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Kimaria "Kadota" Ascian

CoR Adept Kimaria Ascian (a.k.a. Kadota)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kadota Ascian was born in Glenarm, a town near a college of magic, the College of Robilar (a former academy for war mages). Kimaria’s parents still reside in Glenarm. Her mother is a baker, with her specialty being fish pies. Her father works on the docks, often leaving town on fishing trips for weeks at a time, supplying her mother and the town with the famous Glenarm sea bass.   The young tiefling left at 16 to find her way in the world, and chose her name, Kadota. She made it as far as Newhaven before she ran out of coin, food, water, and all other supplies. Unable to make the trip home without those necessities, she looked for work in Newhaven until she had enough funds to make her way home. Kadota felt ashamed at her lack of success in the world, and stayed in Glenarm working with her mother in her bakery. Kadota was bored, and started to pickpocket to feel some sort of thrill to fill the void in her life. After being home for nearly half a year she crossed Bertann Rhogar, a dragonborn mage, while attempting to steal a gem satchel he had hanging off his belt. She was caught, and while he reprimanded her he realized she had arcane potential. He told her if she applied herself, and worked towards a goal, she could find a home in The College of Robilar (CoR).   Kadota was brought before the headmaster and quickly accepted into the college, where she remained for two years. She was trained in the arcane arts, but soon found herself wholly consumed by a fascination with magical artifacts, and obtaining them. She left the college four years ago, and has been adventuring since.


Two years of formal training in the College of Robilar. Graduated from Initiative status to Adept in two seasons.


Briefly worked for Madam Sascha in New Haven. Gained experience as a fence in the employ of the Shadow's Shroud in New Haven, due to her knack for evaluating items.

arcane trickster afmasdlokgfkedjsnfala

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Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1618 A 25 Years old
5' 7"
145 lbs

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