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History of Arotan

  • General Historical Overview
    End of the Otenera

    1,000 years ago marked the end of the Otenera, when giants, collectively called Oten, ruled as godkings in city-states scattered throughout the world. It is said that during their rule, they brought the continents together, and devastated the ecology, simplifying things to better rule over. They ruled through the use of powerful devices that allowed them to manipulate physics, and with this they created a utopia - for themselves. Brutal slavery for anyone below them. The giants were defeated when the humans began a massive slave rebellion that attracted the attention of the spiritual realm. The Veiloman (Elves basically) pierced through, cataclysmically teleporting their city into the crust of the earth, creating earthquakes and tsunamis of an apocalyptic scale. The giants were weakened - and humans and Veiloman united to slay giants and take their devices.

  • 486 NE

    487 NE

    First Vulkim Invasion in the North
    Military action

    Beginning in the fall of 486, beastial wolf-like men began invading in the northern Ethosian provinces, committing genocide in their wake. Their advance was rapid and brutal, but slowed as Ethosians discovered what was happening, and the Tirovan Empire sent aid.   When summer arrived in 487, the creatures were suddenly sickened and weak, and quickly retreated.

  • 521 NE

    534 NE

    The War of Three Nations
    Military action

    Beginning in 521, Vulkim were again seen in the north in the fall, but this time with a much larger army. The Vulkim assault made few attempts to hold ground, and instead seemed focused on wave after wave of invading and fortifying, only to abandon in the spring and retreat to the mountains.   This long lasting war eventually pulled the Klikman into the war, which would last much longer than the initial invasion.   The Vulkim assaults finally ended when an oversized Vulkim general as beheaded in battle in what was then Veiloman territory - now the Southern Wardenate.   As Vulkim retreated over the mountains, the Klikman hive was stirred to action, attempting to stop any Vulkim who tried to cross. The Tirovan Empire was unwilling to trust Klikman in stopping the Vulkim, and in addition to chasing the retreat, began to siege Klikman cities in an attempt to breach the mountains and attack the Vulkim in their homeland.

  • 530 NE

    562 NE

    Conquest of the Klikman
    Military action

    During the War of Three Nations, the Tirovan Empire began to have skirmishes with Klikman. Prior to this, the Klikman were an enigmatic and monolithic race that rarely interacted beyond their range.   The Tirovan Empire became determined to 'breach' the mountain range and attack the Vulkim homeland, and this resulted in an all out war against a frenzied Klikman.   The Tirovan Empire discovered just how vast and deep the Klikman kingdoms went, and it became a nearly impossible siege.   Eventually, the Tirovan Empire burst through a thin mountain range in the north, and discovered a fertile valley that was nearly unoccupied by the Klikman. As the Tirovan Empire fortified and prepared for a long lasting assault from the north, the Klikman requested surrender terms.   While humans would still be forbidden from crossing their mountains, the Klikman kingdoms became permanent vassals to the Tirovan Empire. Justice against the Vulkim would not come - but the Empire would be forever enriched.

  • 800 NE

    900 NE

    Collapse of Moutraille
    Plague / Epidemic

    Beginning around 200 years ago, Moutraille's influence began to wane as many powerful Moutran families intermarried with powerful Tirovan families. Then suddenly, 100 years ago, the entire population of Moutraille died of plague.