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Oshuru Dol ((ˈ)ō-shü-rü ˈdäl)

God of the Sea & Water, is divinely beautiful, by some standard of sort, as a being of water with complete purity, and eyes the color of turquoise. He is very tall and very muscular, and often looks sly. He usually wears a cloak dyed tan.   He is also associated with storms and seduction. He is often worshiped by sailors. His many followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. There are numerous temples to him in ports. There are many myths involving his scandalous relationship with Queen Lunara. He is the cousin of Kandor Sol. He is known to send visions to mortals seeking vengeance.   Oshuru Dol's symbol, the Ivory Seashell, is a wonderful item for many wanderers. As it is always a source of clean water, as opening it produces a sphere of water that flowers if tipped. Though it is always far stronger in the hands of his clerics, who can create powerful waves from the seashell. Pirates who fear him commonly do minor deeds of good will on their travel to people of their fancy in order to not draw his ire from their deeds in his domain.

Divine Domains

  • Chaos
  • Charm
  • Erosion
  • Good
  • Healing
  • Strength
  • Resolve
  • Water
  • Weather
  • Azata
  • Captivation
  • Entropy
  • Flotsam
  • Flowing
  • Monsoon
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Storms

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His Favored Weapon is the trident, his sacred animal is the clam, and his symbol is an Ivory Seashell.
Chaotic Good
Divine Classification