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Idaenoal ('ēd-dā-e-nō-l)

God of Fear and Idaenoathenid, is surprisingly monstrous, with copper inhuman carapace, and eyes the color of bright emeralds. He is very short and slender, and often seems angry. He usually wears elegant clothing dyed red-orange.   He is also associated with pity and cats. He is often worshiped by commoners. His few followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are widespread offerings to him at the edge of forests. There are many myths involving his competitive relationship with Adalo. He is known to give aid to mortals seeking vengeance.   A wild monster with a sense of justice. His intimidating presence hiding a respectable man. Able to fight against even the Idaenoathenid heat, during the Idaenoathenid months hunts are held in his honour to show favour among towns for luck with food and prevent droughts. A hunter at heart he is known as the hunting monster, and his clerics take after him by wearing their prey as armor and weapons.

Divine Domains

  • Chaos
  • Fire
  • Glory
  • Good
  • Strength
  • Panther
  • Azata
  • Defense
  • Fear
  • Feather
  • Ferocity
  • Fur
  • Insect
  • Litha
  • Rage
  • Resolve
  • Revelry
  • Summer
  • Thirst

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His favored weapon is earth breaker, his sacred animal is the bukremoth, his symbol is a rusted helm.
Chaotic Good
Divine Classification