The DSRE Anti-corruption Committee

Corruption threatens our national security, economic equity, anti-poverty and international development efforts, and strikes at the very foundation of our democracy and elven rights. By effectively preventing and countering corruption, we can secure a critical advantage for the DSRE and our allies.”
— Ragel Kbar

An Issue of Critical National Importance

  After the overthrow of the Kingdom of Rebna by the Maqsum Nies, and the establishment of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Elves, their leader Ragel Kbar established a committee to address the critical issue of corruption in the new kingdom. Aware that his political enemies were motivated by greed and ruthless in their pursuit of capital by any means, he declared it one of the top priorities for the new kingdom.   From this government committee a strategy was formed to track foreign and domestic money instruments and to publish, with government oversight, the financial interests of those who undermined the interests of the new republic. This clearly included those individuals andorganizations who opposed the will of the people and supported the old regime of Rebna that was originally founded as a noble house in the original elven nation of Dryadae.  

A Comprehensive Strategy

  The strategy that emerged focused on several key actions that were immediately implemented by the government. These included:
  • Issuing ownership transparency regulations that helped identify bad actors hiding behind legal structures.
  • Enacting regulations that targeted individuals who conducted real estate transactions to reveal ill-gotten cash or to launder criminal proceeds.
  • Enforcing regulations to ensure all activities by lawyers, accountants, and trust companies on behalf of their clients were subjected to governmental and public scrutiny.
  • Building effective and resilient security institutions to target corruption in finance, acquisition, and human resource functions.
  • Establishing an asset recovery rewards program that enhanced the ability of the DSRE to identify and recover assets linked to foreign or corrupt entities.

A Highly Effective Campaign

  The implementors of this new national policy were true zealots. They pursued every avenue and left no rock unturned in finding and prosecuting those who conducted business illegally in the new nation, or who attempted to capitalize on their positions of power to benefit personally and financially at the people's expense. The new arm of government targeted banks, trade, and real estate - all places where economic wealth was concentrated. They used their new powers to look at citizen's personal financial accounts and the legal information of private individuals, and published these in public forums. When they found financial interests of those who had been part of the previous government or who opposed the current policies of the government or government officials these people were brought to heel, arrested, and their possessions were taken by the state. An enforcement arm was created and empowered to secure assets be they money, possessions, or real estate. The new anti-corruption police could arrest and imprison those accused of these activities without a court order or judgement. They established laws and enforced regulations that all sales of goods and services could only be made through the new government who monitored and taxed not just the value of transations, but all the owned assets of the parties to the transaction. They established a financial incentives program that paid money to any individual who turned in another from whom the new governmental office was able to collect financial assets.   The new Anti-corruption committee was extremely effective and became the most profitable arm of the DSRE. Some said they were the most effective unifying force in the new nation, helping to establish a pure focus on the aims of brotherhood and equity amongst all their citizens. Lauded by Ragel Kbar, their work was prominently featured in government published news where they became national heros.  

A Silent Farewell

  The Anti-corruption Committee lost the spotlight of public and presidential approval five years after their initial launch when questions were raised about the financial and political entanglements of Ragel Kbar's son. Grenwyn Kbar was unwisely accused by the head of the Anti-corruption committee Lytra Demos in high level government circles of accepting money from representatives of the old noble houses of Dryadae. Grenwyn set up meetings with scions of the noble houses with his father to discuss instituting enonomic, political and military policies advantageous to these foreign nations. The story was mysteriously leaked to political opponents of Ragel Kbar who were releasing news to the old school traditional bardic news distribution systems where it quickly became common tavern gossip. The story was denied by Ragel Kbar and squashed by the official government run newspapers. SHortly afterward, Lytra Demos was relieved of her post and found herself the target of investigation by her second in command. She was eventually arrested, having been proven to have absconded with public funds, and overcome with remorse, she committed suicide in jail.   The Anti-corruption Committee was disbanded several years later, and its members and activities faded into obscurity.

Cover image: 94093840 by Everett Collection


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Aug 15, 2024 18:06 by Joshua Stewart

Great article, this anti-corruption committee reminds me of early American turn-of-the-century attempts at curtailing corruption, bribery, etc. Which while it had good intentions ultimately failed. I like this more grounded concept in a more fantasy setting as well. I would be interested to hear about what became of the former members of this committee, or if there was ever a successor committee or group founded after this one was disbanded.