart from other races in Arora.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Varlimni are a hyper individualistic and competitive species with a unique social structure. While they may be cooperative within their small, matriarch-led clans, they constantly compete on a wider societal level. The competition takes many forms, from academic and artistic pursuits to physical challenges and even warfare. The Varlimni rarely form alliances and instead focus on individual achievement and success. However, in rare cases of a great external threat, the Varlimni can come together and work as a collective force to defend their homeland. This unity is short-lived, and they quickly revert to their competitive ways once the threat has been eliminated. Despite their fierce individualism, the Varlimni still maintain a deep respect for their cultural traditions and ancestral history, which is passed down through oral storytelling and artistic expression.

Facial characteristics

The Varlmini have a distinct, elongated face with a narrow jawline, high cheekbones, and slightly pointed ears that sit high on their heads. Their eyes are large and almond-shaped, with a slightly slanted appearance, and they come in a range of colors from shades of brown to green and blue. Their noses are small and slightly upturned, with flared nostrils, and their lips are thin and often have a natural pout. Facial hair is rare among Varlmini, and when present, it is typically only seen in males in the form of a light beard or mustache. Their skin is smooth and taut, with a slight sheen to it, and it ranges in color from light tan to deep brown. They have a regal bearing and are known for their sharp wit and keen intelligence, which is reflected in their piercing gaze and thoughtful expressions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Varlimni are predominantly found in their homeland forest realm of Chiapex, where they have built intricate homes and cities around the towering trees that dominate the landscape. However, they are also known to inhabit other forested areas within Arora. In addition, they are the second most commonly encountered species living within human societies, with the Urmans being the most common. This suggests that the Varlimni have a significant presence outside of their native forest realm and have likely established relationships and trade networks with neighbouring human settlements.

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence of the Varlimni is generally considered to be above average, with many individuals displaying advanced problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Due to their highly competitive nature, they have developed a keen sense of strategy and tactical thinking, making them formidable opponents both in physical combat and intellectual challenges. Varlimni's extreme craftsmanship and their ability to create intricate and detailed woodwork reflect their high level of intelligence. Their exceptional woodworking skills are a result of their acute attention to detail, spatial reasoning abilities, and their deep understanding of the properties of various types of wood. They are known for creating highly functional and aesthetically pleasing objects such as weapons, furniture, and tools, using traditional methods that have been passed down through generations. Their woodworking skills are highly respected and sought after by other species, and many Varlimni have found success as craftsmen and artisans in human societies.   In addition, the Varlimni have a strong tradition of storytelling and oral history, passing down knowledge and wisdom through generations. They are highly attuned to their environment, and have developed a complex system of communication that allows them to share information and coordinate with each other, even across long distances. Overall, the Varlimni's intelligence is focused on survival and competition, rather than academic pursuits. They have a deep respect for the natural world and their place within it, and their intelligence reflects this focus on practical skills and knowledge.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Varlimni have impressive sensory capabilities, particularly with their eyesight and hearing. Their eyes are captivating and boast hues ranging from amber and violet to emerald green and deep blue. Their vision is exceptionally sharp, allowing them to see well in low light conditions and detect movement at great distances. Their hearing is also acute, enabling them to hear even the slightest rustling of leaves or snapping of twigs in the forest. They are skilled at tracking prey, which requires them to use both their sight and hearing. As for extrasensory capabilities, the Varlimni do not possess any known supernatural or magical abilities. However, they do possess a deep understanding of the balance between nature and civilization, which some might consider a kind of intuitive or innate wisdom.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

There are several symbiotic and parasitic species that have evolved to live alongside or within the Varlimni. One notable example is a small, brightly colored bird species that builds its nests within the hollowed-out trunks of Varlimni trees. The bird helps to keep the tree free of harmful insects and parasites while also consuming some of the sap that oozes from the tree's bark. In return, the Varlimni benefit from having a natural pest control system that helps keep their environment healthy. On the parasitic side, there is a species of insect that lays its eggs within the leaves of Varlimni trees. The larvae of these insects feed on the tree's nutrients, eventually causing the leaves to wither and die. While the Varlimni have some natural defences against these parasites, such as producing a bitter sap that repels the insects, they must also actively monitor their trees for signs of infestation and take action to protect them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Varlimni have a unique naming tradition, as each member of the species chooses their own name upon reaching adulthood. These names often reflect an individual's personal traits, skills, or accomplishments, and can change over time as they gain new experiences or skills. However, there are some common naming conventions that are used within Varlimni society, such as the use of honorific titles for respected members of the community, and the inclusion of a familial identifier to distinguish between individuals with the same name. In addition, some Varlimni may choose to take on a "spirit name" that reflects their connection to nature or a particular animal spirit. Overall, the Varlimni view their names as an important aspect of their identity, and take great care in choosing and using them.

Major Organizations

Due to their individualistic nature, the Varlimni do not have any large-scale organizations or governing bodies. Instead, they live in small matriarch-led clans that range in size from a few individuals to several dozen. These clans are highly competitive with one another, often engaging in elaborate displays of skill and strength to establish dominance.   However, some Varlimni clans have formed loose alliances with one another to protect themselves from external threats. These alliances are based on mutual defense agreements and trade partnerships, rather than any kind of formal organization or hierarchy.   The Taro Pantheon, a human religion that worships a pantheon of deities, has made a significant impact on Varlimni societies that have embraced human ideals. These Varlimni communities often have adopted aspects of human culture and technology, while also integrating their own unique traditions and crafts, such as their highly skilled woodworking.

Beauty Ideals

The Varlimni place a great value on natural beauty and simplicity. They admire those who possess physical traits that are well-suited to their environment, such as agility, strength, and dexterity. They also appreciate traits that indicate intelligence and creativity, such as sharp features and expressive eyes. However, they do not have a rigid or standardized beauty ideal, as they value individualism and uniqueness above all else. Rather than striving to meet a certain standard of beauty, the Varlimni focus on developing and expressing their own unique qualities and talents. In this sense, they view true beauty as a reflection of one's inner character and abilities.

Gender Ideals

The Varlimni have a strong matriarchal society due to the advantage that females have in agility, which is beneficial for travel and warfare in the forest. While men are physically stronger, they often do the more dangerous manual labor and are less likely to reach a very old age above 150-200 where they serve as wise ones. As a result, women play a larger political role and hold more influence in society. Gender roles are still present, but they are more fluid as individuals are valued for their abilities rather than solely on their gender.

Courtship Ideals

Varlimni courtship ideals involve a complex dance of showing off physical abilities and crafting skills. Males will often create elaborate wooden carvings or construct impressive tree houses to impress potential mates, while females will demonstrate their agility and hunting prowess. Courtship also involves a strong emphasis on mutual respect and communication, as the Varlimni place a high value on individualism and personal choice. Once a pair has formed a bond, they will typically form a monogamous partnership and work together to raise their offspring.

Relationship Ideals

Varlimni place a high value on independence and self-reliance in their relationships. They tend to seek partners who are strong, intelligent, and capable, with whom they can engage in intellectual and physical challenges. Despite their individualistic tendencies, Varlimni are known to form strong bonds with their chosen partners, often staying together for life.   In Varlimni relationships, there is a strong emphasis on equality and mutual respect. Gender roles are fluid, with both partners expected to contribute to the relationship in whatever ways are necessary. This often includes sharing responsibilities for child-rearing and household chores.   Varlimni couples also tend to have a strong sense of personal space and privacy, and are generally not inclined to engage in overly public displays of affection. They value their independence and their ability to pursue their own interests, while still maintaining a deep connection with their partner.

Average Technological Level

The Varlimni have a relatively advanced technological level, with a focus on crafting and engineering using wood and other natural materials. They have developed sophisticated techniques for working with wood, such as using tree sap to create strong adhesives, and have created intricate and beautiful carvings and sculptures.   In terms of transportation, they use a variety of methods including walking, climbing, and gliding with the help of wingsuits made from animal hides. They also have developed rudimentary watercraft for traveling along rivers and lakes.   Their weaponry includes spears, bows and arrows, and knives made from sharpened stones or animal bones. They also use traps and snares to capture prey.   In terms of communication, they have developed a complex system of non-verbal cues and signals to communicate with one another over long distances. They also have basic written language, using symbols and pictograms etched into wood or stone.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Varlimni language is known as "Varlaki" and is a complex language with various dialects spoken by different groups within the species. The language features many unique sounds and clicks, making it difficult for other species to learn and speak fluently. Within Varlimni society, those who are skilled at language and communication hold high positions of influence and power. In addition to Varlaki, some Varlimni have learned to speak other languages, particularly those of neighboring human settlements with whom they interact. However, Varlaki remains the primary means of communication within Varlimni communities.

Common Etiquette Rules

Varlimni culture values individualism and self-sufficiency, so there are few strict social norms or etiquette rules that govern everyday interactions. However, there are a few customs that are generally observed.   For example, when greeting each other, Varlimni will often touch their nose and then the nose of the other person as a sign of recognition and respect. They also tend to place a high value on personal space, so it's important to give others plenty of room and not to intrude on their privacy.   Varlimni also place a strong emphasis on honesty and direct communication, so they will often speak their minds openly and directly, even if their opinions are unpopular or difficult to hear. They do not generally engage in deceit or deception, and they value transparency and authenticity in their interactions with others.

Common Dress Code

The Varlimni generally wear clothing made from natural fibers like cotton, hemp, and silk, and they prefer light and comfortable clothing due to the warm and humid environment of their forests. They tend to favor loose-fitting clothing, which is practical for their agile movements in the trees. They often adorn their clothing with intricate embroidery, beadwork, and other decorative elements, showcasing their exceptional craftsmanship.   For special occasions, the Varlimni dress in more elaborate outfits made from exotic materials like fine silks and animal furs, decorated with jewels and feathers. These outfits often feature designs inspired by nature, such as floral patterns and animal motifs. Overall, their dress code reflects their deep connection with nature and their emphasis on beauty and artistry.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Varlimni culture is deeply rooted in their connection with the forests and nature around them. They place great importance on the balance between the natural world and their own society. Art, music, and dance play a significant role in their culture, with many Varlimni practicing and performing these forms of expression.   Their crafting skills are a point of pride, with woodworking being a particular specialty. They use the resources of the forests to create beautiful and intricate furniture, carvings, and other works of art. These pieces are often passed down through families or given as gifts to other clans.   The Taro Pantheon has had a significant impact on Varlimni culture, especially in those societies that have embraced human ideals. Many Varlimni incorporate the teachings of the Taro Pantheon into their beliefs and practices, creating a unique blend of spirituality.   Overall, the Varlimni value individualism and competitiveness, but also maintain strong connections to their clans and the natural world around them.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Varlimni society is rich in customs and traditions, which have been passed down from generation to generation. One of the most important customs is the celebration of the summer and winter solstices. These celebrations involve feasting, dancing, and storytelling. During the summer solstice, the Varlimni celebrate the growth and abundance of life in the forest, while during the winter solstice, they celebrate the resilience of life in the face of harsh conditions.   Another important tradition is the carving of totems. The Varlimni are skilled woodcarvers and often carve totems to represent important events or individuals in their lives. Totems are also believed to have protective powers and are often displayed in homes and public spaces.   Hospitality is also a crucial part of Varlimni culture. When guests arrive, it is customary to offer them food and drink, and to make them feel at home. The Varlimni place a high value on social connections and are known for their strong sense of community.   Finally, Varlimni culture places a high value on individualism and personal achievement. Success is often measured by one's ability to survive and thrive in the harsh forest environment. As a result, Varlimni individuals are often driven and competitive, constantly seeking to improve themselves and their position in society.

Common Taboos

The Varlimni are known to have several taboos in their culture. For example, it is considered a taboo to harm or destroy any living tree, and they have a deep respect for the forest and its creatures. They also consider it taboo to waste or hoard resources, as it goes against their belief in balance and harmony with nature. Additionally, they view lying and deceit as a serious offense, and those who break this taboo may face severe social consequences. Finally, they have a strong taboo against eating the flesh of their own kind, which is considered a grave sin. These taboos play a significant role in shaping the values and behavior of the Varlimni people.


The history of the Varlimni is long and complex. According to their oral tradition, they were once a nomadic people who traveled the vast forests of their homeland, subsisting on a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Over time, they began to settle in more permanent villages, honing their craft of woodworking and building elaborate treehouses and fortifications.   As they became more settled, they began to form small clans, each led by a matriarch. These clans were often competitive with one another, and conflicts between them were not uncommon. However, they would also come together in times of great external threats, such as attacks by predators or natural disasters.   Eventually, the Varlimni began to have more contact with the outside world, including encounters with humans. Some Varlimni became interested in learning from the humans, while others saw them as a threat to their way of life. This led to a split within their society, with some embracing human technology and ideas, and others rejecting them completely.   Today, the Varlimni continue to thrive within their forest homeland, balancing their individualistic and competitive nature with the need to cooperate for the good of their clans and society as a whole.

Historical Figures

The Varlimni have a rich history, and their major historical figures have played significant roles in shaping their society and culture. From the legendary Queen Ylva, who united the clans and established the matriarchal system, to the innovative inventor and craftsman, Arvid, who developed groundbreaking techniques in woodworking, these individuals have left a lasting legacy. Whether revered as heroes or reviled as villains, their impact on Varlimni history is undeniable. Here are a few examples of major historical figures for the Varlimni:  
  • Tala the Wise: Tala was a legendary female chieftain who united several clans under her rule during a time of conflict and turmoil. She was known for her exceptional diplomatic skills and her ability to maintain peace and stability among her people.
  • Varen the Bold: Varen was a renowned warrior and explorer who led several expeditions into the uncharted wilderness beyond the Varlimni's traditional territory. He was known for his bravery and tenacity, and his exploits became the stuff of legend among his people.
  • Lira the Builder: Lira was a master architect and craftsman who oversaw the construction of several great works, including a series of massive fortifications that helped to defend the Varlimni against their enemies. She was known for her attention to detail and her ability to create beautiful, functional structures that stood the test of time.
  • Rolen the Seer: Rolen was a powerful mystic and spiritual leader who was said to possess the ability to see into the future. He was revered among the Varlimni for his wisdom and his prophetic visions, which were said to guide his people through times of uncertainty and upheaval.
  • Haldor the Trader: Haldor was a legendary merchant and entrepreneur who established a vast trading network that spanned the length and breadth of the Varlimni's territory. He was known for his shrewd business sense and his ability to forge lucrative partnerships with other cultures and civilizations.

Common Myths and Legends

The Varlimni have a rich tradition of myths and legends, passed down through generations. One of their most significant myths is the tale of the Taro Pantheon, a group of powerful and influential deities who played a pivotal role in shaping the Varlimni's society and culture.   According to legend, the Taro Pantheon emerged from the chaos of the natural world, bringing order and stability to the Varlimni's lives. The deities were worshipped in elaborate ceremonies and festivals, with offerings made to appease them and ensure their continued blessings.   Another prominent myth among the Varlimni is the story of the Forest Spirit, a powerful and elusive entity that is said to dwell deep within the heart of the forest. The Forest Spirit is associated with both nature and magic, and is often invoked in rituals and spells by Varlimni shaman and sorcerers.   Other myths and legends of the Varlimni include tales of great heroes and warriors, epic battles against fearsome monsters, and the origin stories of various clans and families. These stories are a vital part of Varlimni culture, helping to connect the present with the past and provide a sense of continuity and belonging for the Varlimni people.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Varlimni have mixed relations with other species. The tribes of the deep forest remain isolationist, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid contact with other races. However, many Varlimni tribes have begun to integrate more closely with human societies across Erothi. As long as humans respect their boundaries and do not encroach on their territory, they are generally willing to trade and cooperate. However, conflicts do arise when humans and Varlimni clash over land and resources.
150-200 years
Average Height
5'6" to 6'6"
Average Weight
60-110 kg
Average Physique
The Varlimni have a lean, athletic build with a height that falls between that of the average human and the average Elf. Their bodies are well-suited for agility and dexterity, reflecting their forest-dwelling lifestyle. On average, male Varlimni stand around 5'8" to 6'0" tall and weigh between 130 to 160 pounds, while females are slightly shorter and lighter, standing between 5'4" to 5'8" tall and weighing between 110 to 140 pounds. Their long, slender limbs are supported by a strong skeletal structure, which allows them to move quickly and gracefully through the trees. They have a high muscle-to-fat ratio, reflecting their active lifestyle and dietary habits. The Varlimni's pointed ears and sharp eyesight give them a keen sense of hearing and sight, which are necessary for navigating the dense forests they call home.   It is worth noting that, as with any species, there is variation in physique among individuals and subgroups. Certain Varlimni may have slightly different heights, weights, or body shapes depending on their genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Varlmini's body coloring and marking are mainly influenced by their environment, with individuals living in the Chiapex forest realm exhibiting darker shades of green, brown, and black, while those living in more urban areas tend to have lighter and more varied tones. They have intricate markings, resembling leaf veins and other forest patterns, on their bodies and faces, which also vary depending on their location. These markings are not only unique to each individual but also help them blend in with their surroundings, camouflaging them from predators and prey alike. The Varlmini also have the ability to change their skin pigmentation to match their environment, which makes them skilled at stealth and ambush tactics.
Geographic Distribution


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