Corellon Larethian Character in Arteria | World Anvil

Corellon Larethian

Corellon, or more fully Corellon Larethian , whose titles included Creator of the Elves and the Protector, was the patron god of all elves. He was the creator and preserver of the Tel'Quessir, governing those things held in the highest esteem among elves, such as magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. Corellon lived in the realm of Arvandor. He approved of those who killed orcs and followers of Lolth, blessed those who aided others, and became angered at those who defiled the dead, or fled from their foes.    


  Corellon used to be able to call many forms his true form but fixated his to that of a male sun elf. This did not mean that he lost the ability to take other forms like that of a female elf. Either of these forms looked beautiful, and while the first impression of these forms was how lithe and swift these seven feet tall forms were, the strength in them was obvious to everybody. He always wore a sky-blue cloak, a large amulet with a crescent moon motif within a circle, that worked as a talisman of pure good, and a pair of dazzling gauntlets.  


  While Corellon shared the elven trait of pride that may border arrogance, this never got the better of him. He was a god with an endless willingness to learn from others and acted on it, even including mortals to his sources of discovering new information, methods, and philosophies.  


  Corellon was a master swordsman and a powerful mage. He expertly wielded his longsword and longbow and could cast spells from all spheres and schools. He could cast any ritual of elven high magic like casting a normal spell and could summon one to four powerful air elemental once every 10 minutes who then served him as long as he needed them. Corellon was immune to everything that inhibited his ability to move, caused wounds, or tampered with his mind, as well as to all illusion spells. It was impossible to hurt him with a weapon with an enchantment of less than +3.

Divine Domains

Art, Magic, Arcana, Life, Light, War
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Ruled Locations