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Aeronim (ˈer-(ˌ)ō-ˈnim)

Shapes of lions, eagles, and alike, all dwell within a vast blue sunny realm, but are they truly moving...?

An endless sky that is only encompassed by clouds, aeronim is a place where no a single spec of earth or water can be seen, vast and empty, only true creatures of the sky can dwell in this realm of permanent daylight sky and winds.


Aeronim's most notable geographical feature is the complete lack of any geographical feature at all, due to a lack of any land at all. Instead Aeronim is an endless day, as blue sky that moves endless in all directions with no true bottom, gravity having little meaning in a world with no floor or roof. Land-based creatures will often simply find themselves perpetually falling to no end, though this lacks any meaning when it's impossible to have such a high velocity speed be ended by any physical terrain.   However, an exception to this is often the clouds that reside within the realm, any contact with clouds will often begin to slow the velocity of a falling creature, as such, any true location can often be considered to be resting on or in clouds in order to stall all movement. Though with a lack of materials, most cities of perceivable civilization in aeronim are made of clouds, and only very rarely additional pieces acquired from outside the realm. As such, a common role in societies within aeronim is the incredibly necessary "cloud-shaper."


Due to a lack of any real plant-life or ground in the realm of aeronim, any creature living within it often needs to be carnivorous to survive, though such creatures are noticeably uncommon and the primary residents of the plane of air will often be air elementals or similar outsiders.   Such outsiders are commonly capable of completely mimicking the skyscape they inhabit, being completely camouflaged until they see fit to reveal themselves. This puts a heavy reliance on staying still for days if not weeks until they find a fitting reason to move, as clouds often do not move unless intentionally push by strong winds by a elemental or magical primordial that dwells within the realm throwing a tantrum. As well, the permanent daylight is often caused by the all-consuming light being near the planar barrier, producing light that fills the plane and gets slowly blocked by clouds, resulting in the more hidden regions to be darker and more dangerous.

Localized Phenomena

In the rare chance that someway earthen elements make their way into aeronim (often due to planar gates or other primal mishaps), such material will often find itself immediately falling until collected by a cloud capable of properly bearing it's weight. This often ends up being the only real way to collect minerals, stones, or wood within aeronim, other then airships being used to intentionally travel to aeronim and end up not returning to due unfortunate circumstances. This often results in wood being one of the most common materials to accidentally find it's way permanently within aeronim.   One of the most rarely utilized phenomena within aeronim is "fall-surfing," often handled by skilled individuals who have resided within aeronim for decades if not centuries. Fall-surfing is the act of understanding that falling is based on perception, and using this to effectively fall in whatever direction they can force reality to perceive as down, providing them incredibly difficult to control flight and complete freedom from the mundane understandings of weight. Such individuals are often incredibly powerful, or bear a viciously different understanding of reality from most people, often resulting in being considered completely mad. These individuals are often also capable of causing other inanimate objects to fall in different directions based on their perception.

Fauna & Flora

Often most creatures capable of residing within aeronim are carnivorous birds that prey on eachother or other more physical dwellers of the plane, though there does dwell flightless scavengers who often reside on or within clouds to look for any usable remains or resources from victims of planar gates.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of Air
Plane of Existence