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Vacheim (Väk-ˈhīm)

But what if...

A complete absence of anything, a realm of total and utter nothingness that nothing can survive in within the explored realms. Any being that can survive here is a creature that has complete independence from the usual requirements of life, or aggressively strong beyond mortal ken.


As this realm has a complete lack of anything, it lacks any geographical constructs or concepts capable of being talked about or worth talking about.

Localized Phenomena

As the realm of emptiness, vacheim's total nothingness can often be considered valuable to those who might seek solitude or to be perpetually unbothered by others. As this is a common idea, many would-be fed up hermits and sorcerers have often attempted to make themselves a place within this realm, only to fall victim to the realm's one truth, that it is a vast endless scape of nothingness, and no attempt at trying to fill it with anything, ever; can ever possible succeed. Such people often find themselves without their book they gathered, or the house they attempted to teleport into the realm, and often end up floating within an endless abyss of nothing in which there is nothing to see from all directions and the concept of ever meeting another confined to such a horrible fate is equally never going to happen.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of Emptiness
Plane of Existence