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Wyvaran (ˈwī-vər-en)

Born a prince among the paupers.

Born from a kobold blessed with wyvern blood, the wyvarans are a rarity of the world that is highly cherished by its family. Though one's birth can also be seen as conspicuous in lands where wyverns are rarely seen.   Physical Description: As bipedal dragons heired to wyvern blood, a wyvaran's appearance can very greatly depending on it's wyvern ancestry, scales, horns, overall build and head shape, tail, wing shape and wingspan, and eye colour all heavily differ based on their wyvern parent, barely taking from their kobold parent. Though in cases, a wyvaran can inherit their kobold parent's scale color, eye color, or head and horn shape. However, these occurrences are incredibly uncommon, and are usually seen as a unusuality even by other wyvarans. Despite the high variety in wyvarans, they usually still have a very lean body shape, often usually have necks around the same length even if their wyvern parent had notably short or long necks, and always have a tail capable of being used to protect itself. They commonly bear a healthy physique and have difficulty showing signs of starvation or malnutrition. Like kobolds, they have 5 fingers and 5 toes on their digitigrade feet.

Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
15 Years +1d4 years (16 – 19 years) +1d6 years (16 – 21 years) +2d6 years (17 – 27 years)
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 5 ft. 2 in. +2d12 in. (5 ft. 4 in. – 7 ft. 2 in.) 150 lbs. +(2d10×5 lbs.) (160 – 250 lbs.)
Female 5 ft. 2 in. +2d12 in. (5 ft. 4 in. – 7 ft. 2 in.) 150 lbs. +(2d10×5 lbs.) (160 – 250 lbs.)
Society: Wyvarans lack any real society of their own, instead, living with kobold society due to being the offspring of kobolds, when a wyvaran is born, they often receive special attention, receiving food first and being taken care of with priority over anyone else. This can lead to situations where the kobolds begin to starve to properly feed their wyvaran child, and leaving the wyvaran as the only survivor of their tribe in the isolated fringes of the world. Wyvarans who are raised fully to adulthood often completely take control of a tribe unless a greater dragon is present, which would become a matter of strength rather then a birthright. Wyvarans who ended up causing the starvation of their families normally are still capable of feeding themselves at an early age, often able to hunt and kill most prey without any trouble.   Relations: Wyvarans can be consider troublemakers, having trouble not getting way due to most wyvaran's pampered upbringings. Their attitude of desiring to take whatever suits them often causing disputes and can lead to wyvarans quickly getting into trouble with guards in most cities. Wyvarans with better understanding of laws within cities often manage to avoid such difficulties. Despite this, wyvarans are often in good standing with worshipers of the dragonfather, as well as gargoyles, lamia and draschstef, but are notorious in the eyes of some elves and harpies.   Alignment and Religion: As the offspring of kobolds, and dragonblooded, wyvarans are bound to the dragonfather and worship him as their patron deity, though they are still capable and allowed to worship other deities. Wyvarans have no alignment restrictions and can be of any alignment, independent of their scale colour or parent.   Adventurers: While most wyvarans prefer to stay with their kobold brethren to be treated as royalty, some get bored of this and run off, much to the pain of their families. These wyvarans often take up jobs to deal with their boredom or to seek glory. The wyvarans that choose to join adventuring parties often end up making great scouts and rogues.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Modifiers: Standard They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Intelligence.
  • Type: Wyvarans are dragons.
  • Size: Wyvarans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Wyvarans have a base speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability.
  • Languages: Wyvarans begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Wyvarans with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Offense Racial Traits
  • Slapping Tail: Wyvarans have a tail they can use to make attacks of opportunity with a reach of 5 feet. The tail is a natural attack that deals 1d8 points of damage. The natural attack's strength modifier becomes 1-1/2 times their strength modifier if they are large size.
Senses Racial Traits
  • Darkvision: Wyvarans have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: Wyvaran can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Alternate Racial Traits

  The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.
  • Vestigial Wings: When resources are particularly scarce, some young wyvarans develop smaller-than-average wings incapable of flight. However, these wings are perfectly suited for other acrobatic maneuvers. These wyvarans gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and one of these is a class skill for them. In addition, they can ignore the first 20 feet of falling damage when they make a successful Acrobatics check. This racial trait replaces their fly speed.
  • Greed: Most wyvarans crave treasure, but for some, amassing wealth is a compulsion. Wyvarans with this trait gain a +2 on racial bonus on Appraise checks, and Appraise is a class skill for them. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks when attempting to take items from other creatures. They can also use their tails to attempt these Sleight of Hand checks. This racial trait replaces slapping tail.

Favored Class Options

The following favored class options are available to all characters of this race who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward.
  • Bloodrager: Add 1 to the bloodrager’s total rounds of bloodrage each day.
  • Mesmerist: Add 1/4 to the mesmerist’s level for the purpose of determining the effect of mesmerist tricks
  • Oracle: Add 1/4 to the oracle’s level for the purpose of determining the effects of an oracle curse
  • Paladin: Add 1/2 to the paladin’s level when determining the effect of smite evil against evil-aligned dragons.
  • Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus to Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks to steal or hide objects.
  • Sorcerer: Add a +1/2 bonus to the damage of spells or spell-like abilities that deal damage of the same energy type as the sorcerer’s draconic bloodline breath weapon.