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The Memory Vault

Wisdom is born when time and suffering is wed. And here, there is plenty of time.

The realm of all that has been discovered, all that can be known, all that has been researched and understood by all. The memory vault is an immortal constant of reality that represents the combined knowledge of the entire universe. In these vast endless and undaunted halls is where the good intended go mad with understanding and the selfish realize crippling comparison.


The memory vault could be described as endless halls of books and bookcases, or perhaps simply a marble floor with every book on a pedestal to be showcased. No one description can be correct as the memory vault is one of the more abstract upper planes and to witness it undiluted in perception is to lose all senses one once held dear.   Despite this, the actual bearings of this realm is far less traversable or mind-numbing as a simple infinite museum or library. Here, the intent of travel affects where everything could be, as white & black marble panels coalesce as one walks, endless pillars of glowing yellow crystal and glass stretch into the endless skies and bottomless pits that makes up everything here, this pillars form the vaults, constantly shifting and moving, constantly being reorganized of their own accord, based on whatever organization they see fit as proper to be dealt with by any current inhabitants, Randomly among these pillars are spherical growths, almost tumours visually in their connection to the pillars, made of the same crystalline and glass glowing yellow material.   Within the tumours lies the knowledge people seek, each one possessing another fact or memory of existence, though how such a thing is presented, or provided, is never the same per person and instead is based on what would be needed for them to realize this fact, for some as easy as reading a book, for others, a long lost loved one confronting them over a conversation from long ago, in an eerie recreation of a place long since burned down. Though one would not be stopped in entering these vaults, each vaults can only provide one truth or memory as they only contain one. And very few have ever been happy to find the knowledge they sought.   Of other oddities within the realm, despite the constant pillars as far as the eye could comprehend and their shifting, they are not all consuming of the realm's horizon, the sky always visible in ways it simply should be, the pillars even fading into the yellow nebular swirls that make up the sky. And just as the pillars fade into the sky, do they fade into the bottomless pit below, for whatever counts as "below" for each pillar, or could be perceive as such at any one moment.

Ecosystem Cycles

The memory vault only has one cyclical change throughout the plane, as the place seems to have a day and night cycle that serves no purpose as far as any researcher has deduced. This cycle only affects the world primarily at night as the day is the version most are aware of if they were to imagine the memory vaults.   At night, the pillars do not glow, and the sky becomes but stars, as unnatural skies take up the night, normally being what location on malbaar, necris, or elvikeim would see during night. The memory vaults become dangerously dark at night, though no individual outsider makes their home in the vaults beyond du suk himself or the occasional inevitable performing patrol.

Localized Phenomena

While the realm is fairly peaceful, or able to be claimed as such, there are two naturally occurring phenomenon: the rotation and movement of the vaults, as well as memory noises.   Memory noises is the case where a small area within the plane constantly makes noise as if there was something within the area making it, but lacks any visible source. In more extreme cases these sounds are capable of forming psychic imprints capable of physically interacting with corporeal beings.
Plane of Existence