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Ysajeb ('yə-'sȯ-jeb)

God of the Underworld

God of the Afterlife, with brown skin, short, straight dark golden hair, and eyes the color of emeralds. He is medium height and very muscular, and almost always frowns. He usually wears simple clothes dyed pale onyx.   He is also associated with marriage and gambling. He is often worshipped by magic-users. His surprisingly numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by their daily prayers. He is known to sometimes place obstacles in the way of mortal magic-users.   A strict god with no tolerance for abuse of the cycle of souls. His elite followers known as the Soul Knights purge necromancers who special in soul use rather then magical animation. He rules of the Plane of Souls Erebaar with a tight grip. As the only god to reside in the Plane of Souls he keeps watch over it and the cycle of souls so that it is not disturbed.

Divine Domains

  • Community
  • Death
  • Earth
  • Erosion
  • Law
  • Renewal
  • Repose
  • Ancestors
  • Ash
  • Deception
  • Family
  • Greed
  • Hubris
  • Inevitable
  • Judgment
  • Legend
  • Martyr
  • Memory
  • Radiation
  • Samhain
  • Souls

Holy Books & Codes

The Grassfields in Erebaar

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His Favored Weapon is the bident, his sacred animal is the turtle, and his symbol is a copper staff with a skull tip.
Lawful Neutral
Divine Classification


Collect small bones whenever it is convenient and respectful to do so. When it comes time to perform your obedience, lay out the bones in a spiral. Chant hymns from The Grassfields in Erebaar while proceeding solemnly around the spiral, trailing a black cloth on the ground behind you. Gain a +2 profane or sacred bonus on attack rolls made with bidents or weapons with ghost touch. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience, and this choice can’t be changed.   Evangelist
  1. Preserver (Sp) sanctuary 3/day, gentle repose 2/day, or speak with dead 1/day
  2. Decomposition (Su) You can ensure the final rest of a creature. As a standard action, you can touch a corpse and cause it to dissolve into black ash. A corpse dissolved this way cannot be raised as an undead creature by any means short of a miracle or wish. The black ash left behind can, however, be used as the “corpse” for spells that return the dead to true life—such as raise dead—as long as the entire collection of ash is kept together.
  3. The Veil Is Drawn Aside (Su) You gain the Extra Revelation feat, choosing a revelation from either your chosen mystery or the Bones mystery. If you don’t have the revelation class feature, you must pick from the Bones.
  1. Quietude (Sp) forced quiet 3/day, silence 2/day, or hold person 1/day
  2. Strike the Unrestful (Su) As a free action, you can grant the ghost touch weapon special ability to a weapon that you hold. If that weapon is not magical, it is considered magical while under the effect of this ability. This ability affects only weapons held in your hand; if you drop the weapon or give it away, the effect ends on that weapon. You can affect a weapon in this way a number of rounds each day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.
  3. Ally from Erebaar (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a marut inevitable and gain telepathy with it to a range of 100 feet. The marut follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to their home in the Erebaar. The marut don’t follow commands that would cause them to aid or permit the existence of undead, and they could attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
  1. Undead Slayer (Sp) hide from undead 3/day, defending bone 2/day, or halt undead 1/day
  2. Disrupting Strike (Su) Three times per day, you can channel disruptive energy through your weapon against an undead creature. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. If your attack hits an undead creature, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6d6). If your attack misses or your target was not an undead creature, the use of the ability is wasted.
  3. Righteous in Death (Ex) Your loyalty to the cause extends even when struck down, you will only go to Ysajeb's realm once you have done all you can to wipe the world of necromancers and undead. Once per day, when you die in battle, your body and soul can continue combat for 1 minute regardless of any effect. While in this state, you cannot die in battle no matter how low your hitpoints drop. While at negative hit points while in this state, you can continue to act normally, and do not bleed each round due to taking actions. If your state ends while you still have a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you die instantly. If your state ends while you still have negative hit points, but the number of negative hit points is not equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you fall unconscious and gain the dying condition as normal. If your state ends while you have positive hit points, you fall unconscious as if stabilized for an hour.