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Onyx Orb


A guild based off of secrecy, power, order, and the study of the esoteric arcane arts, this organization has as many falsehoods known about it as it does truth. When hearing about the Onyx Orb or any of its members, locations, or associations, the common traveler must hear the information knowing that there is a one in two chance that it could be a lie.
The Onyx Orb is a large mage's guild which spans continents. A shadowy organization, many have great distrust for those gifted with magic who work for it. It has been credited for the rise and fall of empires, and the creation and destruction of cities and species.
Commoners are usually afraid of those who travel as a member of the Orb. But within high-ranking circles, the members of the Orb are feared and respected so much, they usually can gain an audience with anyone.
Those within the organization which interact with the outside world are powerful magic users. The Orb has no known affiliations to governments, powers, or divine loyalty. The members are encouraged to study the various aspects of Arcanology and every school of magic known. The structure believes as the members gain power, the organization gains power.
They have a strict hierarchy of order within the Onyx Orbs. Each level of member has a higher level to answer to under threat of physical, emotional, societal, spiritual, or any other form of punishment seen necessary by their superior.


Every Onyx Orb follows the pattern set forth by the Onyx Orb of Yrzeen.
There are 5 archmages which rule over all Onyx Orbs, as well as the Onyx Orb of Yrzeen, they are known as the Onyx Council.
In conjunction with that council being five, every local institution or guild has 5 magicians who are the masters over them. Every archmage has an area of specialty, but on matters which affect the school as a whole, or the isle of Yrzeen, the Five vote. This pattern follows down to local Onyx Orbs as well.

Members of the Onyx Council of Yrzeen

Archmage Avaan Zaltoryss the Guardian of the Triad

Elf Wizard, one of the oldest elves known in existence
Many suspect that he was apart of the Yalhan Sovereignty and the Farmantle Mages. His history is far more detailed than that however. Avaan earned his nickname as the Guardian of the Triad during a time over a thousand years ago during the War of Dragon Fire and Dwarven Ash, where he had saved the Triad of Moons which circle Arrolith from being brought down and subservient to the Western Ruby Armies.

Archmage Kellam Luxyra the Conservationist

Half Elf Order of the Scribe Wizard
His spot on the council is well earned as an Order of the Scribe. He is highly knowledgeable on many subjects and is a historian, scholar, and brilliant wizard. He has been able to slow his aging, he looks to be in his thirties but is ninety seven. He works with various contractors for researching magical artifacts and item retrievals. He also keeps a watchful eye on any and all creatures which plague the Prime Material, or other planes of existence which might need population control or to be taken out in general. He has a brilliant Conservatory he’s called the Onyx Hall Conservatory where he displays any creature which had to be driven to extinction. He also has a full library of magic items found across the planes.         It has rules and bylaws. Eight are followed throughout the Onyx Orb and in their home city:

Non-Aggression Principle

The use of magic to directly harm or kill another sapient creature is strictly prohibited, regardless of the moral justifications. This law would help prevent magical conflicts from spiraling out of control and endangering innocent lives. Only exception is in strict cases of self-defense.

Destruction Control

The use of destructive or explosive magic within the city limits is heavily regulated or outright prohibited. This law would aim to prevent accidental or intentional damage to property and infrastructure, reducing the risk of chaos and endangering the lives of the inhabitants.

Mind Control Prohibition Against Physical Harm

The use of magic to manipulate or control the minds of others to inflict physical harm on themselves or others against their will is strictly forbidden. This law would protect individual autonomy and prevent magical coercion or manipulation for personal gain, but promotes the strengthening of one's mind and spirit.

Restricted Summoning

Summoning or calling forth powerful entities or creatures that pose a threat to the city or its inhabitants is regulated. Summoning rituals may require permits or oversight from a designated authority to ensure they are conducted responsibly and with proper safeguards. Enforced Dueling Regulations: In cases where magical conflicts arise, regulated and supervised duels or contests could be allowed. These duels would be overseen by a neutral authority to prevent excessive harm and collateral damage.

Strict Magical Research Oversight

Regulations are established to monitor and control the development and experimentation of new magical spells, creatures and rituals. This oversight ensures that potentially dangerous or destructive magic is not unleashed without proper understanding or safeguards.

Mandatory Magical Education

All magic users residing in the city must undergo mandatory education apprenticeship or training to develop a basic understanding of responsible magical use, including safety protocols and ethical considerations.

Established Magical Emergency Services

A dedicated magical emergency response team or organization could be established to deal with magical accidents, disasters, or disturbances swiftly and efficiently, minimizing the potential harm caused by uncontrolled magical events.


The Onyx Orb has guild locations in most major nations in the world. Notable locations include:

Onyx Orb of Relles
Cognium Institue of the Onyx Orb
Onyx Orb of the Onyx Veil

Through Magic’s Veil, We Transcend

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