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The Quarry


The Quarry is a public as well as clandestine organization that operates as a highly efficient information brokerage and thieves guild. They have mastered the art of maintaining a dual identity, appearing to the world as a harmless postal service while conducting covert operations behind the scenes. Their primary mode of transportation and communication is through small proprietary creatures called pseudogriffs, which function as a key element of their public services.
Their mottos reflects both the public and private facing aspects of their business:
Publicly, their motto is: "Swift Wings, Secure Deliveries!" Referring to their pseudogriffs which were a magical proprietary creation by their founder. Privately, and to those who trade in their true services, know their motto is "Shadows Unveiled, Secrets Delivered."

Characteristics of The Quarry

The Quarry maintains a strict policy of neutrality, never aligning with any particular faction or ideology. They serve whoever can pay for their services and offer information and resources to all sides, ensuring their independence and continued survival.

The Quarry operates under layers of secrecy, and its true nature is known only to a select few members. They employ various techniques to obscure their operations and keep their members' identities concealed.

Members of The Quarry are skilled in various disciplines, from information gathering and espionage to thievery and covert operations. They are highly resourceful and adaptable, capable of handling diverse tasks.

Hierarchical Structure
The organization operates with a hierarchical structure, with few members aware of the identities of those above them. This prevents information leaks and adds an additional layer of protection.

Cunning and Intellect

Intelligence and cunning are highly valued qualities among the members of The Quarry. They must be adept at analyzing situations and making strategic decisions to remain successful.

Public Services

Postal Service
To the world at large, The Quarry operates as a postal service. They use the pseudogriffs, magical creatures capable of swift and secure deliveries, to transport letters and packages across vast distances. This service helps them maintain a benign facade, attracting little suspicion.

Trade and Commerce
The Quarry facilitates communication and trade between different regions and factions, acting as a neutral intermediary. Merchants and diplomats often use their services for secure communication and transportation of valuable goods.

Information Exchange
As a legitimate postal service, The Quarry serves as a source of reliable information about various events, news, and happenings across the land. This reputation enables them to gather critical intelligence for their clandestine operations.

Clandestine Services

Information Brokerage
The Quarry's primary clandestine service is its information brokerage. They gather and sell sensitive information, secrets, and rumors, acting as the middlemen between interested parties. Their vast network of contacts allows them to acquire even the most guarded knowledge.

Thievery and Espionage
The organization employs skilled thieves and spies to carry out covert operations. They steal valuable artifacts, gather intelligence on behalf of clients, and sometimes manipulate events to achieve desired outcomes.

Influence and Manipulation
The Quarry has the power to subtly influence various factions and individuals through carefully planted information and rumors. This ability enables them to create alliances, sow discord, or change the course of political landscapes without getting directly involved.

Assassination and Retrieval
In extreme cases, The Quarry accepts contracts for targeted assassinations or retrieval of highly sought-after items. These tasks are handled with utmost secrecy and precision, leaving little trace of their involvement.

  In the world of the Arrolith, The Quarry remains an enigmatic force, balancing on the knife's edge between legality and criminality. While their public services provide them with a protective cover and valuable connections, it is their clandestine operations and the web of intrigue they weave that truly define their influence and power in the shadows.


The organization has a structured hierarchy, with various roles and responsibilities publicly and privately which are handled on both sides of their operation. The head of every local Quarry chapter is known as a Quarrymaster, their second-in-command, is known as the Administrator. Together they are in charge of both sides of the operations.


Visibility: Public and Clandestine
Public Role
The Quarrymaster is the public face of the local Quarry chapter. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the postal service aspect, ensuring that deliveries are made efficiently and securely through the pseudogriffs. They interact with clients, merchants, and officials to maintain the benign facade of a postal service.

Clandestine Role
As the leader of the local chapter, the Quarrymaster holds the highest authority over the clandestine operations. They coordinate with the Administrator to manage information brokerage, thievery, and espionage. The Quarrymaster makes strategic decisions, accepts high-profile contracts, and maintains connections with other chapters and influential figures in the world.


Visibility: Public and Clandestine
Public Role
The Administrator is the second-in-command of the local Quarry chapter and assists the Quarrymaster in overseeing the postal service operations. They handle logistics, coordinate deliveries, and manage the day-to-day functioning of the pseudogriffs and their handlers.

Clandestine Role
In the clandestine realm, the Administrator is in charge of the organization's intelligence network. They gather information from various sources, maintain contacts with spies and informants, and analyze data to provide valuable insights to clients. The Administrator also helps devise strategies for covert operations and ensures smooth communication between different members.

Pseudogriff Handlers

Visibility: Public
Pseudogriff Handlers are the visible representatives of the Quarry's postal service. They are responsible for tending to the pseudogriffs, ensuring their well-being, and training them for deliveries. Handlers interact with customers when receiving packages and letters, exuding professionalism and dedication to their duties.

Parcel Wardens

Visibility: Public
Parcel Wardens are responsible for the security and protection of the packages and letters during their transit through The Quarry's postal service. They ensure that all deliveries are handled with care and integrity, safeguarding the contents from damage or tampering. These diligent individuals are trained in protective spells and are equipped with specialized tools to ward off potential threats. Parcel Wardens work closely with the Pseudogriff Handlers to maintain the reputation of The Quarry as a reliable and trustworthy postal service, providing peace of mind to customers that their deliveries are in safe hands.

Dispatch Scribes

Visibility: Public
Serving as the intermediary between Pseudogriff Handlers and the Clandestine services. They keep track of all information passed through their organization. Dispatch Scribes play a crucial role in managing the logistics of The Quarry's postal service. They are skilled record-keepers and organizers, responsible for maintaining a comprehensive log of all incoming and outgoing deliveries and correspondence. Dispatch Scribes work in the central hub of The Quarry's local chapter, coordinating the schedules of Pseudogriff Handlers, ensuring timely dispatches, and updating clients on the status of their deliveries. Their meticulous organization ensures that packages and letters reach their intended recipients without delay, making The Quarry's postal service efficient and dependable. The ones not in-the-know about the darker aspects of the Quarry are under the impression that it is to be in compliance with the laws and regulations set forth by the country in which they operate. Many don't question this, but few do, who either get promoted, or stop asking questions through their permanent silence.

Whisper Brokers

Visibility: Clandestine
Clandestine Role
Whisper Agents are key players in the clandestine aspect of the organization. They work closely with the Administrator to buy, sell, and trade information. They maintain extensive networks of contacts, including spies, informants, and insiders from various organizations. Information Brokers carefully vet the information they acquire and ensure its reliability before offering it to clients.
Also this group is comprised of skilled individuals who deftly manipulate information under direct command from the Administrator or Quarrymaster. Weaving intricate webs of knowledge and secrets prior to distribution of the information and knowledge. They are like whispers in the wind, spreading their influence discreetly and effortlessly. The name captures the essence of their role as masters of information and emphasizes their ability to navigate the hidden currents of knowledge throughout the realm.

Shadow Operatives

Visibility: Clandestine
Clandestine Role
Shadow Operatives are the elite operatives of the Quarry, specializing in stealth, infiltration, and combat. They handle high-risk missions, such as thefts, assassinations, and retrieval of sensitive items. Shadow Operatives are trained extensively in various combat techniques and magical arts to ensure the successful execution of covert operations.

Swift Wings, Secure Deliveries!

Shadows Unveiled, Secrets Delivered.

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