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Shemyaza, also known as Shemyaza, is a powerful demon king. He is the general of the armies of the Chasm and commands a host of demons and other dark entities. Shemyaza's biography tells of a powerful angel who, out of pride and desire for power, rebelled against the cosmic order and fell into the Chasm. There, he quickly rose through the ranks, earning the title of king and the loyalty of countless demons.
His main rivals in the hell are other demon lords and archdemons who seek to claim his throne and the control of the Chasm. He has fought alongside Lilith and Leviathyn, powerful demoness and demon lord respectively, against the armies of Hell, the traditional enemy of the demons of the Chasm.
Shemyaza possesses immense power, able to control and manipulate desire and temptation, as well as command his armies with deadly efficiency. His followers, often drawn from the ranks of the ambitious and the power-hungry, worship him through acts of sacrifice and devotion, seeking his favor and the power that comes with it.  
Those who worship Shemyaza gain access to his power and influence, able to manipulate and control the desires of others, and gain access to the forbidden knowledge and forbidden powers. They may also gain the favor of the demon king and the protection of his armies, becoming powerful and feared figures in their own right.
In addition to his military might and control over desire, Shemyaza is also said to possess the ability to grant immortality, great wealth, and to be the desire of all to his most loyal followers. He is also said to possess the ability to grant wishes, though the price for such a boon is always steep, and it may come with unforeseen consequences.
His followers often practice dark rituals and ceremonies in order to gain his favor and to appease him. They may also engage in acts of sacrifice and blood rituals, using the blood of animals or even humans to appease the demon king.
However, it should be noted that worshiping Shemyaza is not without its risks. He is known to be a ruthless and unpredictable tyrant, a true King of the Chasm, and those who cross him or fail to meet his expectations may find themselves facing his wrath. Additionally, his power is said to be addictive, and those who become too reliant on it may find themselves unable to survive without it.

  It is said that many politicians worship Shemyaza in secret, forming esoteric occults. They do so because they believe that by doing so, they can gain access to the demon king's power and influence, which he disperses at his own convenience and whims. This can manifest in many ways, such as the ability to manipulate and control the desires of others, to gain immense wealth, and to attain immortality. They also believe that it will help them to gain more power and control over the masses, by manipulating their desires and fears.
Politicians may also worship Shemyaza because they believe that by doing so, they can gain an edge over their rivals and opponents, by controlling their desires and influencing their decisions. They may also believe that by appeasing the demon king, they can gain his favor and protection, ensuring that they will be able to hold onto their power and influence.
In conclusion, Shemyaza is a powerful and feared demon king, with control over desire and the command of vast armies. Those who worship him can gain access to immense power and influence, but they must be willing to pay the price and take the risk of incurring the wrath of the demon king.


Shemyaza is said to have a contentious relationship with the Leviathan, the Grand Admiral of the Chasm, Lord of the Seas,. The two are said to be in constant competition for power and influence, with each seeking to undermine the other's plans at every turn.
Shemyaza also has a similarly contentious relationship with Astaroth, the demon lord of knowledge and wisdom. The two demon lords have different ideologies and often clash over their differing views on how to achieve their goals.
Azael and Baphomet
However, Shemyaza has a positive relationship with other demon lords such as Azael and Baphomet. These demon lords share similar ideologies with Shemyaza and often work together to achieve their goals.
Diamond Circle
Shemyaza has many consorts in the Prime Realm and in the Underworld. Among them are the Lover, a deity of love and pleasure, Morra, the Phantom Mother, a deity of fate and death. He has a tumultuous relationship as favored consort of Liith, the succubus deity who dwells in the lower planes. They love and hate each other, constantly vying for power and control.
Shemyaza and Liith have many offspring, including a powerful demon prince of death and decay named Azathoth, a demon queen of seduction and manipulation named Lilith, and a demon lord of war and conquest named Azael.

Shemyaza's relationship with his offspring is also said to be tumultuous, as he views them as rivals for his power and influence. However, he also sees them as valuable assets in his quest for domination, and often employs them in his schemes. Azathoth is said to be his favored child, as he shares many of his father's goals and ideologies. He is often sent to lead the hordes of the undead in battle and to spread death and decay across the world. Lilith, on the other hand, is said to be more focused on manipulating and seducing others to achieve her goals. She is often sent to infiltrate and subvert the enemy's ranks, using her charms to turn them against each other. Azael is the most powerful and ambitious of the three, and is said to be constantly scheming to overthrow his father and take his place as the demon king of death and decay.

Shemyaza and Liith's offspring are also known for their own agendas, and are not always loyal to their parents. They might have their own consorts and offspring and their own goals, and might act independently or even in opposition to their parents. For example, Azathoth might be interested in spreading death and decay for its own sake, while Lilith might have an interest in manipulating people for personal gain.

Shemyaza's followers are fiercely loyal to him, and they see him as a powerful leader who will guide them to ultimate victory. They believe that by serving him, they will be rewarded with eternal life in his service, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal. They engage in dark rituals and sacrifices, and they seek to spread his influence throughout the world by any means necessary. They may summon him and other demons to do their bidding, and they may also seek to raise the dead and create armies of the undead to serve as his soldiers. They are also known for raiding and attacking other civilizations in the name of their king, spreading death and destruction wherever they go.
Other Names: King of Desire, Lord of Fulfillment, The Punisher, God of Wants, the Primus Incubus
Deity of: Desire, Lust, Envy, Politics, Wealth, Luck, Charm
Realm: Ishtar, the realm of no inhibitions
Symbol: a golden heart with horns in the style of Shemnyaza, in the center of the heart is the centerpiece of his Belt of Ishtar
Portfolio: Trickery, Fertility, Knowledge, Luck

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