Castle of the Stone Throne

The Castle of the Stone Throne is the official home of the dwarven royal family, and has held this distinction since the establishment of the Dwarven Kingdom. The castle is a labyrinth of constructed and natural passages with large public and private areas. The most notable room of the Castle is the Stone Throne Room where, since AH 370 the rulers of the Dwarven Kingdom have held court.  The castle has been renovated a number of times throughout its history. The most notable and historically significant of these was a major renovation including the deliberate collapse of some of the most ancient natural passages of the castle and the installation of magical wards throughout the inhabited areas during the reign of Gravlic Quickmaul III, in response to territorial advances made by the dark elves during his reign. The most recent major renovations of the castle came about during the reign of Svelton Orehart, grandfather to Urth Orehart, who was a notorious gourmand. He commissioned Dreifuss Clanbuilder the famous architect to exploit the invention of iron stoves by Heiram Forgeblessed to move the castle finishing kitchens close to the living spaces thus improving the temperature of food served at the royal table.

Cover image: 2154723603 by IG Digital Arts


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