Entrance to the Dark Caverns

The place of the Banishment of the Dark Elves, deep in caverns under Uftlon, where the only access to the Surface world exists. Home of the Dark Elf and other terrible creatures of the night. The dark elves have breached this gate in force only twice since the Betrayal, once in BH 4800 during the War of the Dark and most recently during the Uprising of the Dark in AH 1373.   Historically, the dwarfs were original inhabitants of the entire extensive cavern complex under Pinnacle Mountain where Uftlon is, but during the period immediately following the Betrayal, Ligeoa brought her followers to the caverns of the dwarfs and fought them for control of the territory. They were able to successfully inhabit large swaths, of the deep spiral, even desecrating the Temple of the All Father and taking up residence in the heart of the deep spiral itself at Cormaeum When the All Father dictated that the dark elves be entombed with their foul mistress, the current entrance to the Dark Caverns was established to restrain and contain the dark elves. This portal between worlds in located approximately eight miles from Cormaeum through twisted and death-trapped tunnels.

Cover image: 1411201244 by Gilberto Souza


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