Humans settle North Arrhynsia

Population Migration / Travel


Humans resettle their population from Portsend just across the Halphon Straights at Sigurd's Craw.

Julius Grey, an outstanding human leader, foresaw that his people would expand rapidly and come into conflict with the dwarves whose kingdom they had begun to settle into. He sent exploratory parties out led by Capt Sigurd Craw to find an unoccupied in which to settle.   While not precisely unsettled, directly across a small span of the Ur Hilgarria, the continental body of North Arrhynsia proved an ideal location. Twenty five years after the first arrival of humans on Arrhynsia, the humans packed up their belongings and homes and migrated across the Halphon Straights, named for a notable artist in their midst.   The humans left a few families behind, notably those who had individuals who had interbred with local dwarves in the Portsend area, but the migration was fairly complete. Relations were friendly between the dwarves and the humans, and trade became well established.   Humans first settlement on North Arrhynsia was made at Sigurd Craw, named for the explorer who first found their location, and the people were able to adapt and expand their community in their new home.

Related timelines & articles
The History of Arryhnsian Humans (article)