Vedian Guard

The Vedian Guard is the peacekeeping force of the Luxford Isles. Their main headquarters are in the Free City of Vedy (the capitol), but they have barracks and officers on every city-island in the sea, with outposts on trading islands as needed.   In Vedy, most people spend their time performing experiments (or being experimented on), whether those experiments be simple, like baking; or more dangerous, like setting off explosions in the city center on accident. Because of this, the Vedian Guard insist that all of their members be at least somewhat knowledgable in magic. The Guard often have to respond to disturbance calls, particularly when explosions get set off. When dealing with these issues, it is important for those involved to be able to understand at least some of the intricacies involved, so they can determine if what happened was necessary, or something that would have to be fined by the city.   Because of this, the selection process into the Vedian Guard is rather selective. Many of its members are actually people who studied to become Wizards, but lack the inherent skills necessary to perform arcane acts. As such, they are extremely knowledgable in the arcane, and have the drive to ensure that those with the gift use it properly.   There are a some cases where an applicant to the Guard is not quite as knowledgeable in the arcane (or intellectually inclined whatsoever). These applicants still go through the application process, and are often turned away. However, on occasion, these applicants show incredible ability in other areas that they are given the job. Although they might lack the understanding of the arcane that most of their members have, they still provide incredible benefits to the organization, and the wellbeing of Vedy as a whole. These members will always be given partners with whom they go on patrol and are able to communicate with to receive advice and input on arcane matters.  

Research and Development

The Vedian Guard have their own Research and Development department, who are responsible for creating the Vedian Firearms that they use in their duties throughout the Luxford Isles.  


The Vedian Guard chose their symbol to represent their tennants and values (and, to reference their location at sea). The basis for their design was the skull and crossbones design used by pirates at sea. They replaced the skull with a brain, to represent the thoughtful nature that must go into each and every action. The left bone was replaced with a quill, to represent the careful degree to which they encourage everyone to record their findings. And the right bone was replaced with a potion vial, to represent the spirit of innovation that they want to never die.  

Public Opinion

The Vedian Guard are generally seen in a very good light by the citizens of the Isles. they genuinely want magical and technological innovation to continue, as long as it is done in a safe manner. The fines they dole out are thought to be too steep, but most citizens follow the safety laws anyway, so only those that break it complain and, since they broke the law, few listen.   There have been times throughout the organization's history that they have made questionable decisions in regards to punishments or rulings, but they have either blown over as citizens realized they were probably right, or they made a public apology and rectified the situation with their own funds. This continued drive to do the right thing has earned the good graces of long-time citizens of the Isles.

Public Agenda

The Vedian Guard exist to ensure that everyone in the Luxford Isles have safe and bountiful opportunity to explore themselves and the abilities they have within the arcane arts. They are willing to provide anyone who requests it with places to record their experiments, as they want to make sure that everyone is adhering to safety protocols, and they believe that recording all experimental findings is the best way to lead to positive innovations for everyone.


The Vedian Guard have barracks on each of the city-islands of the Luxford Isles, as well as members to occupy those barracks.   Additionally, they have garages for their Aranus Boats on each of the islands. They use these boats to intercept vessels in the water (for inspection or for battle) and to traverse between the islands between dockings, when necessary.   The active commander for each of the barracks also holds with them a Sending Stone, which can be used to communicate with the commander for each other island. These Stones were created by their R&D department, with capabilities for direct communication or broadcast communication, as needed.

Thoughtful, Careful Innovation

Military, Other


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