Mielikki Character in Arteria | World Anvil


Mielikki, also referred to as the Forest Queen, was the neutral good goddess of autumn, druids, dryads, forests, forest creatures, and rangers. Her symbol was a gold-horned, blue-eyed unicorn's head facing left.  


  Mielikki was the daughter of Silvanus and a sister of Eldath. She was the superior of Gwaeron Windstrom, Shiallia, and Lurue. She was friends with Shaundakul and Lathander and was an enemy of Malar, Talos, Talona.  


  Mielikki very rarely directly revealed herself to her followers. One of the few events where she had a direct influence was in the events of the Spellplague in 1385 DR, when an avatar of her, or at least one of her servants, took Catti-brie and Regis away to a private paradise called Iruladoon she had prepared for them that would remain untouched by the turmoil of the Spellplague to follow. This was presumably done as a favor to Drizzt Do'Urden.  

Divine Realm

  She resided in the Grove of the Unicorns, located within the House of Nature in the World Tree cosmology.  


  The clergy of Mielikki included clerics, druids (Forestarms), and rangers (Needles). Generally, druids of Mielikki took on the abilities of rangers, including the ability to wear all kinds of armor usable by rangers, including metal armor (unlike other druids who were not allowed to wear metal armor).   Divine spellcasters following Mielikki prayed for spells in either the morning or evening, but were required to observe both events. Once a month, clerics and druids were required to perform the Song of Trees, calling forth a dryad or treant and performing odd jobs for it for a day. Mielikkians also held the equinoxes and solstices as holy days, called the Four Feasts.  


  • Order of the Unicorn's Horn: The Order of the Unicorn's Horn was a small society of itinerant healers who brought solace to injured people, animals, and plants.
  • Shadoweirs: The Shadoweirs served as a type of religious knighthood of the woods. Members were activists who proselytized with zeal and were willing to go on the offensive on behalf of their sacred forests. They sought to advance the regrowth of ancient forests reduced by civilization, and to halt the endless assault of civilization on their ancient homeland.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Unicorn's head
Neutral Good
Ruled Locations