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Beyonder Glass

A shard of the void, used for war.

A shard of the dark beyond that had phased through the barrier that separates the universe from it.   Weapons, ammunition, armor, and other equipment made from beyonder glass are always of masterwork quality.   Weapons Beyonder Glass is an amazing material that creates blades meant to kill, however its eldritch effects commonly drive its wielders to madness. Weapons and ammunition made of beyonder glass gain a +2 insight bonus to attack and damage. In addition, weapons and ammunition deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures, as if they possessed the ghost touch special ability. However, each round, the wielder of such weapons must roll a Will save (DC 10 + half the wielder's character level + the wielder's wisdom modifier or the wielder's intelligence modifier, whichever is higher) or suffer from insanity for 1 round. This effects functions as per the confusion spell. In addition, insanity caused by a weapon made of beyonder glass a imparts a -4 penalty to wisdom and charisma ability and skill checks while under the effects of the material.   Armor Armor made from beyonder glass have special properties that protect against the ethereal and supernatural. Ethereal and Incorporeal creatures cannot bypass armor and shields made of beyonder glass the way they do normal armor. In addition, against creatures with the extraplanar subtype, armor made of beyonder glass grants its wearer damage reduction of 1/— if it’s light armor, 2/— if it’s medium armor, and 3/— if it’s heavy armor. However, each round, the wearer of such armors must roll a Will save (DC 10 + half the wearer's character level + the wearer's wisdom modifier or the wearer's intelligence modifier, whichever is higher) or suffer from insanity for 1 round. This effects functions as per the confusion spell. In addition, insanity caused by a weapon made of beyonder glass a imparts a -4 penalty to wisdom and charisma ability and skill checks while under the effects of the material.


Material Characteristics

Beyonder Glass has an odd shimmer when in bright light, this material seems completely opaque unless looked at closely, at which point it's transparent nature can partially be seen. The material as a whole is pitch black, the light it reflects often being too bright or not bright enough for how much light is bouncing off the glass. If one were to look deeply enough into the glass, one could even claim to see tiny white specs, like stars in the night sky, vivified in the glass.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The most unusual property of this material could be said to be its only completely distinct lack of mundane qualities, completely lacking taste, smell, or texture. This makes the material seem uncomfortably unworldly to most people who have a chance to look at it. To only heighten this, it bears the odd quality of being particularly resilient to creatures that are not in their correct plane, or creatures whose existence is not fully solidified in the material, capable of harming even the incorporeal with ease despite their immaterial nature.

Origin & Source

The origin of this material is still completely unknown, randomly falling into planes throughout the universe, beyonder glass is a mysterious material that confused scholars to this day due to its extraordinary make up.

History & Usage


The first historical discovery of beyonder glass occurred in Licastria, the city having been hit by a recent meteor shower. In which the town plaza was impacted by a massive chunk of black material now known as beyonder glass. The tytolcadan inhabitants of the city took to searching the material before the fall of the city.


Often, beyonder glass is usable from the very beginning, however, as like most materials used in smithing, it still needs to be smelted in order to be forged into equipment, this process seemingly changing nothing about the beyonder glass's make up, sturdiness or otherwise. Despite this, the act of smelting and forging often cause the creature of a new material that seemingly appears from within the glass with no explanation, commonly referred to as "Beyonder Slag."

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The creation of equipment from chunks of beyonder glass that have found their way into the world, usually results in the creation of a material coined "Beyonder Slag" this material often releases an unusual odorless hazy gas that is popular with certain sects of alchemists who prefer this material over the intended material due to its special effects on creature's mental capabilities.


The creation of equipment from chunks of beyonder glass that have found their way into the world, often comes with the very upfront danger of mental degradation in those who are exposed to waste material that results from the process. this material is often nicknamed beyonder slag, often releases fumes that can affect those who inhale it, causing delusions, nightmares, and most often, madness. However, this material often has a use with alchemists, who can often need materials that do just that.
Beyonder Glass.png
Craftsman Master, Thaumaturgic Expert
Related Skills
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planar)
Super Rare
Common State
Related Locations
HP/inch 50; Hardness 20; Cost see table; Weight normal.
Type of Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +60 gp per missile
Light armor +5,000 gp
Medium armor +10,000 gp
Heavy armor +15,000 gp
Weapon +3,000 gp
Shield +5,000 gp
This table only functions when the material is acquirable.