Corona Sunstone Character in Arrhynsia | World Anvil

Corona Sunstone

by Adenhur Kenghym
"You know Aden, one day this habit of yours of trying to make the world make sense is going to get you in trouble. Sometimes things don't make sense. Sometimes things just are."
— Corona Sunstone
  Corona Sunstone is a ray of sunshine in the crazy storm that is the Knife Brigade.  A young (18 years old) elf with red hair, translucent skin blue eyes and freckles, she is a cleric of Crwydryn, speaking softly and carrying a very big mace (and a lightning spear). She reminds me of my sister Feria.   Corona is obsessed with preventing death, and appears to have a deep seated fear of it. I am not sure why, but she has not yet made peace with mortality - hers or anyone she loves. I suppose this could be because she has no experience with it - or perhaps she has too much.   Corona has spoken to me often of her home - a place called Styx where her clan lives. Apparently, in her clan the males whose spore engender a child is deemed to have a special relationship with the child and with the female who bore the child. In her case, she knows this male; he is a bard, he taught her to sing and create stories. I am not sure if this was a good idea or not. Corona is quite fond of this man she calls her "father". In fact, she writes him and her mother letters.   Corona has a propensity to adopt creatures of varying pedigree. This seems to be completely indiscriminant as the usefulness or edible qualities of the animal seem to have no bearing on the decision process. In fact, quite the opposite seems to be the case. She has even adopted poisonous reptiles in spite of my repeated warnings that this is a very bad idea. I can only hope tht Duchess survives her mistresses latest pets.   It is all extremely strange, but I assume this will be something I will eventually adjust to.


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