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Gearborne (ˈgir-bȯrn)

Does the fire in their heart burn brighter then their furnace?

A race of constructs forged with the artificial soul technique, granting them a molten core that powers their body with heat, but do to their artificial nature, lack life energy and ability to interact with positive or negative energy. These craftborne are made by street artificers and the industrially adventurous.   Physical Description: The gearborne possess a rather intricate and easily identified physical appearance among constructs, made of metal, primarily bronze, copper, or tin, as their outer shell, but gearborne made from iron, steel, adamantine, and mithral are not unheard of and vary in rarity. They have fairly burly chests and body in order to handle their core and properly protect it. Their inner mechanisms and clockwork can be seen at a variety of joints on those who are less properly covered by plating and also all have a visible heat gauge on their chest or back to keep track of their core's temperature, which, if overheated, will give their body are red hot hue. Their eyes are normally made of glass with light powered by their core. Beyond this, like any construct, their appearance can differ wildly based on their creation and creator's intent and preference, some even having their weapons or clothing attached to their actual body, while others are capable of wearing clothing with no difficulty.

0 years +1d2 years
(1 – 2 years)
+1d3 years
(1 – 3 years)
+2d6 years
(2 – 12 years)
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Visually Male-Presenting 5 ft. 1 in. +3d12 in.
(5 ft. 4 in. – 8 ft. 1 in.)
400 lbs. +(5d12×7 lbs.)
(435 – 820 lbs.)
Visually Female-Presenting 5 ft. 1 in. +3d12 in.
(5 ft. 4 in. – 8 ft. 1 in.)
300 lbs. +(5d12x7 lbs.)
(335 – 720 lbs.)
Society: Gearborne lack any centralized society as a race naturally dependent on others to increase in numbers and created primarily within a preexisting society, and due to their position commonly start at the bottom of hierarchy due to being of no lineage. However, they physical strength enables them to easily enter hard labour and earn a place among other workers.   Relations: As a construct, gearborne naturally possess a very special relationship with their creator, reliance on them for repairs and owing them for bringing them into the world places them in a position of gratitude, but their own natural learning and growth can lead to conflict or questions if they worldviews begin to misalign, and gearborne fear how they'd handle being without they who knows how to repair them. In regards to other races, gearborne are fascinated by humans adaptability, and share a keen sympathy with elves' desire for knowledge. They bear an immense childish wonder when meeting magitborne and shockborne.   Alignment and Religion: As a race of constructs crafted with no prior relation or formed opinions, gearborne lack any form of alignment predisposition or preferred organized religion, instead taking after those around them and their creators primarily instead.   Adventurers: Due to their overall build, weight, and natural strength, gearborne make great frontline fighters, and well fit into adventuring parties due to their natural curiousity and wanderlust, however, gearborne can use any class.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Gearborne possess notable physical prowess due to their mechanical bodies and show themselves as streetwise and able to go through quick deductions, but are notably subdued in personality. They gain +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
  • Type: Gearborne are constructs with the craftborne subtype.
  • Size: Gearborne are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Gearborne have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Gearborne begin play speaking Common. Gearborne with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
  • Suspicious: Gearborne are less naturally trusting of others, giving them a +2 racial bonus on sense motive checks.
Offense Racial Traits
  • Natural Attack: Gearborne gain two slam attacks as primary natural attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage.
  • Overheat (Ex): Gearborne bear a thermal core, which they possess some control over, allowing them to increase it's output temporarily to dangerous levels. As a swift action, the gearborne may overheat their core and body. While overheating, any natural attacks or unarmed strikes with their body deal an additional +1d6 points of fire damage per 4 character levels (minimum 1d6) and any natural attacks, or unarmed strikes against the gearborne cause the attacker to be harmed for 1d6 fire damage. Creatures grappled or pinned by a gearborne in overheat take 1d6 points of fire damage per 3 character levels (minimum 1d6) each round while grappled or pinned. Creatures adjacent to the gearborne and the gearborne itself take 1d6 fire damage each round the gearborne is overheating. Gearborne may keep this output up for one round every two levels and cannot be dismissed. A gearborne may use this ability once per day and receive an additional use for every five levels thereafter.
Defense Racial Traits
  • Energy Resistance: Gearborne have fire resistance 5.
  • Metal Plating: Gearborne have hardened metal bodies, granting them a +2 natural armor bonus.
  • Powerful Build: Gearborne count as one size larger when determining size modifier or special size modifier for Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense.
Senses Racial Traits
  • Low-light Vision: Gearborne can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • Darkvision: Gearborne have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Other Racial Traits
  • Artificial Soul: Bearing the inspirational advancement of an artificially crafted soul, gearborne differ from normal constructs in a few ways. They have a Constitution score and an Intelligence score and can be targeted by spells and effects that target living creatures or constructs, as well as all mind-affecting effects and spells, powers and effects that affect objects made from metal. They cannot be physically healed by positive energy, and cannot be physically harmed by negative energy. They are not immune to ability damage and ability drain to mental scores, and energy drain. They are not permanently destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points, and instead are shut offline due to too much external damage and are considered unconscious and helpless, and can be repaired to return to functionality. They are destroyed beyond repair when reduced to a negative number of hit points equal to their Constitution score. They can be raised or resurrected when destroyed if a new body is available for them to inhabit.
  • Constructed Requirements: Gearborne physiological needs are different than those of creatures of flesh. They do not need to eat, drink, or sleep, but they still need a daily period of rest. During this period of rest, they must enter a recuperating standby state for 2 hours, which is similar to sleeping except they are aware of their surroundings and don't take penalties for being unconscious. All applications of the Heal skill while used on a gearborne are replaced with the Knowledge (Engineering) skill.
Weakness Racial Traits
  • Vulnerable to Cold: Gearborne are thermally powered and react negatively low temperatures. Gearborne take 150% as much damage as normal from cold attacks.

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.
  • Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s CMD when resisting a bull rush or drag attempt.
  • Monk: Reduce the Hardness of any object made of clay, stone, or metal by 1 whenever the object is struck by the monk’s unarmed strike (minimum of 0).
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