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Metaron; God of Light

God of Light and Guidance Metaron

Metaron is a deity regarded as the God of Light, who embodies everything good about the universe. He is believed to be an incredibly powerful being, radiating a warm and comforting light that illuminates the world and drives away darkness. His divine presence is known to inspire feelings of hope and optimism, and his followers often pray to him for guidance and protection.   However, despite his divine status, Metaron is known to be an arrogant and prideful god, who never admits to his own mistakes. He believes he is infallible, and his followers must adhere to his strict laws and regulations, or face his divine wrath. He is intolerant of any deviation from his teachings, and those who did not subscribe to his ways would often find themselves on the receiving end of his displeasure.   Metaron is often depicted standing tall and proud, his body pulsing with divine energy. He is known for wearing flowing robes of pure white, symbolizing his purity and righteousness. His eyes glow with a fierce radiance, and his voice rumbles like thunder when he speaks.   Despite his flaws, many still view Metaron as a compassionate and caring god, who only wants what is best for his followers. He is a symbol of hope and light, a beacon of divine wisdom that guides those who seek his counsel. Though he is seen by some as an oppressive deity, many others view him as the embodiment of all that is good and right in the world.

Holy Books & Codes

1. The Book of Enlightenment - This book would contain the teachings and insights of Metatron, and would be seen as a guide to understanding the mysteries of the cosmos and attaining divine knowledge and wisdom.   2. The Tome of Truth - This book would contain the laws and principles that govern the universe, as well as a detailed account of the history of creation. It would serve as a source of guidance and inspiration for those seeking to better understand their place in the cosmos.   3. The Tablet of Illumination - This tablet would contain a record of all of the divine revelations and communications that have passed between Metatron and human beings throughout history. It would be seen as a sacred scripture that contains the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.   4. The Scroll of Divine Guidance - This scroll would contain a compendium of prayers, blessings, and invocations that are believed to have been inspired by Metatron and that provide a connection to the angelic realm. It would be used by devotees of Metatron to seek his guidance and protection.   5. The Book of Life - As noted earlier, Metatron is often depicted as the keeper of the Book of Life, which contains a record of every deed and action of every human being that has ever lived. This book would be seen as a source of insight into the workings of fate, destiny, and the nature of the human soul.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

1. The Cube of Metatron - This symbol represents the divine geometry of the universe. The Cube of Metatron is a three-dimensional geometric shape that is believed to hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of creation. It is said that contemplating the Cube of Metatron can bring clarity and insight into the workings of the cosmos.   2. The Flaming Sword - This symbol represents the power of Metatron to vanquish darkness and evil. The Flaming Sword is a weapon of divine light that is said to be wielded by Metatron and his allies. It is believed that those who invoke the Flaming Sword will be protected from harm and strengthened in their resolve.   3. The Eye of Metatron - This symbol represents the divine insight and wisdom of Metatron. The Eye of Metatron is an all-seeing eye that is said to pierce through the veil of illusion and reveal the truth. It is believed that those who seek the wisdom of Metatron will be guided by the Eye of Metatron along the path of enlightenment.   4. The Hierophant's Staff - This symbol represents the authority of Metatron as a spiritual leader and teacher. The Hierophant's Staff is a sacred rod that is used to dispense blessings, invoke rituals, and communicate divine messages. It is believed that those who are able to wield the Hierophant's Staff have been blessed by Metatron and are regarded as authorities in matters of spirituality.   5. The Celestial Chariot - This symbol represents the power and speed of Metatron as he travels across the heavens. The Celestial Chariot is a flying vehicle that is said to be drawn by divine beings. It is believed that those who are able to glimpse the Celestial Chariot have been touched by the power of Metatron and are blessed with good fortune.

Physical Description

Special abilities

1. Wisdom and Knowledge - Metatron is considered to be one of the most intelligent beings in the celestial world, with vast knowledge and wisdom.   2. Transformation - Metatron can take on different forms and appearances, and can appear as a human or an angelic figure.   3. Divine Communication - Metatron is thought to be the messenger of God, and is able to communicate divine messages and guidance to human beings.   4. Record-Keeping - Metatron is tasked with recording every deed of every human being that has ever lived in the Book of Life.   5. Healing - Metatron is also believed to possess great healing powers, and can help restore health and balance to individuals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Metaron was once a powerful and respected deity among the pantheon of gods. He was known for his radiant light that illuminated the darkest corners of the world, and his followers praised him for his wisdom, justice, and benevolence.   However, Metaron's pride always got the best of him. He believed that his divine power and brilliance made him invincible and infallible. He began to think that his followers were too dependent on him, and that they would never be able to function without his guidance.    One day, Metaron decided to prove his point by choosing a church of his followers and assigning a new deity to preside over it and care for his followers. He selected the trickster god, known for his deceptions and mischief, to watch over the church, convinced that his followers would soon realize their mistake without Metaron's guiding light.   But Metaron's plan backfired. The followers of the church were dismayed by the appointment of the trickster god thinking it was Metarons words. Their faith in Metaron began to waiver. They started to question his wisdom and leadership.   Metaron's pride was too great to admit his mistake, and he refused to retract the decision. As a result, the church and its followers began to drift away from Metaron, losing faith in his ability to lead and protect them.   Realizing his mistake he tried to keep his higher followers by promising them gifts if they punished the lower ones for disobeying.    Since then, Metaron has been humbled by the experience and has become more careful in his actions and decisions. But his pride still lingers, a constant reminder of the mistake he made in letting his ego get the best of him.

Accomplishments & Achievements

1. Divine Messenger: Metatron could be the chosen messenger of the gods, tasked with delivering important messages, guiding lost souls, and helping bring balance to the world.   2. Knowledge and Guidance: As the "Voice of the Creator," Metatron could possess extensive knowledge and wisdom. They could provide guidance to those in need, answer difficult questions, and empower followers with divine insights.   3. Healing Powers: Metatron could be a powerful healer, able to cure even the most deadly illnesses and injuries. They could also have the ability to bring the dead back to life, restoring lost souls to their mortal bodies.   4. Divine Hunter: Metatron could be a fierce warrior, hunting down those who defile the natural order and striking down evil wherever it lurks.   5. Protector of the Faithful: Metatron could be a protector of the faithful, keeping watch over temples and holy sites, ensuring that no harm comes to the worshippers of the gods.   6. Miracle Worker: Metatron could perform miracles, bending the very fabric of reality to their will. They could perform impossible feats, such as turning water into wine or transforming one substance into another.   7. Divine Creator: As the "Voice of the Creator," Metatron could have the power to create new life or reshape the world itself. They could bring forth new beings into existence, imbuing them with life and purpose.

Failures & Embarrassments

1. Losing Followers: If Metaron attempted to make a group of worshippers more independent, and they abandoned the faith as a result, this could be a significant failure for the deity. Losing followers is a blow to any deity's power, influence, and reputation.   2. Discord Amongst the Faithful: Similar to the loss of followers, Metaron's actions in trying to make the church more independent could cause discord and division among the worshippers. This could lead to corruption, in-fighting, and ultimately cause the worshippers to stray from the path of the deity.   3. Lack of Trust: The followers of Metaron may have lost trust in their god after the perceived failure to take care of them or provide the guidance they needed. Such a betrayal could lead to long-term damage to the relationship between Metaron and the worshippers.   4. Loss of Power: Since the amount of faith and worship of a god is what gives them power, losing a church or a group of followers can weaken Metaron's influence. This can leave Metaron vulnerable to others who may try to challenge their power or sway their devotees.   5. Damage to Reputation: The loss of a church or a group of followers could cause Metaron's reputation to suffer. Those who followed the deity may spread rumors and stories about the deity's failure, damaging their standing amongst other worshippers.

Intellectual Characteristics

1. Great Intelligence: As a deity of the light, Metaron has extensive knowledge and wisdom about various aspects of the cosmos. This makes Metaron an expert on the workings of the universe, and a respected authority on physics, mathematics, and cosmology.   2. Excellent Problem-Solving Skills: Metaron is an analytical and rational thinker, with exceptional problem-solving skills that help the deity to find solutions to complex problems. With a sharp mind and quick reflexes, Metaron could analyze and synthesize large amounts of data to make strategic decisions.   3. Keen Perception: Metaron's pridefulness gives the deity a heightened sense of perception of their surroundings, making it easy for them to spot any potential threats or opportunities. Metaron has a deep understanding of the psychology and motivations of others, making it easier for the deity to manipulate them for their own ends.   4. Strong Memory: Metaron has an eidetic memory that allows them to retain vast amounts of information for an extended period, making it easier for the deity to recall past events or the details of complex situations.   5. Hubris: Metaron's pridefulness also leads to overconfidence and arrogance. They may find it hard to accept advice or criticism from others, believing that their own way is always the best. This may, in turn, lead to poor decision-making or overlooking valuable input from others.


1. Disobedience: As a deity of the light, Metaron may have strict rules and expectations of their followers. Disobedience could be seen as a taboo, as it shows a lack of faith and respect for Metaron's authority.   2. Disrespect: Respect is a core value in many religions, and it could be a taboo in Metaron's faith to show disrespect towards the deity or any of the other gods in the pantheon.   3. Dishonesty: Honesty and integrity are often highly valued traits in religious communities. Lying or deceit could be seen as a taboo in Metaron's faith and could lead to severe consequences.   4. Greed: Metaron could see materialistic desires, such as greed, as a taboo in their faith. Followers may be discouraged from seeking worldly wealth and power, instead of focusing on spiritual enlightenment and self-improvement.   5. Hedonism: Overindulgence in pleasure-seeking activities, such as drinking or gluttony, could be seen as a taboo. Metaron may encourage their followers to practice self-control, discipline, and moderation.   6. Apostasy: Apostasy, or the renunciation of a religious faith, could be seen as a severe taboo in Metaron's faith. Followers who turn away from the deity and embrace other religions or beliefs could face punishment or excommunication from the community.


Contacts & Relations

1. The God of Trickery - Metatron may view the God of Trickery as his enemy, since the latter is known for misleading his followers. As a guardian of truth and wisdom, Metatron would likely see the God of Trickery as a threat to his mission and purpose.   2. The Goddess of Sun - According to some interpretations of this mythology, the Goddess of Sun may have created Metatron. If this is the case, Metatron would feel a sense of loyalty and gratitude toward her, and may see himself as one of her most trusted servants.   3. The Goddess of Knowledge - While the Goddess of Knowledge may respect Metatron for his wisdom and guidance, she may also tease him for his inability to prevent the loss of his followers to the God of Trickery. This dynamic could create tension between the two deities, with Metatron feeling defensive and the Goddess of Knowledge feeling critical. Despite this, they may ultimately work together toward a shared goal of enlightenment and understanding.


The Light God strides confidently onto the stage, radiating power and wisdom. He holds his head high, aware of his divine nature and the importance of his message. His voice booms through the room, commanding attention and respect.   "I am the Light God," he declares, his eyes sparkling with pride. "I am the one who brings illumination to the darkness, who shines a light on the mysteries of the universe. I am the embodiment of truth and wisdom, and those who follow my guidance will transcend the limits of mortal existence."   The Light God's words are bold and uncompromising, his gaze steady and unyielding. He makes no apologies for his knowledge or his authority, and expects those who listen to him to bow to his expertise and insight.   "Those who doubt me do so at their peril," he continues, his voice rising in intensity. "For I am the one who knows the secrets of the cosmos, who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of creation. To deny my power is to deny the very fabric of reality itself."   Despite his prideful manner, the Light God's words are undeniably compelling. His confidence and authority leave no room for doubt, and those who hear him speak cannot help but be swept up in his magnetic energy.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The bearer of Light
Dark blue
Long golden glow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white/ angel wings
Quotes & Catchphrases
1. "I am the messenger of the divine, sent to guide and protect all who seek truth and enlightenment."   2. "My knowledge and wisdom are boundless, and my power is beyond comprehension."   3. "As the keeper of the Book of Life, I know every deed of every soul that has ever existed."   4. "I am the bridge between heaven and earth, the conduit through which divine messages flow."   5. "Those who seek my guidance will find it, for I am a beacon of light that shines brightly in the darkness."   6. "My presence brings healing and balance to all who are in need, for I am a giver of life and renewal."   7. "As a witness to the mysteries of the universe, I am a source of inspiration and wonder, revealing the beauty and majesty of creation."   8. "I am the embodiment of divine justice, upholding the balance of the cosmos and ensuring that all is right in the world."


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