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The sun reaches far, and the earth reaches out in union.

Sungold is a supernatural material that gives off a slight glow, warmth, has healing properties. Like gold items, sungold items weigh 50% more than typical weapons or armor of their type.   Weapons, ammunition, armor, and other equipment fashioned from sungold gives off a minor glow, providing dim light in a 20-ft. radius around it, this glow drastically increases when it absorbs a notable impact. When equipment made of sungold falls 10 feet or higher, takes damage, is used to deal damage to a creature or object, prevents a creature from taking damage, or the equipment is broken or destroyed, it emits a flash of light that functions as per the daylight spell. This flash of light is strong enough that it can potentially affect creatures that are sensitive to sunlight as in sun light for one turn.   Weapons Weapons and ammunition made from sungold deal an additional 1 point of positive energy damage. Bludgeoning weapons made of sungold used to deal damage to a creature or object unleashes a flash of light so strong, in addition to the normal effect of the material, blinds the creature hit by the weapon for 1 round unless it succeeds at a fortitude save (DC 15 + the weapon's enhancement bonus + 1/10 damage dealt)   Armor Armor made from sungold deals positive energy damage each turn depending on the type of armor to the creature wearing it, dealing 1 point of positive energy damage if it’s light armor, dealing 2 point of positive energy damage if it’s medium armor, and dealing 3 point of positive energy damage if it’s heavy armor.


Material Characteristics

Nearly identical to gold, barring its own internal glow and warmth, sungold is a supernatural relative to normal gold that possesses greater value and utility. As hard a iron compared to normal gold, there are no drawbacks to using Sungold as a sturdy and hardened material comparitively, beyond the large flashes of light it gives off when struck.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Sungold is warm to the touch, it's slight glow allowing it to function allowing it to function as a natural sunrod and capable of dimly lighting up entire caverns with veins of sungold. It's low amounts of contained positive energy seemingly never wears out and makes it a useful natural deterrent to undead.   When under pressure or when being impacted, sungold's glow turns into a bright flash that can easily blind unsuspecting creatures, especially those who would be sensitive to such light.

Geology & Geography

Sungold is unusual in that it lacks any proper pattern to where it can be found, randomly found throughout the world in both old crypts and underground in caves and mines. Finding any usable amount is often seen as miraculous.

Origin & Source

Sungold is said to have originated from the intervention of the Ancient Golden Ones, mysterious ancient beings who have existed before history, the sungold said to be a gift to a king from long ago to build his empire. While impossible to ever truly prove, cults who worship the ancient golden ones commonly seek and use sungold for their own means, worship or otherwise.


Trade & Market

Sungold's exotic rarity means that it is often usually acquired as soon as possible by those who seek it, leaving searching the market for such a material difficult. Cults who consider it a sacred material also often cause this task to become quite the ordeal as they often are willing to resort to physical threats and intimidation to ensure acquiring such materials over others.
Craftsman Expert, Thaumaturgic Adept
Related Skills
Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Common State
HP/inch 30; Hardness 10; Cost see table; Weight 1-1/2 normal.
Type of ItemItem Cost Modifier
Ammunition +30 gp per missile
Light armor +2,000 gp
Medium armor +5,000 gp
Heavy armor +8,000 gp
Weapon +1,000 gp
Shield +2,000 gp
This table only functions when the material is acquirable.