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Knight's Vein

Even in death, faded and forgotten, the war still finds way to provide profit.

A parting gift from a bloody battle with no true victor in the heart's of the people, this material is warm to touch with the warrior spirit.   Weapons, ammunition, armor, and other equipment made out of knight's vein function as if made out of bronze except as noted.   Weapons As the powerful material carries the spirit of battle within it, so does those who wield weapons made of it. Weapons and ammunition made of knight's vein grant a cumulative +1 morale bonus against fear and death effects for every opponent within a 10-ft. radius of the wielder. In addition, for every 5 opponents within a 10-ft. radius of the wielder, the wielder gains a cumulative +1 morale bonus to attack and damage.   Armor While strong, knight's vein's effects become too potent when worn as protective armor. Armor made of knight's vein grant a cumulative +1 morale bonus against fear and death effects for every opponent within a 10-ft. radius of the wearer. However, when at least two opponents are within 10 feet of the wearer, the wearer suffers a battle frenzy for one minute unless they succeed at a will save (DC 10 + half the wearer's character level + the armor's enhancement bonus + 1 per additional opponent). This battle frenzy functions as per the blood rage spell except as noted here. While the battle frenzy is in effect, the wearer attacks the nearest creature other than themselves. At the end of each round thereafter, the wearer can attempt a new saving throw to end the battle frenzy.


Material Characteristics

Notable for blooming like a plant once the ore has begun to form, the blood red, gem-like metal ore grows out of a bronze-like metal ore that is commonly smelted alongside the primary red mineral that is the main source of the material's properties.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The actual "knight's vein" mineral is notably soft when smelted alone, the bronze-coloured mineral that it commonly blooms out of provides it it's sturdier, iron-like properties that allow it to be a functional material.   Notably, as the actual red gem-like mineral that is part of the knight's vein is soft, stone eating races such as gargoyles have seen the mineral as a delicacy, saying it to taste like some of the most potent, juiciest pomegranate.

Geology & Geography

Due to how this material is commonly formed, it is primarily only found underground beneath where large scale battles occurred long ago. This has allowed it to be a relatively wide spread material, though obviously limited in supply due to what is necessary to create it.

Origin & Source

Knight's vein has a very unfortunate origin that has left the gathering oft he material to be viewed somewhat negatively among more peaceful populace, originating from under battlefields, where the blood of the warriors who fought above pool down into the crags deep beneath the earth. Their blood commonly mingles with the minerals found in these locations until they eventually bloom into large blood red metallic formations.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

As the ore is made form the blood of ancient battles hard fought, knight's vein is culturally considered a parting gift from the warriors who died on the battlefield, leaving there some troubled discourse over whether or not one should mine the mineral as it could be considered desecration.
Craftsman Adept, Thaumaturgic Adept
Related Skills
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Gold & Red
Common State
HP/inch 30; Hardness 10; Cost see table; Weight normal.
Type of Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +25 gp per missile
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Weapon +2,000 gp
Shield +1,000 gp
This table only functions when the material is acquirable.